Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Fiasco, Big Biden Nightmare, Socrates at 1:11 am |

If we only had a president.
If we only had a president.
Voter #1: “The leftists are going to have to steal the November mid-term elections.“ Voter #2: “Why?” Voter #1: “Do you honestly think that the leftists can win the elections on their own, without theft? Honestly??? After all the crap they have pulled during the Big Biden Nightmare? The 2020 election theft? The Afghanistan pullout […]
Move over, mafia members! You’ve got competition. There’s another syndicate at work. It seems that Commander Senile directed DOJ to open the private mail of conservatives in Congress. That’s a federal crime [1]. And that’s not the only slippery thing this new crime syndicate has done. It also directed Capitol police to illegally photograph private […]
The 2020 federal election was stolen: there’s no possible way that Joe Biden got 81 million votes. More like 81,000 votes. (Consider: Biden gave a political rally just before the 2020 election and there was nobody there except a few reporters! Stunning!). We don’t even know who’s in charge in DC now. Certainly it’s not […]
Forget “the polls” that show Joe Biden ahead of Donald Trump by “94 points” (or whatever). Biden and Kamala Harris are both amazingly unpopular. When Biden held a rally in Arizona recently, nobody showed up. Nobody. The media was mystified. “Where is everybody?” said the media idiots. Yet, go to a Trump rally and there […]
I’ve said before (granted, so have many others) that liberals are children in adult bodies. But they aren’t sweet, innocent children. They’re dangerous, deadly children, like Linda Blair’s character in The Exorcist movie. Surely, it must be a federal crime to install someone into the Oval Office who you know isn’t mentally qualified to be […]