Commander Senile and His Lost Commie Airmen Create an Actual Crime Syndicate
Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Fiasco, mafia at 2:13 pm | 
Move over, mafia members! You’ve got competition. There’s another syndicate at work.
It seems that Commander Senile directed DOJ to open the private mail of conservatives in Congress. That’s a federal crime [1]. And that’s not the only slippery thing this new crime syndicate has done. It also directed Capitol police to illegally photograph private correspondence (presumably) in a Congressional office [Here].
Do you realize how many years it will take the real president, Donald Trump (when he returns to the White House), to sort through all of the crimes committed by the Biden Administration? Holy cow! It will take 5 years! Maybe 6! In fact, Trump will have to create a whole new branch of the federal government, tasked only with investigating the thousands of crimes that the Biden Gang has committed since Jan. 2021. A staff of 3,000 people will be needed.
[1] Just kidding. Commander Senile has no ability to direct DOJ to do anything anymore. That requires brain-power. Obviously, somebody else is “playing President” and giving illegal orders.