31 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve system, jewed culture, Jewish Tyranny, New World Order, Socrates at 7:51 pm | Permanent Link

An easy-to-understand overview of the Federal Reserve system: [Here]

31 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Islam, jewed culture, New World Order, Socrates, Western culture at 7:43 pm | Permanent Link

The Western countries are now suffering from a mental illness. Regardless of what the Jewish groups tell you, mentally healthy White countries don’t abandon their superior cultures to inferior people from foreign lands: [Article]

31 August, 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Thursday at 6:54 am | Permanent Link

An impromptu show with Bud White, Mishko Novosel, and Randy Gray.

30 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 11:55 pm | Permanent Link

Jews and Free Speech Don’t Mix

Jews simply will not allow others to criticize their behavior. In this instance they try to get two old women fired. Why? They spoke the truth about jews on video in their off hours. Isn’t that free speech? Jews don’t believe in free speech. To them, free speech means pornography – Sarah Silverman’s right to talk about cornholing Jesus with a Mary-shaped dildo. But if you try to talk about atrocities committed by jews, such as their mass murder of tens of millions of Eastern Europeans last century, they want you thrown in jail like Ernst Zundel. That is why we’ve alwasy said, ‘Truth is an anti-Semite.’ The truth about the jews is that they hate all other peoples. Hate them and try to dominate and destroy them. The jews set up a bogus scientific study culiminating in ‘The Authoritarian Personality’ with the sole mission of using its pseudo-scientific findings to try to destroy the White family. There’s no way to live with jews, and anybody who tells you that jews are White, or that some jews are on our side, is lying. There’s only one answer to the genocidal loxism pouring out of judea and that’s NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

L.A. Sucks Bigtime: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Illegals

It is mere convention that Mexicans aren’t defined as pollution. In fact, they are. Read through this great new blog, loaded with original photos. Ask yourself why, since America is majority-white and Whites are Evil Racists, you can’t read this kind of report in anything you buy on the newsstand. Something’s controlling the media. And whatever that is always portrays Mexicans as the shat-upon rather than the shit. WHAT IF AMERICA WERE CONTROLLED BY AMERICANS? But it isn’t. It’s controlled by jews. Mention of Putnam’s disproving the Big Lie that “diversity is our greatest strength” here.

“Holocaust Should Replace Christianity,” Says jew Lantos

Not really. But that’s exactly what’s going on here. A slave class is being conditioned to accept a master class by means of atrocity propaganda. Jews have a 2,000-year history of telling lies. Some of those lies concern what was done to them; others concern what jews did or didn’t do to others. It all amounts to jews living at the moral and financial expense of others. You pay, White man – they play.  Tired of it? Here’s the solution: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.  Background here, from Mark Weber. Did you know that the Czar and his family were murdered by jews? Not if you read jew-controlled media. They always cover up the dirty deeds of the “chosen.” It’s the only way to cover the stench arising from jew behavior in history.

New Sites: jewshate.com

30 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 8:58 pm | Permanent Link


Check it out for yourself before you post, I didn’t see anything too risque, but tastes and opinions differ
[God’s Chosen] Rabbi Caught Looking at Porn in an Internet Cafe


Ron Paul Can’t Lead? Matt Drudge Can’t Write?
Posted by Daniel McCarthy at 01:15 AM

The New Yorker’s long-on-innuendo, short-on-facts piece on Matt Drudge includes this tidbit:

    Drudge calls himself an anti-government libertarian. Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s positions are “true to my heart … But I look at him and say, ‘The guy can’t lead.’””

Well, ok, by conventional measures Ron Paul does not seem “presidential.” But by the same sort of conventional measures, Matt Drudge doesn’t seem like a journalist. Yet Drudge has consistently beaten the establishment media at its own game, albeit by playing with new rules. Ron Paul is doing something similar in his fight with the political establishment. So if Drudge does hold positions like Paul’s true to his heart — and I believe he does — why shouldn’t he support the candidate who leads in a new and better way, Ron Paul?


“He Literally Loves War”
Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo at 02:36 PM

A former Hillsdale College student writes in response to my post about Victor Davis Hanson, the “Neocons’ Dr. Strangelove,” that “VDH” guest lectured at Hillsdale and left some students there with the clear impression that he “literally loves war.”

While at Hillsdale, the young man writes, he was “introduced to the full array of prominent neo-conservative intellectuals” from Bill Kristol and Midge Decter to Harvey Mansfield, Victor Davis Hanson and others. Apparently, no other views are permitted.

And, “At one point during his class . . . Hanson related a story where he was in the Oval Office . . . discussing the matter of Iran [with the president]. Hanson closed his story by saying that Bush vowed to do something about Iran before his term expired.”

“Now, in the Bush lexicon, ‘doing something’ usually involves bombing something,” wrote the perceptive young man.





White supremacist leader gets 6 months probation for protest charges

KNOXVILLE (WATE) — A white supremacist leader pleaded guilty to resisting arrest in a May protest in Knoxville over media coverage for the murders of a young couple.

Alex Linder, a Missouri native, was sentenced Wednesday to six months of probation.

Linder also agreed to pay $250 for a police officer’s phone that was damaged during the incident.

He had pleaded not guilty to the charges in June to assault on a police officer, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and vandalism.

The protest on May 26 was over the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. The couple was carjacked, beaten, raped and killed in January.

A woman and three men are charged in their deaths. The victims were white. The four suspects are black.

Knoxville police said Linder entered the control access zone between both sides during the protest.


It’s funny (or sadly ironical, rather) that Anglo-Saxons – and others of British descent – eventually claimed the whole ‘Yankee’ title, as it started out as a degoratory term for the ethnic Dutch of Nieuw-Amsterdam and the North American East Coast enclave as a whole (when the British showed up, like they later did in South Africa as well, to extort them out). The word itself was an [English] bastardized contraction of the common Dutch names Jan and Kees ? Yan·kee ? Yankee.


“Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness. Get control of all means of publicity and thereby: Get the peoples’ mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance. Destroy the people’s faith in their natural leaders by holding up the latter to ridicule, contempt and obloquy. Always preach true democracy but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible. Encourage government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear with rising prices, inflation and general discontent. Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a soft and lenient attitude on the part of government towards such disorders. By specious argument cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population defenceless.” Lenin.



Below is the speech that Finnish visionary and European nationalist Kai Murros gave at the conference “Europe and Russia: New Perspectives” in Moscow on June 11, 2007. Kai Murros is one of the most important thinkers of the New Right in Europe. His ideas are some of the most radical and original in the movement. His creation, the nationalist sage Aquilon, deserves special attention. We should all familiarize ourselves with the quotations by Aquilon:


These quotations are truly an inspiration for the ages.

Kind Regards,


“Tricky Dick” Warman and His War On Dissent

Judaism is a criminal network made up of interconnected gangs and employing the sordid services of a variety of henchmen, heavies and ball-breakers, although most Jews tend to use mobs of lying lawyers, rather than Mafioso types to execute the unrighteous brand of injustice they are famous for the world over. If Judaism is one of the supposed monotheistic faiths, it must be a creed focused on being ‘litigious’ rather than ‘religious.’ Yarmulkes are often less in the fore than Brooks Brothers suits and NYU and Columbia law degrees. The smart Jewish boys have a flock of crooked, money-grubbing shysters on hand (side-lock free to avoid tipping off the Goyim) for whenever free speech, non-Jewish religious expression or Gentile autonomy crops up unexpectedly. All of these things will be pompously ground under the Jewish heel the minute they exert themselves and a peep, an indecipherable squeak of protestation equals “Jew-baiting” in the Talmudic media.


30 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in conferences, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 6:24 pm | Permanent Link

Will be held on the weekend of October 12-14, in Orange County, California: [Here]

30 August, 2007

Posted by Archives in Alex Linder, audio, Linder Radio, VNNB at 5:47 pm | Permanent Link

We’ll discuss my case’s resolution, and the laughable smears that appeared in the Knoxville media. Last twenty minutes of show apparently were chopped off.

30 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 12:10 pm | Permanent Link

We’ll discuss my case’s resolution, and the laughable smears that appeared in the Knoxville media.

Please note that as of today we are taking a harder line with comments. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation or we will probably not post them.

29 August, 2007

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", jewed culture, public skools, Socrates at 7:42 pm | Permanent Link

The poor Jews: they spent years working to desegregate America’s schools [1], only to have much of their work undone by a 2007 Supreme Court ruling. (Of course, it could be argued that the Jews and liberals no longer need school desegregation programs, having already multiculturalized America to a significant degree):


[1] Brown v. Board of Education: [Here]

29 August, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

Another Filthy Republicunt Uncovered

Submissives by day, dick-suckers by night. Thanks for helping the cause, Larry Craig. You are just what we mean when we say that conservatives are fake opposition. The only real opposition to the ruling jews is Whites. Here Hitchens on his book tour, on the chrisslings he runs across.

Between Jihad and Shower Rangers

Jews fear Islam will get the upper hand. Time to rally the troops, and that means christian dupes. Is there a third option besides sharia and Sumner? Of course. We don’t need musliams OR jews. NOTHING GOES RIGHT UNTIL WE GO WHITE.

Cops Are Thieves

Always assume that a police officer would make the same use of that information that would be made by any other armed and potentially violent individual: He would find some way to steal your money.

Kike Gottfried

Amazing piece of chutzpah from Rockwell’s handler. Every year the Jewish people lament collectively the destruction of their second temple carried out by (imperialistic) Romans. The Jews have every right and perhaps an ethnic duty to do so. As far as I know, they have not incited any government to cast blame on the inhabitants of central Italy for the outrages committed against ancient Jewish by Roman political globalists. Nor have they asked that the Arch of Titus, which depicts in relief the triumphant Romans carrying away temple candelabra, be razed, as an act of ethnic sensitivity. While jew Gottfried pretends to differ from his brother liars, he doesn’t. Direct statement praising the jews, while where jews are the guilty party he contents himself with indirection and hints. The jews invented Big Lie as law. They invented the Holocaust. They were the power that pushed for laws punishing any who refused to accede in their self-serving lies. They are the reason there are thousands of men in jail across Europe. Jew Gottfried mentions none of this. It wouldn’t be good for the jews. Whites must understand that no organization that admits jews is pro-White. If a group admits jews, it is a jewish organization because it serves jewish goals. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Here on the jewing of the law, although since it’s a libertarian writing, the proper term is avoided. The rise of the jew in the U.S. maps directly with the rise of illegal judicial decisions.

Sarkozy the Jew up for Attack on Iran

No more “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” from the roly-poly AmeriKwan right-wingers (also jews). No more late-night comedian loxism. You see how it works?

Jews Attempt to Censor Germans

Demand the right to censor youtube. Anything jew hates? That’s “hate.” Jew hating you? That’s homework. For your child. Why do you put up with it, White man? Why don’t we kill the jews and live free? You do realize that everything that’s wrong with America was caused by the jews? And that many of those jews were kicked out of Germany? Is it possible that the jews lie about the nazis because they beat the jews down in Germany? Jews promoting homosexuality, pedophilia, lesbianism, modern (shit) art, cultural relativism, etc?

Guns and Americans

U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world’s 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies. Guns are the only thing standing between AmeriKwa and the gulag. About 4.5 million of the 8 million new guns manufactured worldwide each year are purchased in the United States, it said. The NWO crowd is not happy about this. It persecutes gun sellers and gun owners alike, for one reason: armed, thoughtful White men are the main obstacle to global slavery. Time to pull the anchor on mexishit babies? Stealing from Whites to give to shitskins. Sounds like AmeriKwa to me. White man, there is no way out of the mess the jews have made of your country except joining other Whites and upending the jew. NOTHING GOES RIGHT UNTIL WE GO WHITE. We can’t save the shitskins. But they can destroy our country. The jews know that. That’s why they let them in. You didn’t know that jews were the driving power behind the 1965 Open The Borders act? What else don’t you know? Here one of the Somonkeys rapes a woman in a hall in Minnesota. Any comments, preachers? Christian paid by the federal government bring these animals to our shores. Jews rejoice in diversity ruining whatever White pockets remain. …five to 10 people saw at least part of the attack but did nothing… Christianity makes cowards, or attracts them; either way it is a religion unfit for humans but perfectly fit for slaves of the jew.

Writers: Nabokov

I reject completely the vulgar, shabby, fundamentally medieval world of Freud, with its crankish quest for sexual symbols . . . and its bitter little embryos, spying from their natural nooks, upon the love life of their parents.