4 January, 2019

Kennedy, Barak, and Revolution

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 11:38 am | Permanent Link

(This week’s William Pierce Wednesday item is being posted today instead)

by Dr. William Pierce.


“Baruch Goldstein, remember, is the Jew from Brooklyn who went to Israel so obsessed with Jewish racial hatred against the Palestinians that he slaughtered 29 of them in February 1994 while they were praying at the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron. Goldstein sneaked up behind the Palestinians while they were kneeling in prayer and opened fire with an assault rifle, killing 29 of them and wounding another 60…

Goldstein became an instant national hero to the Jews, and many Jewish tourists from America make a pilgrimage to his tomb near Hebron. The tomb bears an inscription in Hebrew which in English reads: “He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah, and its land.” The growing number of tourists and religious Jews attracted to Goldstein’s tomb has caused a public debate in Israel: on the one hand there are the Israelis who are worried that the public worship of a mass-murderer might not be good for Israel’s image in the United States if the goyim — the Gentiles — who are financing Israel through their foreign aid payments ever find out what’s going on, and on the other hand there are those Israelis who want to see the Goldstein cult continue to grow because they are certain that the goyim are too stupid ever to find out what’s going on.”


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