Hitler Is Not My God Either

by Max Hadden

13 September 2004

Unfortunately, VNN is currently subjected to a childish flame war. My apologies. The worst of it is, for me anyway, I keep getting distracted from writing something that I hope to be enlightening or inspiring to others because one particular racial comrade sees fit to bash those of us he falsely assumes are harmful to the cause of White racial survival. He's resorted to sarcasm and name calling, so I must respond in kind, though I'll try to keep it at a minimum, or at least humorous. Quotes from the author's article are in italics.

I have but one goal for our race. I wish for the White Race to win. How we win does not matter to me. IF RACISTS MUST LIE, THEN RACISTS MUST LIE! IF RACISTS MUST STEAL, THEN RACISTS MUST STEAL! THE WHITE RACE MUST WIN BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! If ten Whites must be murdered for victory, that's a small price to pay for White life. If a hundred, if a thousand, even if a million must be murdered, that's still a small price to pay for our continued existence.

The old saying is still true: All is fair in love and war. As Commander Rockwell once said, the Constitution provides the proper punishment for treason, and here we're talking about treason to our White race: death.

If any man, claiming to be a racist, disagrees with my previous paragraph, I don't want him as my Comrade. For such a man would serve the Race far better by joining with the lemmings. If any leader disputes my previous paragraph, let me be the first to denounce him. We need leaders that are hard, leaders that aren't squeamish, and leaders that won't jew our racial message by buckling under pressure.

No argument here.

The author is stating that losing was okay because Hitler did "the right thing"? Is this author proposing that we do the same thing in the future? I can see it all now, "I'm sorry we lost the war son! We just had to tell the truth and play by the rules."

No, I did not say the Axis losing was okay because Hitler did the right thing. You're either purposely avoiding the point of my response to you (which was because you were bashing Hitler), or my writing lacks clarity and really sucks.

Instead of a leader that "does the right thing," why can't we have a leader that will win? The author also implies that there are conditions where he would choose defeat over victory. Do we really wish to see such traits in a racial leader?

I implied that I would choose defeat over victory under certain conditions? What the fuck are you talking about? Put down the crack pipe for a few seconds and come up for air.

For if a leader does not truly wish to win, why follow such a leader at all?

I agree.

Ask how many WWII German veterans think that Hitler did the right thing. If our race should once again bring forth a leader, let's do whatever is necessary to ensure that the new leader can get the job done!

As I pointed out before, but it obviously didn't penetrate the "I hate Hitler" barrier in that thick nigger-like skull of yours... hindsight is 20/20. Who the hell has a crystal ball and knows the future? Hess had just arrived in England to try to convince the British to end their hostility against the Germans.

Remember, you brought up the events surrounding Dunkirk in particular, and I specifically refuted those points with facts, not conjecture. Stating that we need "a leader who will get the job done" is a) just another bash on Hitler, b) an obvious fact, and c) straw man to knock down.

As long as we're discussing history, let's get at least a little bit of understanding.

Hitler did lose the war. That means Hitler was a loser. It doesn't matter if Hitler tried to be nice to the British. It doesn't matter if Hitler was nice to the jewish animals. It doesn't matter if Hitler ordered his subs not to fire on American ships, BECAUSE HITLER IN FACT LOST. Even the jewish animals will tell you that Hitler lost. I do not hold up losers as examples to emulate.

Thanks for clearing that up! I've been wandering around assuming that the Germans won the war for so long now it's pathetic! I'll tell you what's really pathetic, this author's hatred for Hitler.

Let me share a bit of understanding while playing amateur psychologist here... the author thinks like this:

1. the Germans lost the war,

2. they lost the war because of Hitler's tactics,

3. therefore Hitler was a bad leader,

4. and we don't need bad leaders if we're going to survive a race war.

Numbers 1 and 4 are obvious facts that no one would disagree with; however, 2 and 3 are certainly bogus. Who the fuck has a crystal ball and knows whether or not they're going to win or lose a war or any individual battle? Hitler had good reason to believe that the Axis would win the war.

Note also, that the Germans had no choice but to keep fighting. The Allies, thanks to the Jews, had already made it clear in the mass media that the Germans would be completely subjugated, robbed, raped and even sterilized if the Allies ever won. I would add more links, but what's the point? The author knows everything already.

This author assumes that we're supposed to be able somehow to pick a White leader that will ALWAYS know the outcome in advance? How do we test him for this? Have him pick the winning PowerBall numbers?

The reason that the Axis lost was because the rest of the world had been corrupted by the Jews and SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN FIGHTING THEIR RACIAL COMRADES IN GERMANY IN THE FIRST GODDAMN PLACE! The Americans proved that they had been Judaized because what they did was follow the Jewish axiom to the letter: the best of snakes should have its head crushed. There is NO NATURAL OR DARWINIAN righteousness when the single rose in a garden of weeds is plucked out.

The author conveniently neglects to mention the millions of Klansmen and former Klansmen in the U.S. during Hitler's time. Are we to assume that the Ku Klux Klan were engaging in underwater basket weaving, during the 1930s, and not willing to listen to a strong National Socialist message?

I didn't "conveniently neglect" anything. The KKK did not and could not effect the policies of the federal government even if they had heard all of the details about National Socialism and what was occurring in Deutschland.

The jews also had a complete stranglehold over the media in Germany prior to Hitler assuming power. The punishments are far greater for speaking out in Germany today, and yet the author fails to concede that Germany today can field far more racists than the United States.

I fail to concede that the Germans can field far more racists than the United States? Bullshit. In fact, I once gave a speech a few years ago in which I specifically mentioned that the Germans could muster thousands to a rally and had recently done so (when I made the speech, that is).

The particular fact that Germans muster greater numbers at rallies has nothing to do with Jewish stranglehold on the media. It just proves that the MORE GERMANS THAN AMERICANS HAVE BETTER NATURAL INSTINCTS and do not believe all the words they hear, as Pavlov said the average human does, rather than what their experience tells them is objective reality.

Let's not use the excuse that we must lose simply because the jews don't like us. If a leader doesn't feel that he has what it takes to achieve victory, he needs to step down to allow some fresh blood to assume the post.


Instead, the author chooses to discuss worthless dead presidents and make excuses for previous White failure.

I wasn't making excuses, I was making a comparison.

Let's ditch the dead presidents thing and start preaching a message that will actually help today's White men get through each and every day. Let's tap this divorced White anger. Like the Ju-jitsu master, let's use laws designed to keep the White Man down as our greatest propaganda tools. As long as divorced White men must live as monks, let us ensure that these divorced White men shall be warrior monks. Let's spread the hate, baby!

Does the author have respect for anyone other than himself? Dead president = losers to be ignored. Germans lost the war = losers to be ignored.

The author starts the paragraph (which I agree with) on a false premise -- MY RESPONSE TO HIS HITLER BASHING, because I brought up dead presidents, is weak because it doesn't incite fellow Whites to have righteous hatred toward the Jews. Huh? My point was that Hitler bashing is bad for our racial cause because HITLER REPRESENTS WHITE RACISM. Get it? I won't hold my breath.

He then quoted me regarding why we should believe Hitler and the National Socialists (because they told the truth about everything) to say...

I'd far more prefer to win. Again, the author is making the point that defeat is okay as long as Whites tell the truth and "do the right thing."

I never said defeat was okay you monumental jackoff. Again, monkeys read Nietzsche too, they just don't understand it.

The author is a prime example of a White that racists should shun. Only if this White should come to believe that White victory must reign supreme, regardless of the methods, should any racist stand with him.

Incredible! This is going to lead me down the paranoia path of everyone's a COINTELPRO agent! Laughing my ass off. I am an example of a White that racists should shun??? What a fucking joke. So apparently, according to this writer, I think losing is okay as long as we play by the rules? Dude, I never said that. If I could think of a "Lone Wolf" attack that would help, I would, but the revolution will come through masses of pissed off Aryans. Violence will undoubtedly ensue because the Jews and their puppets will not give their power up willingly. My guns are loaded.

The jews, Hitler, and Hitler's gang had ample motive for showing R�hm in a bad light. If there must be a White leader, jews always insist on it being the weak leader. Since the jews won WWII, Hitler, as a White leader, was the best choice from the jewish animal point of view - regardless of how Hitler had been elevated.

Complete baloney. No proof, just conjecture because the Axis lost. I guess since the Confederates lost Jews must have chose their leaders too?

Almost any racist will readily declare that jews are liars. The fact that jews lie isn't news.

Again, ignoring the point of my argument. The author claimed in his original uninteresting Hitler bashing article that:

- Americans FOUGHT THE GERMANS because the National Socialists message was weak

I responded:

- no, just as Commander Rockwell, said, Americans FOUGHT THE GERMANS because they had been lied to by the Jewish mass media.

The point of my rebuttal was to address WHY THE AMERICANS FOUGHT THE GERMANS, not that the Jews are liars.

The proof of this was spoken aloud by Commander Rockwell in the Brown University speech I mentioned. Did the other author listen to it? Does he think Rockwell was lying?

Even Hitler confessed that the jews are no good at spreading the message of White Life. I declare statements like this to be merely confessions of defeatism. Let's get one thing straight: the jews are never going to like us. The jewish press is never going to willingly spread our message.

Thanks for the scoop. By the way, I always argue against defeatism when I see it. Defeat only occurs when the last of our seed is pushing up daisies.

When our message does get out, it needs to be the strongest type of message possible. We have to fully prepare ourselves to have our messages sliced, diced, and taken out of context. Any racist who doesn't think this will happen is a fool. Our messages should be such that any single sentence, from any of our messages, needs to be a message - in and of itself. Each statement we utter should be constructed so that it's not possible for that statement to be quoted out of context.

How about posters like Rockwell used to make? "Send those niggers back!" Was that good enough for you? But Rockwell admired Adolf Hitler who was his inspiration. What a loser.

Look if you can help our White race, fucking help it. We need you. We need everyone who sees that our race is on the verge of extinction as well as those who don't realize the reality of our race's plight. But I'm not going to sit around while someone bashes Hitler along with the Jews and gentile Marxists. The tragedy of WW2 and the defeat of Europe was the result of American and British weaknesses, not Hitler's. Apparently, this is one thing the author and I will never agree on, so I would propose that we drop the subject and spare our readers the torture of more flame wars.

The author makes several points I agree with and has some good ideas. I have written articles before that the proper way to get to the LONG OVERDUE White revolution in the U.S. is to do what the National Socialists did to stir people up: bypassing the mass media by publicly campaigning WITH MESSAGES LIKE THE AUTHOR SO VEHEMENTLY PROMOTES. The brainwashed Freepers are not going to read the truth on some "racist" website like VNN. Too few of them are on our side of the bell-curve, as Herr Hartmann recently put it. The only way to do it is to get in their face. Go to them. Take the battle to the lemmings. If they have the right stuff, they'll respond.

Hatred is the proper emotion to incite. We have the emotion of hate thanks to nature for a reason. Whether one believes it was given to us by an omnipotent Creator is irrelevant; we feel hatred. I do not deny that fact or seek to reduce hatred WHEN IT IS AIMED AT THE PROPER TARGETS. Hatred against Hitler, or me for that matter, based on misguided assumptions is not helpful to our cause and is ultimately destructive to it. If a lot of other writers or readers of VNN wish me to be shunned as White Proletariat does, please tell me and I will consider it and do something more constructive for the survival of our race.


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