17 June, 2017

Open Thread

Posted by Socrates in open thread, open threads, Socrates at 4:39 pm | Permanent Link

Post whatever you want…

  • 10 Responses to “Open Thread”

    1. Jürgen Says:



      Amazing to see how marxist liberals, in all of their hate, are calling for “Blacks Only Buildings on campus, and gays only safe spaces, etc. As White Nationalists, let’s play along with their game, say, till the end of this year. Let’s even ENCOURAGE IT – here’s why: Starting in 2018, we White Nationalists can start claiming for there to be WHITES ONLY areas all across the nation. Hell, let’s go back to White Only water fountains. Segregation – JUST what we want – the next best thing to throwing browns back into Africa.

    2. Antagonistes Says:

      The AmRen site now has a “favorite comments of the week” section.

      The moderators post their favorite comments.

      The wooden-headed conservatives fall out when they get a pat on the head by having their comment included.

      It is a strange and disgusting spectacle.

    3. Thom McQueen Says:

      Ant, the cattle at AmRen don’t even know that they are being herded!

    4. BroncoColorado Says:

      First off, congrats to Socrates and Alex for staying on course and not diluting the WN message as some other alt right blogs have done. Dr Pierce would be proud of you guys.

    5. fd Says:

      I said awhile back that the conservatives and liberals feed in the same pasture.

      ‘Daddy, I want some of that colored water’! That’s what a friend of mine said when he saw the ‘colored sign’ by the water fountain at the courthouse. He thought it was Kool-Aid.

    6. fd Says:

      Never cared for the alt-right mentality (trendy). It reminds me of alternative lifestyle. It’s slippery / oily. Contrived to lead astray. So who’s behind it? That the media loves to promote it raises questions.

      “By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.”

      Racism is a law of nature. It draws a straight line.

    7. Jill Mustang and Big Jim Jesus Says:

      Last night, regarding the latest London incident, Big Jim Jesus prophesied these words:

      “There is no faithfulness or kindness or knowledge of God in the land of Britain. There is swearing, deception, murder, and adultery. The stranger oppresses them. Violence begets violence and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Therefore the land mourns, and those who live in it languish.”

      “Therefore, return to the Scriptures, observe kindness and justice, and wait for your God continually.”

      Upon uttering these words, Big Jim Jesus was “slain in the Spirit” (fainted). When he awoke, he had no remembrance of what he said.

    8. BroncoColorado Says:

      Re Jill lMustang and Big Jim; here is a blog I’m sure you will appreciate, cambriawillnotyield.wordpress.com

    9. Jill Mustang and Big Jim Jesus Says:

      Thankyou, Bronco.

      Big Jim Jesus and I both really like that website, and think that it is very strong spiritual meat, and not the watery milk that passes for Christian spirituality today.

      Best wishes!

      Jill Mustang

    10. The Red Skull Says:

      When and I do mean WHEN will the Leftist Jew Press quit spewing their Lies about Trump
      and this Russian Hacking?


      The Commie Jews Will Not Quit their campaign of Lies and Venomous Attacks with
      Hearsay. Those of us in the Know realize the Alinsky Jew Tactics used by the press.

      A Great Day in America will be when most main stream press Owners Editors Writers
      and Reporters are Dangling from Lampposts Everywhere.

      Let the Crows and Magpies pick them clean.