22 July, 2015

Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 3:25 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“The general pattern is this: Jews will move into an area of economic activity and with a lot of fast patter and sleight of hand persuade the Gentiles in charge that they are financial geniuses who can benefit the economy generally with their activity and along the way can make a lot of money for any Gentiles fortunate enough to be allowed to collaborate with them. The greediest among the Gentiles climb on board, and for a while there is a flurry of activity, with a great deal of money changing hands and moving to and fro. Then the bubble bursts, the Gentiles all find that their wallets are missing, and the Jews claim that it wasn’t their fault, while they count their profits.”


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