Mass Appeal White Religion

by Arthur H.

19 September 2004

The "Sacred People, Blessed Child Assembly".

The spiritual religion with THE GREATEST GENETIC BENEFITS. A religion for White Everyman.

My religion (a rewrite from a year ago). A broad outline for a White Religion franchise.

What is the "Sacred People, Blessed Child Assembly"? It is the Church of the Great White Gene Pool.

Membership is determined solely by birth. Its members are my genetic brethren counting 600,000,000 worldwide. My local Church meets three times a week at my community centrally-located, business-like "SPBC Hall". I am an Elder of the Church. Myself and fellow Elders lead sermons. We are the core of the Church. I am often consulted for advice and direction. I proselytize-witness to my genetic kin-neighbors in my community regularly. I teach new converts how to witness. Sometimes I go on missions outside my immediate community.

Here's what I BELIEVE. Here's what I PREACH:

1) Deity -- My GOD. There is only One GOD for me. My GOD is the omniscient, omnipresent spiritual essence of the Great White Gene Pool. "HE" is the Light to the Great White Gene Pool, exclusively. "HE" is My GOD alone, and THE GOD of my genetic brethren. My GOD commands: "No other gods before me." Other Gene Pools may have their gods but this is of little concern to me.

2A) Creation -- Creation is a fortuitous genetic event that occurred about 40,000 years ago. It involved four EURO females. It brought genetic clarity to "MY SACRED PEOPLE" and invented/structured my body, mind and soul. It is all I am and embodies the unique destiny of my people.

2B) The Purpose of Life -- The Purpose of Life is to ply -- enjoy and understand -- honour the immense benefits of my genetic inheritance and to repay the gratuitous benefit of birth afforded me by the Great White Gene Pool and by the sacrifices of my mother and father with duty and works. The purpose of my life is to live in the "Way" of the Great White Gene Pool.

2C) Original Debt, but no Original Sin: A member of the Great White Gene Pool is born into a state of grace but also into a state of original debt. He is born free of sin and with excess capability. He has had the immense benefit of the Great White Gene Pool genetic wealth lavished upon him gratuitously at birth. No gift-inheritance can come close. He must repay his enormous benefit-debt to the Great White Gene Pool in kind according to the capabilities it bestowed upon him.

"From each according to his genetic capabilities, to each according to his genetic gifts."

A member has a debt to every member of every generation that preceded him and made him -- sacrificed for him so that he might live and prosper in grace. He must always remember he was born of the struggle and efforts of 1200 generations of forebears and the labor and suffering of his mother and the strength of his father and venerate them at all times. His mother and father bequeathed him the unique GOLDEN GENES of the Great White Gene Pool, at no effort or expense to him, at birth. He must repay this debt, by repeating the cycle -- he must procreate and grow and multiply and defend the Great White Gene Pool that created-made him.

2D) Salvation: Salvation comes through works-doing. There are three sides to Salvation. One: He must grow the Great White Gene Pool with his own babies. Two: He must secure his family's safety and his Sacred People's safety. Three: He must effectively proselytize-witness his religion to his genetic brethren.

3) "Prophets" are worldly teachers who arise from time to time to "dispense" glimpses into the sacred and profound essence of the Great White Gene Pool GOD. They provide insights and direction into current challenges and threats. They lead. They set standards and goals.

4) "Scions"-Heroes are real-world Men who through their creative action "do" some heroic deed or make some heroic beneficial sacrifice that epitomizes and best captures the essence of the Great White Gene Pool. They shall be celebrated, and remembered for all time.

5A) All Life and Knowledge and Wisdom flow from the Genetic Source. Wisdom is 90% genetic instinct acquired at birth from the Great White Gene Pool, with a 10% spark from the current generation's intelligence added. The individual Man cannot ever know all that much compared to the completeness and wholeness of the Great White Gene Pool GOD. Study of HIS GOD will provide answers. Though, Man must constantly strive to know as much as he can. He must avoid hubris. He must always first secure his children into the next generation. He must look to the Great White Gene Pool GOD for revealed Truths on method and direction. All life and all wisdom for him resides in the Whole of the Great White Gene Pool -- all the genes ever embodied by members throughout the Great White Gene Pool's glorious 40,000 year journey on this planet, all unique genetic combinations that have ever existed within the Great White Gene Pool. No member from any other gene pool or mix of gene pools can ever truly grasp-know-understand anything about the Great White Gene Pool. Knowing its spiritual content is visceral and instinctual -- genetic -- limited to members of the Great White Gene Pool.

5B) What is the basis of knowing? How much can you know? The basis of knowing is thorough and accurate study of the march of the Great White Gene Pool through its 40,000 year history. The study of its innate instincts as applied to challenges and threats. The study of its mental and physical beauty, its capacities and capabilities. The study of its interaction with Nature and other gene pools. Its creations of art, literature, music, philosophy, science, social oganization. All wisdom for members lives in OUR GOD of the Great White Gene Pool. Only genetic members of the Great White Gene Pool can interpret-understand-divine this wisdom. Much instinctual wisdom will not be quatifiable but may be glimpsed by observing and following the inspired actions of "Prophets" and "Scions". The wisdom of the Great White Gene Pool is so deep and so profound and the individual lifespan so comparatively short in providing living experience, that no one man can ever hope to know more than a small portion of the Wisdom residing in the Great White Gene Pool.

6) Heaven and Hell: Religious Community for our Sacred People and Blessed Children is Heaven on Earth: The highest level of spiritual well-being and development for members of the Great White Gene Pool can only be realized within an exclusive Church Community (exclusive of other gene pools). Hell is forced interaction with other gene pools.

7) Life After Death -- Any Member of the Great White Gene Pool may become immortal through procreation. Conception of a child (your likeness) is reborning into the Great White Gene Pool, life hereafter. Genetic participation in the conception of a newborn in the Great White Gene Pool is guarantee of the life hereafter, immortality. Multiply, be prolific. Grow the Great White Gene Pool. A chain attaching past, present and future. The unbroken circle. Only in giving life to the next generation can this life's purpose be fulfilled. Any member who fails at this, consigns himself to eternal oblivion. The other half of immortality is preserving the Great White Gene Pool. This is best achieved by vigorously proselytizing-witnessing "SPBC" Church messages to each new generation. Mine is a religion of works. Conceiving and raising my babies, binding together cooperatively my brethren genetic kin in my community, preaching my faith daily, and honoring my progenitors.

8) Membership -- Membership in the "SPBC" Church is BY BIRTH alone -- it is purely a genetic event. Baptism by birth. You got the genes or you don't. You can't fix it. No amount of money will buy it for the unqualified, nothing short of your death can take it away from you. It can be objectively tested. Those who possess the uncontaminated genes of the Great White Gene Pool at birth are automatically members. Noone else. You gain membership at birth, but you may lose it by wrong actions or failed works. Members who defile or fail in their duty to the Great White Gene Pool shall be disfellowshipped. Retaining membership is by works, by submitting to the obligations of the Great White Gene Pool.

9) Morality and the Great White Gene Pool Church -- Good is living up to your obligation to repay your "Original Debt" for your gift of Life from the Great White Gene Pool, in kind and on time. Sin is shirking your duty to repay any part of your obligation on time. A Good Man timely and effectively fulfills his duties to the Great White Gene Pool.

Brotherly morality, between members of good-standing in the Great White Gene Pool Church -- genetic brother morality -- is not inconsistent with the christian 10 commandments. But it goes much further. Brotherly morality is proactive with cooperation, mutual aid, mutual assistance and the mutual protection of genetic kin as its basis. It is community-wide genetic nepotism.

Unique brother nations-branches within the Great White Gene Pool shall revere their common genetic inheritance and under no circumstance diminish or undermine one another.

Morality with respect to other gene pools and gene pool mixtures -- black, brown, yellow, red, gene pool mixtures, and the inbred mulatto jew: There can be no true communication-understanding -- genetically not possible -- between the Great White Gene Pool and these other gene pools. Morality between gene pools must simply be based on security concerns and reciprocity -- "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Pre-emptive actions are required in cases where the health of the Great White Gene Pool is endangered.

Genetic contamination of the Great White Gene Pool is the ultimate sin.

Ranked just behind genetic corruption-miscegenation in degree of sinfulness is betrayal of a brethren Great White Gene Pool member in any matter great or small to a member of another gene pool.

10) Guidance and leadership come from ordained Males-Men. Authority: All Church authority comes from ordained Males-Men. Men in order of authority are: 1) "Prophets"/"Scions", 2) Local community SPBC Hall "Elders", 3) Congregation members in good standing. Every ordained Male Member is a full priest of the "Sacred People, Blessed Child Assembly" Church and is called upon to regularly assist and proselytize his genetic brethren.

Man/Woman/Child/Family -- Man is master of his family. He leads, protects, secures and educates his Family. The Woman follows and assists the Man. Four Sacred Euro Women 40,000 years ago borned the Great White Gene Pool and the Woman of today is the Sacred Mother of the next generation. Children honour their Mothers and Fathers and their forebears and repay their debt.

11) Members of the Great White Gene Pool spiritual community are "of this world" to the extent and in the manner in which the Great White Gene Pool "Prophets"/"Scions" and local SPBC Hall "Elders" prescribe. GOD may on occasion inspire enlightened Members to act out their sacred genetic instincts.

Where do living "Prophets" place the current status-health of the Great White Gene Pool?

a) The 19th century was a high point.

b) The 20th century was a low point.

c) Members of the Great White Gene Pool have forsaken THEIR GOD for false Gods foisted upon them by jews. Many acquiesce in jew promoted integration and mongrelization leading inevitibly to the extinction of the Great White Gene Pool and eternal darkness.

d) Most Great White Gene Pool members have forsaken THEIR GOD to serve mammon, sensual gratification and other false prophets.

The "Sacred People" has fallen.

The "Blessed Child" is murdered.

A period of great trials and tribulation awaits the "Sacred People".

Be of good cheer for we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of OUR GOD.

All current activities of the "Sacred People, Blessed Child Assembly" Church should be concentrated locally on building SPBC Halls, and witnessing to and saving sinners, backsliders, the fallen, and the lost.

Sam Walton, Ray Kroc, Simon Wiesenthsal, Pat Robertson, jesus et al. They all know how to sell and franchise. They all began with their very first product or business. They refined it. Honed it to real world considerations. They got one done right and in operation, that was the hard part, then they cookie-cuttered it everywhere. Even the myriad of local sorry christian preachers, filling every community in the Western world with their numerous suicidal cookie-cuttered gaudy and pretentious churches, can run a profitable business. A standardized product, a standardized method of doing business. Then follow the franchise template for growth and expansion.

Get out in front White Man. Buy a storefront or put up a new building in your community. Fill the pews.

Imagine SPBC Halls in the former locations of mcdonalds, walmarts, citi-bank branches, protestant churches, catholic churches, and synagogues.

Got to find pews for the 600,000,000.

Build your own Congregation.

Sell and Franchise the TRUTH.

Follow the template, which will evolve and improve.

Build a "Sacred People, Blessed Child Assembly" in your community!

Application of this blueprint will allow the Sacred People to leapfrog over its opposition and fulfill its Destiny.


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