23 June, 2009

Does the U.S. Naval Academy (and Sonya Sotomayor?) Hate Whites?

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, multiculturalism, Socrates at 3:21 am | Permanent Link

by Edmund Connelly.

“Earlier this year, I wrote about Harvard’s seeming hatred of Whites. (See here for a possible explanation.) I wrote then that ‘The vast underrepresentation of non-Jewish Whites in the student body and among faculty is representative of what has happened throughout much of America and presages what America will increasingly look like in the future.’ This graph gives a visual impression:”


  • 41 Responses to “Does the U.S. Naval Academy (and Sonya Sotomayor?) Hate Whites?”

    1. old_dutch Says:

      Sotomayor will make SIX Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court, along with TWO Jews, and One Protestant.

    2. Parsifal Says:

      Being Roman Catholic is beside the point. Sotomayor is an Affirmative Action spic-o who is there to give the Jew-created illusion of “diversity”.

      And even though is he virulently anti-White, I’m sure ol’ Barry Sotero has slept with more than a few White womens (and maybe even some White mens, too?).

    3. old_dutch Says:

      I guess you are going to tell us that the Pope is infallible.

    4. CW-2 Says:

      Does being a Catholic actually mean anything these days? I suspect that these 6 ‘Catholic’ lawyers are typical anti-white globalist liberals who dance to the jew agenda. They probably are also 100% in favor of abortion, and that condition alone would previously have guaranteed expulsion from the Catholic church.

      Jews must be laughing their heads off at how easy it is to manipulate Christians.

    5. old_dutch Says:

      None of the Roman Catholics in the US Senate will oppose Sotomayor. The Roman Catholics & their Jew allies in the Senate will approve of Sotomayor’s nomination. We are being stabbed in the back by the Roman Catholics.

    6. Sam Crossing Says:

      I wonder how that perception can be made more obvious that it isn’t about justice for minorities as much as it is about flat out hatred for whites at Harvard and places like it.

    7. Blackshirt Says:

      Seriously old dutch, what is it with your obsession with “Roman Catholics”?

      Like being a Protestant is a “better” type of Christian? Christianity IS the problem, ALL of it.

    8. old_dutch Says:

      Can’t handle the reality of the Jew & Roman Catholic political alliance can you?

      Really, ask you Roman Catholic politicians why they are allied with the Jews? Why are they voting as a unit with the Jews in Congress?

      Sotomayor is among the fruit of the Jew & Catholic political alliance in the United States. The “mestizo” is a product of the Roman Catholic Church in Central & South America.

      Blackshirt, Roman Catholic apoligists like yourself need to come to understand that your church & your politicians are selling White Americans out.

    9. old_dutch Says:

      Can’t handle the reality of the Jew & Roman Catholic political alliance can you?

      Really, ask your Roman Catholic politicians why they are allied with the Jews? Why are they voting as a unit with the Jews in Congress?

      Sotomayor is among the fruit of the Jew & Roman Catholic political alliance in the United States. The “mestizo” is a product of the Roman Catholic Church in Central & South America.

      Now White Americans are expected to submit to a Roman Catholic mestizo ruling over us on the highest court in what was “our” land.

      Blackshirt, Roman Catholic apoligists like yourself need to come to understand that your catholic church & your catholic politicians are selling White Americans out.

    10. Adam Says:

      CW-2 Says:


      Jews must be laughing their heads off at how easy it is to manipulate Christians.

      and Blackshirt Says:

      Seriously old dutch, what is it with your obsession with “Roman Catholics”?

      Like being a Protestant is a “better” type of Christian? Christianity IS the problem, ALL of it.

      Christianity, like any other thing, has its good points and bad points from the white racist perspective.

      Good: Historically, at least until the Third Reich, only Christianity unified whites against the Jew. When it began, it was virulently anti-Semitic, which later mellowed, after a recrudescence under Martin Luther, to a fatal tolerance. There are many blatantly anti-Semitic passages in the Bible, and it takes a lot of tortured exegesis to explain them away. If such anti-Semitism could be re-kindled, it would be a great help in building a mass movement. Those who place faith in this possibility need to remember this. Dr. Pierce fleshed the idea out in his book Hunter.

      Bad: Christianity has now become the Jew’s greatest friend, although because forgiveness is not in the Jew’s nature and his memory is long, it’s all one way. Moreover, Christian evangelicals work with a zeal that may exceed even the Jew’s to destroy white culture and genetics. With a few rare sectarian exceptions such as the polygamist Mormons and the Amish, all Christian churches encourage race-mixing and draw their new recruits primarily from non-whites. They import humanoid savages of the third world into white areas and give them white people’s money.

    11. old_dutch Says:

      This is not a philosophical or religious question. This is a question of political reality!

    12. ED! Says:

      Anything that came from Abraham is poison to the White race, most of all JEWS! If you count on your fingers and toes, you do not have to take off your shoes to count the Jews on our side! Hello Jim S.


    13. Parsifal Says:

      Well said, ED! Xianity is the Romanized version of a near-eastern sect of Judaism. It’s the “export” version of Judaism, or Judaism for Gentiles. About 80% of the Bible is comprised of the Jewish Mold Testament, as a matter of fact. Without it, the New Testament is too small and weak to stand on its own. And any “anti-Semitism” in the Bible was put there by the 4th Century Greek bishops who wrote the books and epistles of the NT.

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      “Blackshirt, Roman Catholic apoligists like yourself need to come to understand that your catholic church & your catholic politicians are selling White Americans out.”

      Old Dutch, what the hell have you been smoking? I’m a “Roman Catholic apologist”!? Have you read anything I have said? I’ll say it again so perhaps it will sink in- I hate Christianity- ALL OF IT.

      Now, how about explaining to us all why we should care more about Catholic Christian zionists than Protestant Christian Zionists? They all are enemies of mine.

    15. old_dutch Says:

      You are talking philosophical bullshit—I’m talking practical politics. LOL. It’s not what you think—it’s what you do. And the Roman Catholic politicians in Congress are allied with the Jews and are voting with them as a unit.

      The Catholic political machines need Jew money & Jew media—so they sell out White Americans. And put Roman Catholics like Sotomayor in positions of power.

      Blackie, you defense of Roman Catholicism is less than inspiring.

    16. joe Says:

      I grew up going to church. Pentecostal. Which is protestant. All the churches were 100% white. And I went all the time all across the country, and to other denominations. I would like to think the church in an all white nation is a beneficial thing.
      The churches attitude changed with the rest of the nation’s. Henry Ford said that the seminaries (preacher college) had been financed and influenced by jews for 75 years, and that was in 1925, so maybe the churches helped those attitudes change across the nation. At least the World Council of Churches crowd. Pretty much all the mainstreams like Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics and such. They started following a Marxist agenda long ago. And now they bring nonwhites here with zeal, and ‘love’ their mixed race congregation.
      I would like to believe, but any more I really don’t know. The only way I can tolerate Christianity any more is from a Christian Identity point of view. Like that, a lot of things make a lot more sense. I’d love to believe that. For that though, Adam through Abraham would have been white.
      But if they were really jews like everyone else believes, then the whole thing is just a scam.
      Regardless of what it could be or it’s virtues, it is a major force working for the jew now. Funny, back in the late 80s or early 90s I saw a Nightline with Ted Koppel that had some famous and world renowned Rabbi who was talking about the New Testament being hate speech and he went on and on about how there should be legal restrictions on Christians to keep them from saying things like a jew will go to hell if he doesn’t accept Jesus. He said to tell a jew he was going to hell was hate speech that should be prosecuted.
      Well, I guess the church decided to quit trying to convert jews and accept them instead for their chosenness.
      Old Dutch is right when he says it was the RCs that created the Meztizo people. Hell the Methodists are creating somali slums here and the ensuing mulattoes that will come. They all suck

    17. Parsifal Says:

      If there are a disproportionate number of Catholic politicians who support Jewish interests over American interests, it’s only because there are a disproportionately large number of Catholic politicians in this country. Back in the late 1800s, many Irish and Italian Americans got themselves out of the slums of New York and Chicago by getting into politics. They weren’t born into wealth and privilege, like the older WASP establishment was.

      So you see, there is no secret alliance between Catholics and Jews, you goof. George W. Bush, Orin Hatch, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, LBJ, Joe Biden, Hillary Rod-Damn Clinton, Barry Sotero, Slick Willie…………They all kiss Jewish ass, but none of them are Catholic politicians, so there goes yet another one of your crackpot theories down the crapper.

    18. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      Well said, ED! Xianity is the Romanized version of a near-eastern sect of Judaism. It’s the “export” version of Judaism, or Judaism for Gentiles.

      Christianity is no mere Judaism for export. It is, in its essence, directly opposed to Judaism, and had it triumphed, would have destroyed it. In its early days it posed such a threat to Judaism that the Jews single out Jesus for special punishment in their Talmud, with the rabbis saying that he is being boiled by G-d in hot excrement for all eternity.

      Judaism is a racial religion that exalts a particular people as “chosen”, and condemns to slavery or destruction everyone else. Christianity, by contrast, is universalist, and claims everyone can be “saved” and become one of God’s favorites, regardless of race. Judaism is based on hate and vengenance, and is quite racist; Christianity on love and forgiveness, and irredeemably anti-racist. Indeed, it is the lack of a racial aspect which flaws it as a weapon for white people.

      About 80% of the Bible is comprised of the Jewish Mold Testament, as a matter of fact. Without it, the New Testament is too small and weak to stand on its own. And any “anti-Semitism” in the Bible was put there by the 4th Century Greek bishops who wrote the books and epistles of the NT.

      There is evidence that the Gospels existed in essentially their finished form as early as the middle of the second century. I doubt that Jesus’ condemnation of the Jews as being liars and the sons of Satan is a late insertion:

      “Ye [i.e., the Jews] are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
      John 8:44

      If you have any evidence of that, I’d like to see it. But if it were demonstrably a late insertion, that fact would be widely publicized by Jews and Christians alike, and it isn’t. And as our host Alex Linder has said, when Jesus and Hitler agree, don’t you think there might be something to it? ;-)

      There’s plenty more anti-Semitism in the Bible, what with the Jews constantly scheming to kill Jesus (John 7:1), and eventually succeeding, accepting full responsibility:

      “And all the people [i.e., the Jews] answered and said: ‘His blood be upon us and on our children.'” (Matthew 27:24-25)

      This sort of stuff is why Dr. Pierce and others have had the thought that Christianity might be useful in building mass movements. Read his book Hunter if you still can’t see how.

    19. Parsifal Says:

      Christian churches, whether they are Catholic, Evangelical or whatever, have ALWAYS tried to convert non-Whites. Only the Mormons avoided doing so until recently. Now they’re the worst offenders of all. So, there really is nothing pro-White about Xianity.

      In the Bible, the fictitious literary character called “Jesus” instructs his apostles to go around the world and convert everyone. He doesn’t say just go and convert the Celts, the Norwegians and the Germans, he says everyone needs to be converted. But then on another page, he “says” that he only came for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel….and no one else. He is the Prince of Peace, but then he says, no, don’t believe that, I come with a sword. Love and Respect your parents, he commands, but on the other hand you need to forsake them and follow Jesus instead. He is the One and Only God, yet there is a talking cloud that floats above the Jordan River and claims he’s Jesus’ dad. And then a white pigeon flies around for some reason and it is supposed to be some kind of god as well. And there’s this Jewess who’s supposedly a virgin, yet she’s married to a guy. And then she’s pregnant, but her husband Joseph gets it all explained to him while he’s taking a nap. And Jesus is supposed to be the descendant of Joseph’s ancestors, yet Joseph is not Jesus’ biological father.

      Verily I say unto thee, if there is a crazier book than the Bible, I never heard of it.

    20. old_dutch Says:

      Tell me that Sotomayor isn’t a Roman Catholic. LOL. Tell me the Jews & Roman Catholics won’t vote for her. LOL. You Roman Catholic apologists are pathetic. I know you claim you are atheists, but, in practice you are still papist universalists.

    21. Parsifal Says:

      Adam, you make a good argument and I compliment you for not stooping to the level of ad hominem insults and threats, like a Hal Turner fan might do, for example.

      But what about the fact that the earliest known Xian Bible is the Codex Sianaticus, written in 380? That’s 350 years after Jesus was supposedly executed, the same stretch of time between the year 1660 and now! Why did the Xians wait all that time to write down the story? And how can it be accurate after so much time had elapsed?

      And the story about Jesus’ activities after his resurrection is not in that original Xian Bible. It’s something that was tacked on centuries later.

      And if Jesus was such a celebrity in his own lifetime, why are the Roman historical records silent about him until almost 100 years after his death? The earliest known mention of Xianity is from 112 or 113, when the Roman Governor of Asia Minor writes his monthly report to the Emperor and briefly mentions a new religious sect in that province who call themselves Christians? Apparently Christianity was unknown in Rome at that time.

      I am not trying to get you to change your beliefs, but these are just some of the many kinds of issues I have with your religion.

    22. Parsifal Says:

      “Tell me that Sotomayor isn’t a Roman Catholic. LOL.”

      Just because she’s a Mestiza doesn’t necessarily mean she’s a Catholic. Maybe she’s a Buddhist, for all I know. LOL.
      “Tell me the Jews & Roman Catholics won’t vote for her. LOL. ”

      Maybe Orin Hatch will vote for her too, even though he’s a Mormon. LOL.


      “You Roman Catholic apologists are pathetic. I know you claim you are atheists, but, in practice you are still papist universalists.”

      Wait a minute, you mean I’m not a Jewish troll anymore? Now I’m an agent of the Vatican. LOL.

    23. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      Adam, you make a good argument and I compliment you for not stooping to the level of ad hominem insults and threats, like a Hal Turner fan might do, for example.

      But what about the fact that the earliest known Xian Bible is the Codex Sianaticus, written in 380? That’s 350 years after Jesus was supposedly executed, the same stretch of time between the year 1660 and now! Why did the Xians wait all that time to write down the story? And how can it be accurate after so much time had elapsed?


      I am not trying to get you to change your beliefs, but these are just some of the many kinds of issues I have with your religion.

      I am an atheist.

    24. Blackshirt Says:

      Old Dutch I used to think you were just a little quirky, but now I think you approaching Tom McReen insanity.

      Were you abused as a little boy by a Catholic priest? You are seriously obsessed with Catholicism. You are a bit like some of the guys who see a Jew around every corner, but in your case you see a “papist” around every corner. Man you are wierd!

    25. Blackshirt Says:

      I meant “weird”.

    26. Blackshirt Says:

      Old Dutch says:

      “And the Roman Catholic politicians in Congress are allied with the Jews and are voting with them as a unit.”

      OK, and White evangelical Christians in the Congress aren’t voting as a block with Jews when it comes to funding the criminal state of Israel? I still don’t see how Catholic Christians are any “better” than Protestant Christians.

    27. Blackshirt Says:

      Messed up again… I meant I still don’t see how Protestant Christians are any better than Catholic Christians.

    28. -jc Says:


      PBS of course promoted the Tuskegee Airmen. But then there’s the piece on the military occupying Hussein family palaces.

      See this chutzpah, too, some of which was broadcast on so called Public Radio affiliates over the holidays:


      Al Franken plays Baghdad

      March 30, 2004 Posted by Scott at 12:51 PM

      Warning: The following post reflects bad taste and vulgar language. Reader Glen Kissel writes:

      Al Franken’s brother, Owen, a ’68 MIT alum, has written a concise description of Al’s December USO trip to Iraq for the MIT alumni class notes (password protected, but I’m an MIT alum, so I’ve pasted it in below).

      Kissel notes the following regarding brother Owen’s account of Al in Baghdad:

      (1) Al joked about WMDs during his USO show. (Was he criticized by the Left?)

      (2) Al yelled F- Y- to soldiers while playing Saddam in a skit. (Couldn’t broadcast this.)

      (3) Al lit Hannukah candles in Saddam’s palace and joked about Jews burning the palace if the candles fell over. (If Mel Gibson held a Catholic service in the palace and joked about Christians burning the palace, what howls of outrage would we hear from the Left?)

      (4) Did Franken give a prayer of thanks to the troops and President Bush for the privilege of lighting those candles in Iraq?

      Other sources on this topic are a CNN interview, a U. of Pitt. review of a recent Franken appearance, and an extended Mother Jones article by Franken.

      The following is brother Owen’s MIT 1968 Class Note for April 2004:

      The Holidays aren’t over yet, but here goes: I just came back from eight days as the USO photographer on a trip with my brother, Al, in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan. [Owen did not mention it, but the CNN piece mentions that this was Al’s fourth USO trip.]

      Al and I seemed to be the only “Liberals” on the trip, and we got along with everyone fantastically including some real redneck country singers and two people from Fox News, the Army’s favorite. We did run into a lot of soldiers who asked Al to sign his book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, a Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. It was great to be around so many people with a crazy sense of humor, including a very jolly fat guitar player, who when told that in Iraq in the summer it is 140 degrees in the sun, told us that he might go back there then and sell his shade.
      One highlight of the trip was the lighting of Hannukah candles in one of Saddam’s Palaces in Baghdad. We had this funny idea that the candles would fall over and CNN would be reporting that the Palace of Saddam Hussein was burned down by Jews.

      Other highlights: The Taliban Cheerleaders. Al introduced them, but they could not perform because they could not dance or even listen to music. He convinced them that Afghanistan had been liberated so they did a raunchy routine and stripped off their burkas to reveal that they were in fact the Washington Redskin Cheerleaders, much to the joy of the screaming troops.

      Al Franken as Saddam Hussein in handcuffs trying to make a deal to tell where the WMD’s are if they uncuffed him and gave him a fifteen minute headstart (“That’s all I need”). When refused, he broke away from his MP guards and ran to the edge of the stage yelling “f___ y__” at all the soldiers. [A G-rated version of this skit was done on Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion and can be found at this link.]
      Darryl Worley’s moving song, “Have You Forgotten?” about 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan. Even I was in tears when he sang it, especially the night he made a private concert for about five of us in Saddam’s marble Palace at one am, after the Hannukah lighting. As for the soldiers, they all want to go home, and they individually have different senses of their missions.

      The soldiers in Afghanistan have a better sense of why they are there than the ones in Iraq, especially those National Guard persons and reservists. In Iraq they are very nervous about their security, as you can imagine, but realize that now there, they have to stay and stick it out and try to secure the place. They are the victims of an administration that only considered the best case scenario.

      As for me, I’m overcome by nostalgia for Bob Hope. It sounds like our soldiers in Iraq are more the victims of bad jokes than of an incompetent administration.

    29. -jc Says:

      I’m not convinced about any formal alliances but the Catholic position has always been for third world immigration particularly. For you youngsters, I’ll suggest you look at the history of the JFK campaign and assassination. First, the idea of a Catholic President was about like a Black President. And, then, when he got elected, he and his brother brought you the Civil Rights movement. Then, apparently, something not unlike the neoconservatives, if you believe some elements of Michael Collins Pipers take on their assassinations, the so called Right, including Dallas good ole boys, whacked ’em. I knew people in the South who couldn’t believe that a Catholic got elected President but, then again, his opponent was Richard Nixon, who didn’t show well, not unlike John McCain.

      Nixon, some of you may not recall, was Vice President to the “terrible Swedish Jew,” Dwight D. Eisenhower. Even fewer recall that he was a Nave veteran. He was not widely regarded as an anti-Semite however, though some of German descent in his cabinet were. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Nixon

    30. -jc Says:

      Apologies for spelling Navy incorrectly. In proofreading, I notice that I didn’t indicate that that the “Right,” as the theories go, apparently included those in the intelligence and counterintelligence communities and the oil industry.

      Fletcher Prouty, like Oliver Stone, while a truth teller, a relatively decent chap, and not sufficiently outraged at what he witnessed for years to resign/retire, was at the very least a neoconservative-type but I would say more liberal. A lot of the 911 Truth movement, for example, comes from pretty liberal quarters and, in my opinion, is pretty far out there.

    31. old_dutch Says:

      “Wait a minute, you mean I’m not a Jewish troll anymore? Now I’m an agent of the Vatican.” —-Parsi

      You said it not me. LOL.

      Tell me that Sotomayor is not a Roman Catholic, and, tell me that the Jews & Roman Catholics in the Senate won’t vote for her as a unit.

      Next thing, you and Blackie will be telling me that she is a White American. LOL.


    32. Lutjens Says:

      The jist of Catholicism today is…..

      You can’t talk bad about Jews… because Jesus was a Jew.

      Hitler and Stalin attacked and killed Christians and Jews.

      That irrelevant bullshit was part of a homily at the last Catholic Mass I attended this past Easter. I walked out and will never go back, to any church. If you are Catholic, go fuck yourselves, suckers. if you are ‘Christian’, I’m sorry. Long live Germany, long live the white race.

    33. GenoType Says:

      I have to side with Old Fudge on the one. Every Catholic school with which I am personally acquainted is inspected annually by jews. Teachers are on pins and needles during this time – especially the German language teachers. The following article provides a glimpse:


      (Scroll down to “Christians and Jews”)

      Rabbi Michael Perelmuter is one such inspector.

      The jews and local archdiocese deny that Perelmuter’s visits are an inspection, of course. So why are students having the effrontery to tactfully question Perelmuter’s statements punished afterward?

    34. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      I subscribe to the Houston Catholic Worker, a publication of Casa de Juan Diego. It is Marxist, mexican-loving open-border.

      Let us see who is behind this:

      Editors Mark and Louise ZWICK
      Translators Herbert and Liliana KREBS
      Tech Advisor Joachim ZWICK

      PERMANENT SUPPORT GROUP ($$$$, I presume):

      The Zwicks
      The Krebs
      Andy Durham
      Stephen and Lillian Lucas
      John abd Pam JANKS

      6/9 jewish??


    35. Blackshirt Says:

      Shabbos, I don’t think Krebs or Zwick are Jewish names- I have known people with the last name Krebs and they weren’t Jewish.

    36. Parsifal Says:

      With their tookas-kissing of Israel and their pro-child abuse and pro-third world immigration policies, the Catholic Church is one of the biggest enemies of the White Race today.

    37. gollywog Says:

      Good to see you guys at one anothers throats again.

      The real problem is all politicians are kissing the Jewish arse because their careers will go nowhere otherwise.
      Attack the Illegal State of Israel and you will get more bang for your buck.
      I mentioned it the other day about the Aussie fiasco. The Jew working in the government financial offices has been leaking information for years and has now been caught out. Not by anyone witch hunting but by his Jewish Master Handlers I suspect. It just so happens that as this Jewish Mole was being outed in Australia for the benefit of the Labor Party, the Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, is in Israel kissing arse.
      Now this is the woman, who after the last elections in Australia that brought the Labor Party to power, was described in Jewish Papers as being an unknown with no known sympathy for the (Illegal) State of Israel. Well I guess she now knows who pulls her strings.

      It was mentioned a few postings back that the only way out of this is with force. But make sure you are well stocked with ammo. And forget about the mud races being a threat. Check out your local gun clubs, shooting ranges and the like for the frequent users / members. Yes you guessed it, the peace loving Jew. And then there is the dispoportionate number of Jews in position of power that control agencies that deal with uprisings, ie national guard, military, police force. Be prepared.

    38. Sam Crossing Says:

      Aren’t Catholics supposed to be against gays? Jews are fantastically pro gay. So right there is a difference between the two?

    39. gollywog Says:

      Catholics are no more against gays than the next organised religious sect. All religions have enjoyed “activities” over the ages that would be considered “illegal” if carried out by the masses. That is how the whole fraud, known as religion, has been able to grow. Keep the masses dumbed down and terrified and they will be your loyal servant.
      Get over the Jew and what he has done. He has out played all and sundry by not worrying about the now but considering how it will play out in the future. But there is a weakness and that is the Jewish ultimate goal of securing all that was Palistine. The Brits, the French, but more damaging the USA has helped willingly with this grand victory. Their comic book Old Testament requires them this peice of land before their people are secure. But their security comes at the cost of the rest of us.
      Focus your attention at the Illegal State of Israel with all the damaging facts and you will be heard.
      At the moment we are all ranting in every dirction of the compass and are being dismissed as nothing more than anti-semetic.
      Focus on the land issue of Israel and over time we can chip back some ground lost.
      Forget about religion as being on the side against the Jew. The Jew has made sure all other religions are irrelevant.

    40. Howdy Doody Says:

      gollywog Says:

      25 June, 2009 at 6:05 pm

      Catholics are no more against gays than the next organised religious sect. All religions have enjoyed “activities” over the ages that would be considered “illegal” if carried out by the masses. That is how the whole fraud, known as religion, has been able to grow. Keep the masses dumbed down and terrified and they will be your loyal servant.
      Get over the Jew and what he has done. He has out played all and sundry by not worrying about the now but considering how it will play out in the future. But there is a weakness and that is the Jewish ultimate goal of securing all that was Palistine. The Brits, the French, but more damaging the USA has helped willingly with this grand victory. Their comic book Old Testament requires them this peice of land before their people are secure. But their security comes at the cost of the rest of us.
      Focus your attention at the Illegal State of Israel with all the damaging facts and you will be heard.
      At the moment we are all ranting in every dirction of the compass and are being dismissed as nothing more than anti-semetic.
      Focus on the land issue of Israel and over time we can chip back some ground lost.
      Forget about religion as being on the side against the Jew. The Jew has made sure all other religions are irrelevant.

    41. Parsifal Says:

      Why did Howey Doowey reprint what gollywog wrote?