Cross-Dressing White Rocker David Bowie, Who Married a Negro, Expires
Posted by Socrates in music, pop culture, pop culture vs. real culture, race-mixing, rock music, Socrates, The Outsider/The Other at 5:08 pm | 
Was Ziggy Stardust a male or a female? Who cares. He uplifted “The Other” and the pop world is in mourning so don’t interfere with its grief. (Granted, Bowie’s “Space Oddity” was a good song – some freaks have talent).
12 January, 2016 at 1:33 am
Good talent here and there, but overall, he was too creepy for me to ever warm up to him. The jews got their full use out of him to push their Cultural Marxism on 2 generations.
12 January, 2016 at 1:54 am
Been rolling this around a bit since I heard about it last night. True, he DID marry that Iman..and he also wrote “Under the God’, an anti-white piece of crap song if there’s every been one. Maybe he got an ultimatum from the Chosen Tapirs-multi-cult it up a bit or else. This was also the man who played up his utterly Aryan appearance (even if sometimes it was Katherine Hepburn he aspired to resemble). The Ziggy thing ( a pale man from outer space..what’s whiter?) and he wrote ‘Running Gun Blues’ which has notorious racial slurs in it as well as glorifying gun violence & war. Then there’s the ‘Berlin’ period..
So there you are. One thing’s for certain, he was a fascinating (if somewhat repellent) personality. There’s been far worse influences on the culture than Bowie, that’s for certain. And they didn’t write “All the Young Dudes”.
12 January, 2016 at 7:47 am
The likes of Bowie, and even the Beatles, wouldn’t last 5 minutes without constant promotion and praise from the jewsmedia.
Degeneracy in popular music was and continues to be a major force in subliminal negrophilia. It probably equals or even surpasses the overt negrophilic message contained within professional sports.
12 January, 2016 at 1:50 pm
Agreed, CW-2, but as I’ve said before, the entire ‘entertainment’ industry is all about providing vectors for destructive ideas. These people are rewarded with fame and riches for peddling the agenda. It’s all an illusion.
Which is something I began to realize quite young, which is why the music I was most passionate about was progressive rock-it was the only truly white popular music going on in the 60s-70s. And the critical establishment in New York or L.A. or London absolutely despised it, for reasons we’re all familiar with.
In case anyone’s forgotten…
12 January, 2016 at 3:01 pm
I read an article several years back that said excessive promotion of the Beatles almost ruined rock and roll. I believe it.
Phenomenon: Bob Dylan’s 1969 release of Nashville Skyline was recorded on music row. He recorded country standards with Johnny Cash. Lay Lady Lay was the hit song on the album. Dylan’s college educated urban folk rock rad-lib fans on the Northeast corridor were horrified at his turn to country music. He said his earlier songs were recorded in a New York atmosphere, part of the self-conscious folk movement, but the new Nashville music had a great spirit.
Southern rock, hard rock band Molly Hatchet premiered on the program Solid Gold.
Racist album covers:;_ylt=AwrBT4NkWpVWW64AhxVXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3lmcC10LTY3NwRncHJpZANrSmFaZkQ2aFJMNkpxY1h6VVlZb0RBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwM5BG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMzBHBxc3RyA21vbGx5IGhhdGNoZXQgYWxidW0gY292ZXJzBHBxc3RybAMyNgRxc3RybAMzNQRxdWVyeQNtb2xseSBoYXRjaGV0IGFsYnVtIGNvdmVycyBwaWN0dXJlcwR0X3N0bXADMTQ1MjYzNTgwMg–?p=molly+hatchet+album+covers+pictures&fr2=sa-gp-search&fr=yfp-t-677
13 January, 2016 at 1:54 pm
Remember the Jena 6? Bowie donated $10k to their defense fund.
13 January, 2016 at 6:13 pm
Geez I’d forgotten all about the Jena 6. Yeah screw Bowie… no doubt that negress he married influenced him to do this.
Let’s not get desperate and try to turn some nigger f*cker into some great White warrior. He didn’t live a White life by any stretch of the imagination. He made some interesting music in his time. Period.
And now he’s daid. lol
Let’s move along to more important topics.
13 January, 2016 at 6:13 pm
Geez I’d forgotten all about the Jena 6. Yeah screw Bowie… no doubt that negress he married influenced him to do this.
Let’s not get desperate and try to turn some nigger f*cker into some great White warrior. He didn’t live a White life by any stretch of the imagination. He made some interesting music in his time. Period.
And now he’s daid. lol
Let’s move along to more important topics.
13 January, 2016 at 8:44 pm
John Mellencamp seized the opportunity to release “Jena” an anti-White song that defends Negro crime.
19 January, 2016 at 8:21 pm
The entity known as David Bowie followed “the left-hand path.”
So did the “wizard” known as Oberon Zell Ravenheart and his most-of-the-time naked wife, Morning Glory.
It is an infantile view of reality and only serves as a warning to more mature souls.
These people always crash, get murdered, OD, or end up sick and pitiable.
Bowie actually did not do too badly for being on that path.
I suspect most of it was for show.
21 January, 2016 at 4:02 pm
But, Holy One, the $10K he gave to the Jeniggers was not for show!
21 January, 2016 at 6:51 pm
Aryan folk outlaw country. it’s time for the rough riders to rob the f**kin’. banks.