The Jew’emberg Tribunal: One of the Biggest Frauds in History
Posted by Socrates in "international law", court historians, Germany, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Jewish revenge, Nazi era, Nazis, Nuremberg trials, Socrates, World War II at 2:25 pm | 
The Nuremberg trials of former Nazis were so fraudulent that they could not have been held in America, since the U.S. prohibits kangaroo-court tactics such as ex post facto charges and hearsay testimony [1]. The Nuremberg trials were so ethnically tainted that they could be described as “Jewish-produced.” Not surprisingly, Nuremberg remains “legit” to historians and the media.
[1] president Dwight Eisenhower’s brother, Edgar, a lawyer, called Nuremberg a sham, saying that the trials “cannot be justified by any line of reasoning.”
14 July, 2013 at 7:57 pm
When the sitting Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court Harland Fisk Stone stated (while Nuremberg was underway, mind you) that the proceedings were “a high-grade lynching party” and “a fraud”, one comes to suspect that something is amiss.
15 July, 2013 at 2:02 am
The Nuremberg show-trials were obviously inspired by the Soviet show-trials in the USSR. The only difference is that some Jews got what they deserved in the Soviet trials, whereas no Jews got their comeuppance at Nuremberg.
By the bye whatever happened to the Soviet “evidence” at Nuremberg of lampshades and bars of soap made out of human skin? Those morbid props seem to have been quietly withdrawn. VERY quietly withdrawn.
15 July, 2013 at 10:12 am
Nuremberg trials: A dark production by the Jews.
30 July, 2013 at 2:00 am
Senator Russell Long who was the son of murdered Senator Huey P. Long
stated that the Warren Commission was akin to picking bat poop out of
Sham trials ?
Oh, yeah, we have had them aplenty !
The U.S. Senate did not hold full hearings and go after the criminal conspiracy that led to FDR IMO in 1935, no. Where they afraid ? In 1935, yes IMO.
Senator Russell Long who was the son of murdered Senator Huey P. Long
stated that the Warren Commission was akin to picking bat poop out of
Opening facts to the past lies and crimes against US/Whites, is the the vitamin that will arouse young White awaken, along with being homeless of course, and persecuted more every day will make them listen.
The fighting generation if there is to be one, will need more than good music bands.
Let me tell you something, those who yell tard and conspiracy, what have they got to inspire move the spirits our people.
Every day, how we conduct our selves and treat those around us especially those who want to learn is where it is.