Following the Spoor of a Jewish Lawyer/Radical-Defender, Part 4 (Final Part)
Posted by Socrates in counterculture, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish lawyers, Jewish radicals, Sixties, Socrates at 3:56 pm | 
“Since any facet of society could be turned into a “cause,” Fay would not be adrift for long. Soon she turned (along with many other radical Jews) to feminist and homosexual issues. She entered another relationship with a woman, called “Katherine” by Pearlman. One of the cases she became involved with helped push California law into accepting the “rights” of lesbians in custody cases. Another gash in the fabric of Gentile society.”
“Fay’s life perfectly illustrates the nature of radical Jewish activism and the immense harm that it can inflict upon society. Her work amounted to nothing more than “disruption of White society.”