Mexico: the Truth Comes Out, Again
Posted by Socrates in animal abuse, brown culture, Brown Man, mestizos, mex gangs, Mexcrement, Mexican corruption, Mexican mentality, Mexico, Socrates at 3:32 pm | 
Mexico is a shithole and anyone with half a brain knows it. Mexico is a dysfunctional nation and it’s actually a failed country since the majority of the 31 Mexican states are no longer controlled by the Mexican government but are controlled by violent narcotics cartels. America’s curse is having this horrible country right next door to it. (By the way, you can tell a lot about a people by the way they treat their animals: Mexico is notorious for animal abuse [1]).
[1] Mexico has millions of wild dogs roaming sick in the streets because canine population control via spaying and neutering is — surprise! — not practiced very much there
6 March, 2018 at 7:45 am
I beg to differ. Animal exploitation under the guise of good intentions and good sentiments might be more friendly at first sight but if you dig into it you will soon realize that we abuse animals also albeit in a more subtle end hypocritical way. Affection-slavery is not a good thing for our society.
See here:
6 March, 2018 at 11:12 am
“(By the way, you can tell a lot about a people by the way they treat their animals:”
Those words are gospel.
Look at the way Black’s treat animals, like raping them in that N.J. housing project an a million other ways.
7 March, 2018 at 12:17 am
7 March, 2018 at 8:30 pm
The USA is now being “equalized” to Mexican standards at the direction of the big-money globalist jew.
8 March, 2018 at 6:32 am
Mexico is a bad place to be. And the animal abuse is horrific. But the Mexican drug cartels and the CIA are joined at the hip. Everybody gets paid. In fact, the CIA has managed the drug trade coming out of Latin America for decades.
A strong flow of drugs crossing the border is good for the American prison industry. Judges are pressured to send as many drug dealers to jail as possible. Private contractors managing prisons demand 90% occupancy in their contracts — or pay the penalties. The enemy is on the Potomac.
9 March, 2018 at 12:10 pm
“Mexico has millions of wild dogs roaming sick in the streets because canine population control via spaying and neutering is — surprise! — not practiced very much there.”
This statement is not actually 100 percent true. I spent time while in the military in San Diego and also lived there for several years as a military family kid. Mexico does have a canine / feline / road kill population control program, although it might be considered a little low tech, by White American standards.
As the gringo tourists drive through the border gates into Tijuana, once they are on the Mexican side – all of those smiling, sweaty and fly covered mestizos who rush up alongside your vehicle and offer to give you a great deal on a dozen, piping hot, freshly made tacos and burritos?
Inside those tacos and burritos is where Mexicans dispose of their excess canines, felines, and miscellaneous road kill.
Bon appetite. Gringos!
11 March, 2018 at 9:09 pm
What whites need to do is to dump the iles and regain control. Not easy;the money is against us. but the truth is on our side.
14 March, 2018 at 3:33 am
Mr. Trump is currently constructing The Wall, which i will be gladly paying my taxation for. Thanks,Don. Finally, a constructive use. By the way, i lost my job to a criminal employer who hired all Mex. Ended up in a homeless camp. Worked my way up and out. Took me ten ( 10 ) years.