Tyrone Cartoon
Posted by Socrates in graphics/toons, Socrates, Tyrone, WN graphics at 1:19 pm | 
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31 January, 2016 at 6:12 pm
Off Topic
The 3d Reconstruction is running wide open: 1860s, 1960s, 2000 plus. My 5th grade teacher taught us that a sore winner is worse than a sore loser.
North Carolina: Renaming of Saunders Hall, once dedicated to a KKK leader. The vandalism says the kinfolk states fought for slavery. I thought they simply repelled an invasion.
31 January, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Speaking of deceiving words, here is my tribute to the late Wayne Dyer:
Child: Those boys called me some bad names!
Wayne: What did they call you?
Child: They called me a shithead!
Wayne: Well, are you a shithead!
Child: No!
Wayne: Then why are you upset? Your opinion of yourself is worth more
than theirs, isn’t it? Why is their opinion more important that your
Child: I guess you are right, you motherfucker.
Child: I called you a motherfucker, but it should not matter. Your opinion
of yourself should be more important than mine, and …
Wayne: YOU LITTLE SHIT! Go straight to the principal’s office! You are
going to get the BEATING OF YOUR LIFE for calling me that!
Get the hell out of here!
(Child leaves)
Wayne: Okay, Ms. Simpson, send in my next client.
1 February, 2016 at 12:02 pm
Holy One, a beautiful parable!
This guy, Wayne Dyer—I don’t know about him.
1 February, 2016 at 12:03 pm
Funny cartoon, also.
15 February, 2016 at 5:57 pm
lol. This article is funny as hell. Something many are not aware of, is the fact that the missing link is actually a test tube. You see, whites are actually the oldest race- long ago, however, somebody decided to come down here and ‘multiculturalize’ us. They took some DNA from chimpanzees and apes and created the black races. Hence the striking similarities still present today. There you go, mystery solved.