A Quote From the FAEM Website
Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a fraud, communism as hate, Eastern Europe, FAEM website, Soviet states, Soviet Union, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 12:57 pm | 
The FAEM (First Amendment Exercise Machine) quote is in bold text below:
(Communism is Hate That is Never Called Hate, For Some Strange Reason):
“Communism is the politics of envy. A communist is not interested in elevating himself, but in tearing others down to his level.”
(Yes. A great example: the communists took over Nicaragua in 1979, and 10 years later everyone in Nicaragua was poor — even the previously-successful people were poor. But nobody in the Western media noticed that, or, if they did notice, they kept their mouths shut. And yet, they call us “haters”! I’m getting sick and tired of communism never being called “hate” when it is most certainly hate, and on a scale never before seen by mankind! Enslaving half of Europe for decades is most definitely hate! Right, Stalin?).