15 September, 2014

Reconstruction: Even Worse Than You Thought

Posted by Socrates in "Civil War", black cops, black rule, history, History for newbies, Reconstruction, Socrates at 5:52 pm | Permanent Link

The U.S. “Civil War” was bad. Reconstruction (1863-1877) was just as bad. Here’s a quote from a Wikipedia article about infamous gunfighter John Wesley Hardin:


“Hardin wrote in his autobiography that he then rode to get help for the wounded ex-slave (who died three days later) and that his father did not believe he would receive a fair hearing in the Union-occupied state where more than a third of the state police were ex-slaves.”

I’m glad I didn’t live in Texas during Reconstruction.

  • 8 Responses to “Reconstruction: Even Worse Than You Thought”

    1. fd Says:

      Negro federal soldiers were used as occupation troops across the South. They were also installed in the state legislature from Texas to Virginia. The 28th Indiana colored troops were sent to Texas after the war.

      Another day at the office in FEDERALAND.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      As I stated on another thread the US military traditionally used Negro soldiers to rape and rob enemy civilian populations into submission. If the coloreds weren’t doing that they were usually either found in the stockade or on KP duty or picking up corpses and animal carcasses from the battlefield or in the infirmary with gonorrhea.

      Thankfully the Klan and the James Gang (not the great rock band with Joe Walsh, I mean the outlaws Frank and Jesse) helped get the South through the worst of Reconstruction. Then came the Great Depression of 1873-1876 followed by the 1876 presidential election. By that time just about everyone agreed enough was enough and the South was set free, more or less, for the next 80 years.

    3. fd Says:

      The James Brothers fought the railroad and robbed banks–a continuation of fighting Northern power. Guerrilla fighters on the border states gave birth to the outlaw era which spread out west like wildfire. They were the first expert pistol-men.

      Reconstruction was the plundering generation. During this time, corruption in the North was off the chart too. When the government is criminal, the people follow suit. They have no choice if they want to survive.

      Louisiana broke the back of Reconstruction in 1873: The Colfax Massacre.

    4. Sean Gruber Says:

      “Reconstruction was the plundering generation. During this time, corruption in the North was off the chart too. When the government is criminal, the people follow suit. They have no choice if they want to survive.”

      I have often toyed with the idea of doing a scholarly book on that generation. This is when most of the crazies who sent us to war in 1917 (and joined up to get slaughtered) were born and raised, along with those who originated, voted for, and enforced Prohibition (which was just as barbaric in its way). I submit that the period warped a good part of that generation psychologically. You had some really twisted bastards running around in this country in 1910-1930, not all of them jews.

    5. Sean Gruber Says:

      (The psychologically traumatized generations would be those of the Reconstruction Period and the Gilded Age Period together.)

    6. fd Says:

      Chilling words from Cullen Baker’s Guerillas in East Texas (Reconstruction era).

      On the first anniversary of Lincoln’s assassination, Eugene Williams offered a toast to John Wilkes Booth:

      “Here is to the man that pulled the trigger–That killed the man that freed the Nigger.”

      John Long said of the Yankees traveling through East Texas:

      “They have behaved very well passing through our country, or they would have been picked off at every cluster of bushes. The negroes have been giving some trouble, but by hanging and shooting one every once in awhile, they have become more docile.”

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Assassinating Lincoln was a big mistake. It turned him into a martyr and a hero. But I hear that if Booth didn’t shoot Lincoln some Union officer who witnessed the devastation brought on the South as a result of Lincoln’s war surely would have.

    8. fd Says:

      Theatrical mind of the Northern leader.

      Lincoln’s firebrand rule led to Shakespeare tragedy at a public theatre. Shot to death by a Confederate actor, the life of the ‘great centralizer’ ended with fearful symbolism.