Crude Rabbit Sculpture is Sold for $91 Million Dollars. Why?
Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, jewed culture, jewed media, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, When Victims Rule (book), White art/architecture at 11:16 am | 
(Above: a real sculpture: “Two Sisters” by Auguste Moreau, bronze, circa 1880).
Genuine art is something that a non-artist could not create. But any machinist, foundry worker or metal fabricator could create that steel rabbit which sold for much more than any Rembrandt masterpiece (a “second-class” Rembrandt was on sale in 2004 for $46 million). (But on the bright side, great art is cheaper these days, thanks to the Jewing of the art world [1]).
[1] “Jews are dominant in virtually all controlling facets of the modern art world.” — When Victims Rule, an online book
25 May, 2019 at 10:00 am
I think that the Mr. Peanut, shown behind the floating mylar rabbit in the parade, is every bit as good.