Gimme Some Marxist Meatloaf and a Lesbian Sandwich But Hold the Mustard and Onions
Posted by Socrates in Eleanor Roosevelt, FDR, frauds, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Japan, politics, Roosevelt, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, Socrates, World War II at 5:07 pm | 
(Above: F.D. Roosevelt)
America had quite a two-fer in the 1930s/1940s: we had a crippled commie and a lesbo in the White House! [1]. And to think, the Roosevelt’s are now considered to be political royalty – FDR is even on America’s money (the dime). You drag America into a world war and you get your image on a coin in return: how sick is that [2].
[1] paralyzed from the waist down, FDR “was careful never to be seen using his wheelchair in public.” Hiding the extent of his disability from the public – what a phony, just like his “wife”
[2] Roosevelt deliberately picked a fight with Japan, which resulted in Japan bombing Hawaii in December 1941