Blacks and Indians are Highest in Psychopathic Personality Traits
Posted by Socrates in 'Native Americans', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Kevin MacDonald, psychology, psychopathic personality traits, race, race and crime, race and health at 10:17 am | 
Psychopathic personality traits include:
– Pathological lying
– Grandiose sense of self/egocentricity
– Cunning and manipulative
– Lack of remorse or guilt
– Shallow emotional response
– Callousness and lack of empathy
– Parasitic lifestyle (i.e., using other people)
“Studies from the United States have consistently found a rank ordering of races on behaviors related to psychopathic personality — highest in Blacks and Native Americans, followed by Hispanics, lower among Whites, and lowest among Asians, especially northeast Asians.”