Feminism, Historically Speaking, Failed and Led to Big Trouble. So Why Do We Permit Feminism to Thrive Today?
Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, ancient Rome, feminism, feminism as fraudulent, Feminists, Kirksville, Rome, Socrates, women, women and 'equality', women bosses, Women Politicians at 11:46 am | 
This was posted at KirksvilleToday.com on 1/3/20:
“An increase in the influence of women in public life has often been associated with national decline. The later Romans complained that, although Rome ruled the world, women ruled Rome. In the tenth century, a similar tendency was observable in the Arab Empire, the women demanding admission to the professions hitherto monopolised by men. ‘What,’ wrote the contemporary historian, Ibn Bessam, ‘have the professions of clerk, tax-collector or preacher to do with women? These occupations have always been limited to men alone.’ Many women practised law, while others obtained posts as university professors. There was an agitation for the appointment of female judges, which, however, does not appear to have succeeded. “Soon after this period, government and public order collapsed, and foreign invaders overran the country. The resulting increase in confusion and violence made it unsafe for women to move unescorted in the streets, with the result that this feminist movement collapsed.”