On the Word “Nigger”
Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black crime, black culture, black violence, Blacks in America, jewed culture, jewed language, jewed politics, Latin, niggers, Socrates at 2:57 pm | 
The word “nigger” was used by nearly everyone in America in 1880, even by novelist Mark Twain in his books (e.g., he used it dozens of times in “Huckleberry Finn”). But now, that word is taboo, forbidden. It’s so taboo that White people now say “the N-word” in place of “nigger” because it’s sooooo taboo that you must abreviate it! But how did “nigger” become so taboo? After all, “nigger” is just a variation of the Latin word “niger” (meaning “Black”). How is that offensive? Who made nigger/niger taboo? Well, the people who control American culture (i.e., Jews, and to a lesser extent, leftists) decided that it should no longer be used, because such a “historic slur” could interfere with negroes becoming part of “polite society.” So “nigger” was banished to the dustbin of history; these days, a negro is usually called an “African-American” — it sounds so polite, noble even! He’s an official “American” now, equal to any other American!
But consider it: If negroes are going to act like niggers (i.e., like sub-humans who are always murdering, robbing, and raping), then shouldn’t they be called niggers? (Perhaps the more-polite White people among us could start using “niger” again and that would soon morph into “nigger” as it did before).
25 December, 2019 at 8:05 pm
My Grandfather told me they called them that because that’s what they wanted to be called. They were from Niger or Nigeria. They told us to call them that. Then they wanted to be called Colored people, then Negro, then Black.