Posted by Dietrich in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 7:00 pm |

Radio Free Whitelandia with host Dietrich. Live at 9PM EST. Forum thread here New broadband stream here! Skype Chat Listen Live: Winamp | Real | Media | Quicktime
Radio Free Whitelandia with host Dietrich. Live at 9PM EST. Forum thread here New broadband stream here! Skype Chat Listen Live: Winamp | Real | Media | Quicktime
Radio Free Whitelandia with host Dietrich. Live at 9PM EST. Subjects include: R3volution over? Economic news: “Worse is better” to be put to the test, and the Kosher killing of Palestinians. Music at 7. Show begins at 9. Forum thread here Skype Chat Listen Live: Winamp | Real | Media | Quicktime
Linder will be sitting in for Dietrich tonight, as he was called away on an urgent mission.We’ll be discussing a number of things including William F. Buckley, man and meaning; the poor persecuted Max Karson, an opinion writer out in Boulder, being persecuted by the slant-eyed and right-thinkers alike for an innocent satire. Talk begins […]
Radio Free Whitelandia. Alex Linder joins host Dietrich. Live at 9PM EST. Hoax-crime of the week, with Madonna Constantine. Listen Live: Winamp | Real | Media | Quicktime
Radio Free Whitelandia. Alex Linder joins host Dietrich. Live at 9PM EST. Subjects include Jewish hypocrisy re: immigration, and the renewed attacks on Dr. Kevin MacDonald. I will also go over some research that details how people are brainwashed by mass media. Listen Live: Winamp | Real | Media | Quicktime
Friday FTL 02/08 “This week in organized Jewry” w/ Bud, Todd In FLA and Alex Linder From NY to Cali, everbody hates jews! Join me your co-host Bud White and co-host Todd In FLA. In addition to our usual line up of jews in the news, Todd will be focusing on Mitt Romney’s departure […]
FTL: 02/01: This week in organized Jewry with Bud, Mishko & Ssanguine “We’se be jews now too, muthrasuckras” Join me Bud White , resident VNN Bad Boy Mishko Novosel and Ssanguine. We’ll be covering all things TJB, including a California rabbi who ran down someone at an atm, a Polish priest being investigated by prosecutors […]
Friday FTL 01/25 This week in organized Jewry with Bud, Mishko and Ssanguine Join me your co-host Bud White and co-host resident VNN Bad Boy Mishko Novosel as well as special guest Ssanguine. Alex Linder joins the broadcast at 9PM. We’ll be covering all things TJB, including a kike school teacher indicted on 29 counts […]
FTL 01/11 “this week in organized Jewry” with John De Nugent, Art Jones, and Mishko “It’s not a crime, as long as the children are gentiles” Join me your co-host Bud White and my guest co-hosts John De Nugent of the Barnes Review and VNN badboy Mishko Novosel. Featured guest: Art Jones. We’ll be covering […]
“I didn’t give away secrets to Israel, really it’s all a big mistake.” Join me your co-host Bud White and my guest co-host Dietrich. We’ll be covering all things TJB including jewish support for Obama, sentencing in a kike Goldman Sachs investment scam, cell phone tower goes up in Philadelphia Jewish Cemetary and Orthodox […]