The Food-Label Racket: Why Does It Exist in a Gentile Country?
Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed retail, kosher food, Socrates at 1:51 pm | 
Is your ketchup okay for God’s Pests to eat? Yes, it is. Thank God! Oops, I mean “G_d”! Wouldn’t want the pests to be without condiments. Heavens! Oops. I mean, Hell!
Why is almost everything in your pantry or fridge marked “okay for Jews to eat”: beans, pickles, ketchup, mustard, peas, corn, aluminum foil, etc.? (Yes, some foil has that stupid kosher mark). It seems all the more odd when you realize that Jews make up only 2.5 percent of the U.S. population. A very tiny minority! (This is proof that God, oops, I mean G_d, doesn’t exist: if He did exist, all kosher food would be pre-marked as “kosher” by God himself, by his divine will! Since it isn’t, He doesn’t exist. Or, that means the hebes aren’t “God’s chosen people” after all. Either way, this puts the Jews in a pickle, doesn’t it? Get it? A pickle?? Ha-ha-ha).