29 May, 2014

Poet Maya Angelou Dead

Posted by Socrates in America-the-sitcom, ancient Greece, black icons, Black literature, literature, media, poetry, pop culture, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 3:22 pm | Permanent Link

A no-talent Black poet dies and our pop culture cries big tears about it. Angelou (her real name was Johnson) was a lyric poet, and lyric poetry is a White/Western thing. Angelou was a negro, so it was never going to work (like trying to put a square peg into a round hole). In fact, name one Black who even approaches Whites in any field of Western literature. Blacks aren’t Western, so they can only fake it.


  • 14 Responses to “Poet Maya Angelou Dead”

    1. Topkea Says:

      The songs of our ancestors, the great epic poets of lost Lemuria, have unfortunately long been forgotten. Speaking the pure, uniquely lyrical High Aryan ursprach, their works greatly exceeded Homer and Shakespeare and echoed with the power of the Aryan riktus.

      The vile, ugly, shitskin, sheboon Maya ‘Angelou’ did not write poetry, but gibbered and prattled. Remember that High Aryans had an average IQ of at least 150, with their greatest geniuses reaching the 300 range. Their poetry was of infinite complexity and would be almost impossible for all but the finest High Aryan minds today to understand.

    2. fd Says:

      I don’t know much about Maya Angelou’s writing, but I’m certain sure the Jews and other lackeys gave her a much needed artificial lift.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Yes, Mizzzz Angleou was an over-rated writer, something of a con-artist, a pet house-Negro of the Liberal/Jew elite. No one but NPR type politically correct “intellectuals” ever bothered to read her work, and I wouldn’t be surprised if many of her poems were ghost-written by some Jewess. Etc, etc. But come on, Topkea, she was an old lady. Would you have used that kind of language to her face? Didn’t your parents ever teach you to show respect for the elderly? I assume, of course, you are a human and that you did have parents at one point……Or do I assume too much?

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Yes, Mizzzz Angleou was over-rated, a pet house-Negro of the Liberal/Jew elite. No one but NPR type politically correct “intellectuals” ever bothered to read her work, and I wouldn’t be surprised if many of her poems were ghost-written by some Jewess. Etc, etc.

      But come on, Topkea, she was an old lady. Would you have used that kind of language to her face? Didn’t your parents ever teach you to show respect for the elderly? I assume, of course, you are a human and that you did have parents at one point……Or do I assume too much?

    5. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Since Angelou was just a nog female who loathed white people I say good riddance. She was on very good terms with Martin Lucifer Coon and Malcolm X, so it isn’t a stretch to say she probably hated white people. She was a media darling only because of her color and hostility to white people and Western civilization.

    6. Thom McQueen Says:

      Hell, the fiction stuff that Antagonistes wrote on this website was better that her crap.

    7. Sean Gruber Says:

      No (to Maya Angelou)

      You were not a poet
      Or wordsmith grand.

      A spirit, shaman, or bard of our land.


      Pumped up by jew,
      Jigged up for ‘boo,
      Whooped and whistled
      And pushed were you.

      From Topeka to Greenwich.


      Now they’ve rung your knell,
      Now your buy is sell,
      There’s left but Truth to tell.

      And I’ll sing it:

      Another coon has joined hell.

      – Sean Gruber, 2014

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      Good stuff, Herr Gruber. You’re the Goethe of our age.

      Sgt. Skull is right, that NEGRESS probably didn’t like White people, even though it was mostly White liberal idiots who bought her books and made her rich and famous.

      Here are some other well-known coloreds who don’t like us, but don’t mind taking our money:

      Cassius Clay

      Miss Oprah

      Barry Soetero

      Harry Belafonte

      “Kareem Abdul Jabar”

    9. Thom McQueen Says:

      If Maya Angelous was a poetic genius
      Then Tim McGreen is a gigantic erect penius

    10. Tim McGreen Says:




      The same Jew-faggot troll posting under three different names.

      If Thom McQueer was straight
      Then I’d still kick his arse, mate.

      If Thom McQueer was White
      He’d still be a piece of shite.

      But he ain’t straight and he ain’t White
      I tell you, that homo ain’t right.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      kike White hater’s with filthy post’s, does reveal what they are clearly.

    12. Thom McQueen Says:

      Good on ya, Tim. Good rhyme, rhythym. You have a dollop of style, but work on the flow.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      Agreed, Thom. My flow is a little clunky. Yes, I know….”that’s what she said!”

    14. Josef Says:

      Maya Angelou was so gorilla-like, and I’m referring to when she was young, and to think that apparently some white male was so damn perverted as to bed down with her is stunning… MIND-NUMBING.