The UN Now Has Two Pacts to Push Brown Immigrants Onto White People
Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, immigration, immigration bills/laws, jewed culture, jewed immigration policy, Leo Pasvolsky, rapefugees, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, Socrates, The JewN, UN, UN Charter, UN founders, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 2:52 pm | 
Yes, the horrible JewN is at it again! [1]. White people, is it our fault, or our problem, that millions of Brown people worldwide are “oppressed”? Nope. No way. If they really are oppressed, then they need to band together politically and change the political climates of their various countries. (By the way, at least half of the Brown people who claim to be “persecuted” aren’t really persecuted, they simply want to come to America and Europe and freeload. They’re liars).
[1] The communist Jews who founded the UN included Leo Pasvolsky, Harry Dexter White, Harold Glasser, Irving Kaplan, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Victor Perlo, Solomon Adler, David Weintraub and Abraham G. Silverman
25 November, 2018 at 12:34 pm
Screw the JewN
And all their nefariously stirred up Plans
To dilute White Nations
With Millions and Millions of brown and
Black skinned Scum!
Learn the Hard Way Whitey.