Well, That Explains a Lot
Posted by Socrates in Castro, Cuba, jewed media, jewed politics, Jewish brain features, Jewish genetics, New York Times, Socrates at 3:59 pm | 
I already knew that the American newspaper reporter Herbert Matthews almost single-handedly turned the Cuban communist thug Fidel Castro into a hero, into a world-famous “Robin Hood of Latin America.” But I didn’t know that Matthews was at least half-Jewish:
“Matthews was born and raised in New York City’s affluent Riverside Drive in the Upper West Side. His father was a Jewish haberdasher…”
There is something in the Jewish blood that is naturally subversive.
16 December, 2014 at 6:52 pm
Funny how the Jewish half always predominates, eh?
17 December, 2014 at 4:02 am
Excellent posting about Castro, and comment is spot on Tim.
Nothing to be happy about this Christmas as the kikes may start some war. They have their own bandit state, yet they harass Argentina, Chile, NZ. AU CD. USSA, and all Europe/Russia, such a pestilence.
Seasons greeting, and Christmas was more than a Christian Holiday for Whites, before the kikes smashed it and gave US a criminal invasion with their media singing what joy it will be to wipe US out.
Magna Carta, and rule of law is not Chink, African, or messytizo.
17 December, 2014 at 4:22 am
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
-CIA Director William Casey
17 December, 2014 at 11:14 am
Devil’s advocate: I commend Castro for telling the Jew loving federals on the Potomac (little Israel) to f**k off.