Spintro Archives

On Writers

And their prolificity, or something like that...

Freak Studies

Nigger studies is so 1970; Whiteness studies iz where it's at. By Whiteness they mean not race, since officially they cannot admit race exists, nor do they mean White culture, since culture is independent of genes thus can't be "White," they mean their political opinion of non-jewish, non-homosexual men with White skin. Not satisfied with twenty or thirty bogus faculties, the yids that be now seek to create "Hate studies" departments, I kid you not. The Center was a sponsor of the International Conference to Establish the Field of Hate Studies, and its co-founder and chief legal counsel, Morris Dees, was the keynote speaker at the conference's closing banquet. He offered encouragement and hope to an audience of more than 200. The SPLC and other jewish terrorist groups think they should be paid to hate you, normal White man. Spinning pseudosciences out of demented jacist fantasies is ancient jewish tradition. Jews are liars. Their "good for you" is always and ever "good for jews" -- alone. Did you know that Gonzaga has an Institute for Action Against Hate. Wow, that is so chock full of get-to-ity goodness. I'm impressed as an altar boy's rump. When Kool Mo and the Jebufruits get cookin', we're sure to get a soup that eats like a stew, eh Kool Mo, you batter master and postgraduate deicer of buttocks? I picture that rapidly aging penis-lapper wearing an apron emblazoned "Ask Me About Slurpees." Hey, Jesuits: what you need is an Institue for Action Against Fellaters in Funny Hats. What means 'hate'? Why, opposing the jews and their agenda by thought or deed. Just ask the AJC, one of the more prominent jewish verbal terrorist groups in America. Do I exaggerate, calling a lobby a terrorist group? When you define a race out of existence while siccing other races on it, and refusing to cover the predictable results in your media...and denouncing the few who do as "haters"...and calling for taxpayer money to be spend studying how to eliminate these honest men you've smeared, demonized, and stigmatized, then yes, you qualify as a terrorist group. Here for a discussion of that perennial rhetorical problem: coming up with a term to capture the jew's hatred of all other peoples. If it weren't for stupid articles, alumni magazines wouldn't exist.

Book Review: Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace

Explicating Rooseveltian treachery...by VNN Staff

Movie Review: 'The Interpreter'

Bits of race-realism in a story dealing with subSaharan, subhuman Africa...by T.C. Lynch

Rundown on Run-down Economy

Lewpus rounds it up...

Israel: A History of Perfidy

The false flag is a jewish speciality. Here on what may well happen in Iran. Morality and politics are two different things: the jews will lie about anything and murder anyone. And that is why we say NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.

Waspishly Yours

From Instauration...

The First Epistle of Judson the Scribe to the Caucasians

From Instauration...

Jewish Dualism in 20-th Century Russia

From Instauration...

Just How Many Christian Whites Did the Jews Murder in Eastern Europe?

43 million? Why, it puts their paltry, imaginary 6 million to shame.

Media: Air America Not Real Popular

Big surprise.

Nashis in Russiya

Nashi has grand plans to train a new generation of 100,000 young Russians, some of whom Yakemenko claims will be ready by 2009 to start running the country. Putin's working to head off a jew-produced Orange "Revolution" in his own country.

Burke on Government

His earlier work was no satire, but pointed out many truths in evidence today. Here a reformed leftist taxonomizes his erstwhile mates. Here Sobran on command central.

How'm I Doing?

Not so well, Mr. Iraq Policy. More here, on stronger attacks on isolated U.S. bases. One of the problems with these sorts of prolonged misadventures is eventually the folks you've molested for no reason begin to figure out how to turn their hatred into effective resistance. Here Raimondo on some of the haters over at Horowitz's site, gleeful over the death of a journalist reporting the horrors caused by their and other jews' lies. As the rabbis say, If the day ends in 'y,' the jew must lie. Here's a little hint, Justy: the only rational way to categorize paleo-yid Horowitz and twittering-twat Schlussel is as jews. As the rabbis tell their hook-nosed flock daily: If it's "good for jews" you must excuse. And that covers everything from check kiting to murder. The one commandment, itz. Interesting, this Raimondo column, more VNN-style invective than we've ever seen from him. Well placed, too. Letting kikey girl-colonists vent their cloackim over dead American girls is getting tiresome. Here on Waco. The ones who call the other ones "haters" are the real danger.

Pope Benedict

On the old one the new one named himself for.

New Classics Found

New bits by Archilochos, Sophocles and Lucian, thanks to new pap-reading technology.

The Upside of a Dumbed-Down Populace

Attention can't be held on anything for too long, not even overseas wars manufactured out of sheer lies to advance jewish interests. Americans find Iraq not so fun anymore. Don't get the thrill of watching the tank roll down the street shooting up the neighborhood. Maybe they've come across a veteran, or knew a neighbor kid who was killed. They grow just a bit restless. Time for something else. Sorry, jews. Time to brew up a fresh pot of lies, or perhaps instigate the next 9/11.

No Meloninnies in Fruit Basket?

Truly a story for our times... This is kind of ridiculous article/case that only exists because we White men allowed jews into our country, and let them do away with our freedom of association. When you have freedom of association, you can consort with whomever you choose, and don't owe anybody an explanation. Doesn't that sound odd -- being able to do what you want? To an AmeriKwan, it might as well be a different universe. We aren't free, the marketers who control our country just tell us that to keep us fatly stupid. Homosexuality was never a problem or a cause before jews showed up. Ever notice that? Now it is all but criminal to observe that homos are 1) ridiculous; 2) disease-spreaders; 3) just plain not-a-good-thing. Of course, the same could as well be said of niggers, and should be.

The AK-47: The White Patriot's Best Friend

Nothing beats it for reliability in the conditions under which most fighting takes place....by William Anderson

Movie Review: 'Of Unknown Origin'

Like jews, rats are cunning destroyers....by William Anderson

Movie Review: 'Bad Boys'

And no, this ain't a review of the Will Smiff nigger movie....by William Anderson

Young John Calhoun

His father's mother and brother were killed by Indians... There were no candlelight vigils back then - they returned fire.


Is it here? Is it there? What is it? Where does it come from? Nobody really knows... Or, there are at least two schools of thought, and one of them is entirely Russian, and it says oil-fields are self-replenishing.

Miscegenation is Downbreeding

As of the 2000 census, 6 percent of married black men had a white wife, and 3 percent of married black women had a white husband - and the share is much higher among young couples... It's only described as progress when whites downbreed with coloreds. When jews marry out, the NYT sets up wails about the "vanishing" jew. If any article and author deserve the appellation 'hate,' these are precisely those. Encouraging white women to breed with coloreds -- as all common media do -- is encouraging them to look upon the dygenics as a good thing. If that isn't the ultimate hate crime, what is? Is miscegenation "good for Whites"? Hell, no. Miscegenation is bad for Whites. Give your child the gift of White genes. The world has enough high yellers. The real story here, which Kristof fails to see or fails to mention, is that only a tiny minority of whites chooses the path of self-destruction despite round-the-clock indoctrination to do so. What is actually happening is that Whites are awakening to the value of their genes, and refusing to have anything to do with Hate Media encouraging them to throw away their priceless genetic heritage by mixing with the inferior beings that are mexicans and blacks. Only a fool goes that route. The difference between White and colored is the difference between a mud puddle and a mountain lake. You'll notice that nowhere in his article does the punk find room to discuss the black-on-White rape figures, nor the black IQ, nor the curious role of the media in somewhat reversing White attitudes toward bestiality. VNN would like to know when we're going to see a major motion picture showing Denzel Washington marrying an Orthodox jewess.

Henry Fairfield Osborn

From Instauration, with added text and pictures...by I.H.

That First Mock Attack

Familiarize yourself with the M.O. of shows and hosts....by The Shadow

Israel Must End Apartheid Now!

The world is awakening to the reality of Israel: a nation of sick, vicious, hypocritical jews who are a danger to everyone around them. The Association of University Teachers voted to sever links with Haifa and Bar-Ilan universities, and said it would consider boycotting a third. The message is clear: respectable people shun jews.

Pope Benedict

At the least the guy is erudite, cautious, and generally does not give in to the foolish idea that thoughts are modern or dated.

The Dead Hand of Jewry

No oxygen, no life. Free speech, honest historical inquiry, genuine debate - these hang together. Since the jews have all the answers, they don't want you raising any questions, and so replace cultivation with attitude inculcation. Here on the new pope. Whether or not we're Catholics, we've fallen to a point at which any institution that sticks to something without giving in to jew-leftist demands for homogenization is good. Here a child prodigy punches a vice principal and gets shackled, though its years be but five.

Housing Bubbleheads

Don't get suckered. Overpriced houses lead to inflated taxes. But the huge mortgage, the high interest rate, and the elevated tax "rent" are still there when the bubble pops. Live below your means until you can buy the house outright. That way you're safe. Freedom from the human-raccoon's desire for shiny gum wrappers is true liberation. More here. Here Sobran on a new book on divorce and domestic law under jews in the 'Kwa. Here on big cats and their attacks.

Illogical Libertarianism

Actually, what they are doing is raising the prices of consumer products, harming opportunity for workers to find good employment, hindering growth of economies in the developing world, and inadvertently serving as foot soldiers for the mercantile interest groups that seek to shield themselves from more efficient but foreign competitors. Is Lewpus making the case for open markets or open borders? By libertarian logic there is no difference, although the lewpies pretend there is. Borders are the very definition of protectionism. Acknowledging that would mean acknowledging that men are not just individuals, but individuals who make up groups -- groups with differences significant enough they seek to mark themselves off from the others. Their campaigns may be cast in a different light, but the substance of their program is no different from those who say that we should only buy American, which in turn makes no more logical sense than a campaign to buy only Michigan, or buy only Lansing, or, reductio ad absurdum, buy only from me. What's absurdum about it? More like startio at absurdum. The libertarian, having selected his own sperm and egg, makes his way through the world bound to nothing but himself and his glorious whim. Why should I care about what's good for other Americans? reasons the libertarian. The push to restrict people's opportunities to buy and sell based on region is an attempt to bring about what economists call autarky, or economic self-sufficiency. It is the economic system that decries the expansion of the division of labor and urges all production to take place in the smallest possible geographical unit. In practice, the campaign for economic autarky takes place at the level of the nation state and thereby works as a handmaiden of those who see nationalism and even war as a better program than peace and mutual betterment through trade. It was just that practice that brought Germany not only out of the Depression, but out from under jewish control -- and that was a large part of what led the jews to produce World War II.

Whitewashing Sports History

Keeping records in the Negro Leagues? But that would destroy the phun facts!...by J.B. Cash

Caste Football Looks at the 2005 NFL Draft

From the White perspective...by J.B. Cash

Let's Learn from them Colored People

Whites mustn't plow too deep to see over the furrow...by The Shadow

Pensees from the Jolt Cafe

A medley of short essays...by William Yates

Statement of Eric Robert Rudolph

He fights abortion, but his planning and execution are nearly FBI level...by Eric Rudolph

Jackie Robinson Day

April 15: not just tax day, but Jackie Robinson day. All the baseball announcers sound like Stalin's P.R. man. Robinson's number, 42, retired forever, for all teams. How about a day for the white man who invented baseball, jew Selig? The only sport the nigger ever invented was dingleball. Grab a chunk o' processed grub out your ass and throw it at your opponent. Hoot and repeat.

Theories About Jesus

Wise man? Moral tutor? barefoot water skier? Just plain fraud?

China Getting Good at 'Net Control

Numerous government agencies and thousands of public and private employees are involved at all levels, from the main pipelines, or backbones, hauling data over long distances to the cybercafes where many citizens access the Internet. They can often block you without your knowing you're being blocked. Google Inc. (GOOG) has acknowledged its Chinese-language news service - introduced on a test basis last fall - leaves out results from government-banned sites...

Spread of Man

Big DNA study undertaken...

Town "Tries to Grasp," Says CBS

What's hard to grasp? A niggerlet beat a human teen to death. Happens all the time. The nigger whose buck killed Nicole DuFresne didn't like her smile. This nigger was angry it lost a game. Note the way jew-controlled CBS leaps to extenuate the niggering: In Palmdale, he says, they're trying to understand the incomprehensible: why a scared 13-year-old may have used his bat as a weapon, and why his 15-year-old friend lay dead. How does CBS know it was "scared"? It doesn't. And there's no reason it would be. Witness Sam Cordova says, "They were kinda teasing each other, and the next thing you know, the boy pulled out a bat and he kinda hit him once in the side and once up around the neck, and then he just hit him really with tremendous force to the head. ...His head just sounded like a pumpkin getting hit with a bat." Niggers have no self-control. The jews who control our country have made it illegal to protect our communities from niggers. Until we get rid of the jews, this story will happen over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ov- DEATH TO THE JEWS. Was it your son killed today? Will it be your daughter raped tomorrow? Your grandmother robbed the day after? "The two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government," said Jefferson. It's true. It never stopped being true. Six million jew lies won't make it untrue. The jews deserve to be slaughtered en masse for what they have done to America and the West. ITZ COMING. The jews are the only people who control the media -- or need to. But every day new people are made aware of the true if hidden nature of the world's enemy. Can you imagine what a wonderful place the world would be without blacks and jews? There is no significant problem in America that is not caused by jews. Blacks aren't capable of creating problems on their own. It merely seems that way because jews have taken over the courts and made it illegal for Whites to defend themselves. Whether word or weapon, you'll always find a Weiss jewing away at the the legal and moral infrastructure of safe, stable, sane White society. Here he's writing a new gun law. There he's declaring more speech off limits. If you don't realize that we live under a Jewish Tyranny, it's because you have never tried to take a substantial action to control the conditions of your community.

College Admissions...

Oriental compares Asians to jews, adduces many interesting stats along the way...

Cannibalism in Columbus' Time

Enjoy the woodcarvings of fleshcarvings.

Avoid Debt

Good advice, pay close attention. Here on marriage and a goofy new law in Spain forcing men, by law, to do more housework.

Jew Einstein Was Wrong?

If a jew steals a formula, claims it as his own, is celebrated as the genius of history by his newspaper-printing congeners...is the guy he stole it from an anti-Semite when the formula turns out incorrect?



Thoughts on the New World Order...by Eric Thomson

Mocking & Miscellany

Snippets and tidbits, and a response re Christians and race...by The Shadow

TV Review: The Office

The ultimate anti-White show is here....by The Shadow

Selling Papers

Strangling veggies makes the cut. So does White Nationalist killer vampires.


Caring more about one nation's people than anothers is both racism and protectionism. Opposing the NWO is immoral. An icy indifference as to whether one?s countrymen are winning?be it in a competition for jobs or Olympic medals?is moral treason and the mark of a dead soul. But in the next breath, Buchanan will turn around and say that racism is wrong. He'll simply avoid citing the founders on race, just as fearfully as a useless libertarian. But he isn't a useless libertarian. He's a useless conservative. The founders would have laughed at Buchanan's fearful myopia: he'll go to the wall for the person's job, but not his family, community, and race.

New cartoon, the "The Artiste."

Faileocon Files: Is Paul Craig Roberts Developing Alzheimers?

He once led cheers for the outsourcing he now bemoans....by "Maguire"

Broad Support for Minutemen

Even among jew-eyed Freepers and WNDies. Watching Freepers and WNDies try to figure something out always reminds me of watching a dog or cat sniff its way slowly toward something it could see immediately if it would just raise its head.

Coulter on the Christian and Nigger Nichols

Smith knew all about Nichols' violent depredations from television. Yet she saw him not as a monster, but as one of God's creatures. Most Christians - most people - have trouble seeing the humanity of people who take our parking spots. Smith could see God's hand in a multiple murderer holding her hostage. By showing him genuine Christian love, Smith turned Nichols from a beast to a brother in Christ. There's no word for this but stupid. This mentality costs America 1-2 million violent crimes a year committed by Nicholses against white men. But your union card to the Punditariat comes at the price of agreeing never to acknowledge that racial differences are irreconcilable, Christ be damned.

Challenging White Supremacy

A jewish anti-White hateshop... They're the Republicoons, and they have their own site an' shit! The question has troubled philosophers for close to fifteen years now: what is the coon-shoe attraction? It is ultimately simplistic and judgmental to assume that the reason so many black kids want expensive sneakers is because their parents have questionable priorities. Likelier it is that nig-coons prefer shiny shoes for the same reason rac-coons like shiny gum foils. All humans want to be connected to greatness and glory, and now people are connecting with that, and each other, through the shoe." When I noted that $160 seemed a lot to pay for such a connection, Vaccaro replied: "And they'll pay $260 and $270 when it's time to pay that number." Niggers make the perfect consumers because they buy only consumables, and as their cortextual capacity doesn't allow them to think any further ahead than the next moist shoe, they'll almost certainly screw up and have to buy it again in ten minutes. As the jiggero has no internal life to speak of, its entire world consists of display either purchased, which helps big business, or stolen, which helps big government. Self-reliant, continent White men have little need for government or hypercapitalism. More here. Where does the expresssion dumb bunny come from? Told that the sneaker he had just bought for $160 probably cost $2 to make, a young man who works as a cook at a fast-food restaurant told me gleefully: "I don't care if they cost a penny to make. These are Jordans." Those who overheard him nodded in agreement. Nikes-for-Niggers is the next best thing to selling bottled air, from the jewpoint. Itz like selling diamonds without that irksome durability problem.

'Angry White Kid' the Self-Hating Judeo-Corporate Product of a Genocidal Campaign

The other day, my partner said to me, "scott, I haven't met anyone who hates being white as much as you." Not hard to see where he's headed, eh? Would that be your unsquaredancing partner, Scotty McQ-Rid? Here are a list of benefits Whites don't deserve, according to the jews who would abolish us. They call us the haters, but this is the real thing.

DeLay in Tight With Russky Kikenmob

The expense-paid trip by DeLay and three of his staff members cost $57,238, according to records filed by his office. During his six days in Moscow, he played golf, met with Russian church leaders and talked to prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, a friend of Russian oil and gas executives associated with the lobbying effort. DeLay also dined with the Russian executives and two Washington-based registered lobbyists for the Bahamian-registered company, sources say. One of those lobbyists was Jack Abramoff, who is now at the center of a federal influence-peddling and corruption probe related to his representation of Indian tribes. These fine, upstanding Christian gentlemen are hard-eyed cunts.

All the Big Nigs Out for White-Hatin' Johnny C.'s Send-off

The molester, the loosed-juice, and P-Doof were all there. Johnny Cochran hated white people, although he liked a juicy white whore now and again. The column in the News is my j-o-b. I get paid to be the politically correct black stone in your shoe. Believe me I get sick of writing the same goddamn story over and over and over again. Unshackled here, I can address how I really came to understand that all your cracker asses suck. This guy makes some good points. Hatred clarifies, it is love that blinds. Put a different way, you can't always tell just what it is you like about someone, but you always know precisely what you hate. Here a response to last, with a few slurs you may not have seen before. Itz always a good day when you come across a fresh slur. Have you noticed that? Various comments on a thread here, including fact that Cochran had prosecuted Lenny Bruce. Here the blog of a 'lucky white girl' a grad fem-marxist. Note her illogic. She starts by praising the emotional accounting of Naikan, and sounds sane: don't fixate on the problems other people caused you, because they helped you too, and you weren't all roses yourself. That's sane enough. But immediately she leaps into stuff about how privileged Western Whites are at the expense of misery of the other 80% of the world. Uh, sweetie, try the logic you started with on that. What about the good things, starting with life itself, the niggers have received from us? Most niggers would not exist without White science. There were only 100m of the noxious boolies running around before our evil colonialists showed up. This girl is salvageable and is too intelligent to stay a marxist. I see this echo of the first part of this spintro: It's easier to pinpoint what's wrong with a bad movie than it is to pinpoint what's right with a good one. Quite true. I remember a bookmark I used to have that said the dumbest thing. It said "People say that life is the thing but I prefer reading". I hated that bookmark. Reading is the opposite of life; it said. Good point. Reading literature offers psychological insight that cannot be gained any other way except through experience and reflection, and even there, even if we had the time and acquaintances to gain all that experience -- no one does -- it is good odds the writer who has lasted is considerably more perceptive than we his readers. A good analyst can help us understand something, an an insightful author can help us to see.

Christianity, Source of Evil

Whatever progress White men are capable of comes from using reason to construct meaning from facts and observations. Revelation is horseshit. It's for conmen duping the functional schiavos among us. The minute you approach 'revelation' with a magnifying class it disappears, exactly like the concept of 'class' in handicapping horse races gave way to refined speed measurements. Christianity may indeed offer good structure to weak men, but that is the best that can be said for it. And that structure is purchased at a high cost indeed. Uncounted go the strong men the church has made weak. The men who might have used their brains to make something of themselves, but became trapped and drowned in the tar pits of supernaturalism. WND's christian Kupelian writes about divorce, and most of what he says is sensible. But when he says that 150,000 gang members in L.A. is proof of the need for fathers, he verges into an area where Christianity endangers White men by insisting against evidence that niggers form families like White men. They don't. Niggers have never, ever in history formed stable families -- anywhere. The sole exception would be under slavery and then segregation. Without stern external controls, nigger nature runs wild, for the nigger is little more than a monkey, whether it has a million dollars or a pack of Kools. Niggers are a quick-turn species. The individual nigger is worth next to nothing. But its race reproduces so quickly there's no chance the early death of the useless individual nigger will cause it to die out. White men follow a different strategy: they invest in their valuable kids. They have fewer kids than niggers and mudmen, but they put more into their cultivation. Christianity advocates the poisonous dogma of moral universalism. We are all "equal" in God's eyes, according to the Christian. How an intelligent, attractive group is morally equal to a low-IQ, ugly, testosterone-charged race is never explained. You don't need to bother with facts when you have "revelations." Straight from God, no less. This wows the bowsers, but the men just snicker. "I'll gladly repay you with eternity tomorrow for a ten-spot in the collection plate today!" says the honest Christian man. The fact is, there is no equality in morals any more than in anything else. A man with a 110 IQ and self-control is no more morally equal to a blunt-smoking 65-IQ WICbunny than he is to a chimpanzee or cocker spaniel. His capacity for reason, for feeling, for self-control put him on an entirely different plane. A nigger's just a nigger, but a White man is a meal. If Christianity were the kind of thing that took facts into account, it might observe that as niggers have virtually no capacity for reflective thought, and as they have more testosterone, it is unfair to judge them morally as though they were White men. But of course, the Christian, being a cunt, doesn't even have the guts to apply his unistandard evenly: rather, he runs over to the jew his Pope appeases and buys up his stock of poverty and social-injustice "explanations." I'm glad I'm not a Christian. It's better to be a man.

Interview with Hezbollah

Our work is mainly divided into two parts: In the south we have resisted the Israeli invasion and we have worked to rebuild things.

Zimby: Whites Out, Chinks In

The fertile hills of this Southern African nation are rich with gold and the world?s second-largest platinum reserves.

FBI Needs Less Power, Not More

These guys are dangerous. Not to terrorists -- a word that in their mouth means little more than "anyone we choose to go after" -- but to ordinary Americans using the freedoms mentioned by name in the Constitution. Listed freedoms never comprised the total, but without the will to defend them by force, words on paper are meaningless.

The Pope

Buchanan whips out the Irish violin and the danny-boying begins. He says the Pope was a "great" man. Yet under this "great" man's tenure, the church continued to disintegrate. What word he would use for a man who fought Vatican II vigorously, explicitly, and successfully, I don't know. The Pope denounced abortion, but never described the jewish motive behind its illegal spread. The Pope never displayed any reluctance to go after those who dealt with jews. The Pope fairly can be described as an appeaser of the jews -- the jews who murdered Jesus. Another great pope like this, and the church will pass from the scene, or become indistinguishable from every other institution, if it isn't already. In fact, and contrary to Buchanan's claims, this Pope was a common type: a cowed conservative. He was a man who had no problem singling out jews for praise or protection, but never, ever for blame. If this Pope is a great man, then so is Buchanan himself.

GM and the Bubble Economy

...the entire U.S. auto sector gave an average $2,700 rebate on every vehicle in 2004, but GM's doubled those of the other makers... Neither GM nor Ford, "financial firms now producing cars as a hobby," are Faraday Cages, safe from being struck by lightning?in 2006, the Swiss daily wrote. But it could strike earlier. Don't buy a new car -- it's a waste of money. Find the car you need, and decide how much you are willing to pay for it. Find the car online or on lot, check it out, make a deal. If the guy won't agree to your number, walk out. If he will, pay cash. Let the fools drive the $200-Nike-equivalent SUVs. They look good, but they are less safe than minivans, and they use great volumes of expensive gas and are less fun that a good cargo van, which is at least 10x cheaper, and holds infinitely more. Quit trying to impress your fellow schoolfish and make your way directly to financial independence. Do it young, don't wait. Remember, now that declaring effective bankruptcy is on the point of being voided by U.S. Congress, the debt prison is back. Abuse credit, and you can spend the rest of your days paying 400 a month, 390 of which is interest to Big Jew. More here.


Jew-directed Asiatics raped and butchered German women. The trouble was that Patton was unpopular among Anglo?American biggies. He was rich, a womaniser, a seven-goal polo player, and spoke his mind ? traits which lesser men dislike and envy. Taki's taking our line again. Anglo culture is indeed defective, and is in fact inferior to the German culture it has combined with Interstein to destroy, although the only results of that mistaken partnership are the elevation of Big Jew and the bankruptcy and dismantling of the Palm & Pine crowd. Foolish Hitler out of lack of knowledge and misplaced respect and perhaps even, dare we say it, excessive human kindness, allowed Britain to escape to fight another day. By escape to fight, of course, we mean to allow the jew-controlled Churchill to wangle the jew-controlled Americans into the fight. Britain today pays the price of its own foolishness and Hitler's mistake. Today -- see letters 4/05/05 -- 80something pensioners are ethnically cleansed by rabid Moslems admitted to Britian under the oh-so-AmeriKwan idea that Britain is a place rather than a race. Better Hitler had ended Britain's army in Dunkirk, which would have allowed him to invade and control the island, and given him free hand to destroy the jews' own U.S.S.R. Today in most of the English-speaking world it is against the law to defend Britain. And it is against the law to criticize the men who owned Churchill, whom fools celebrate as the great man of the last 100/500/1000 years. As the poet says, Only the jew/ Won world war tew...

Peak Oil, or Acid Rain II: This Time Itz Viscous

George Carlin had a bit in his act about humans being a skin rash on the earth. We're idiotic mites running around on a giant greaseball, and have hardly begun to locate oil, let alone deplete it. Thomas Gold, astronomer and professor emeritus of Cornell held for years that oil is actually renewable primordial syrup continually manufactured by the earth under ultra hot conditions and tremendous pressures. This substance migrates upward picking up bacteria that attack it making it appear to have an organic origin, i.e., come from dinosaurs and vegetation. As best I have found so far Russian scientists support his position, at least that petroleum is of primordial origin. How many other things we "know" aren't true? Here some curious business related to flu-pinked piggies and What It Meanz to You. The same mentality that hacks computers would jizz double over bio-hacking. Instead of destroying hard drives, you could destroy whole populations. It's like a jewish wet dream. As a remarkably inbred group, jews are more vulnerable than almost any other population to being biohackenkreuzed. Keep in mind that jews themselves have been studying for decades to produce biological weapons to use on Arabs. Mossadist Victor Ostrovsky mentioned this in one of his books. The jews tested, and perhaps still do test, their weapons on blacks in South Africa. Keep in mind that politics is amoral. In public the jew denounces White South Africa for practicing apartheid to protect itself, just as civilized America practiced segregation. In private the jew denigrates the shvartzer, and sticks the retarded kaffir with infected needle. You don't like this? Well, you see, that is not the point. The jew shouldn't do this? Sez you and who? If god allows it, why you should you care? How many newspaper divisions have you, anyway? How many armies? Where's your ethnic network? You don't have one? No, you don't. In its place you have a church that is probably trying to import that infected kaffir as a wonderful new American. Where do the nostrums originate that define America as an idea, and men as morally equal? Why, from the very same jews who put Kepi the Kaffir to the knife. The jew lies because it is in his best interest. You believe it because you're too dull or lazy to look up the truth; or maybe you know that you'd be too cowardly to go against it if you did care to research it. No percentage in standing athwart the going line.

Neocons and the Pope

The more the jew spoke of moral clarity, the faster I counted my spoons. Give it, Hyman. You're a known and lacking entity. You're a kike - a liar. That the Pope has every reason to be an anti-Semite yet is not, is not a point in his favor, as his fans mistakenly think. Raimondo's points are correct, but they are also superficial. The only thing that will be left of this Pope in a couple hundred years will be the active aid he provided the jews and fellow travelers in undermining traditional teachings through Vatican II. Whether a defunct Soviet Union jewscam was cut short fifty years in part by his demarches is interesting, but not as significant as the doctrinal laxity and ape-friendly revisions Karol Wojtyla encouraged. There's a certain foolish romanticism that pervades articles like Raimondo's. The moral authority of the Pope is far less than the moral authority of TV. That is not intended as a gibe, but as an observation. The masses of people Believe what they see and hear on tv, whereas most Catholics pick and choose which of the Church's doctrine's fit their lives. The Pope doesn't have anywhere near full attention, let alone respect, of his base. The point is not that TV is right or good, but that people will believe anything they're exposed to, if there aren't any alternatives. The Catholic church, in its vigorous years, was every bit as suppressive of cacklers as the jews it admires. Of the Catholic church it might be said, as Willmoore Kendall said of National Review, it has become "just another liberal [institution]." Race alone offers the West a way back to life, not Catholicism. Pope will say anything the jews require of him. The Nazis, by contrast, fought the jews. The Pope will claim he advocates life, whereas the West embraces death. But the Nazis embraced both eugenics and life -- check the birth rates. If the Pope had moral courage he could speak the truth about the Nazis, but he shuts up. The Pope is like Sam Francis writ large, er, larger. He's well positioned to lead, but not interested. At best, the Pope and Canny Sammy were agreeable demurrers. The standard by which one ought to judge the Pope is how he did by his institution, and despite what his admirers say today, within a few hundred years the truth will be clear: he aided its liberalization, hence its destruction. At best the Catholic church was a Big Lie that provided some structure for idiots. But ever since the day intelligent men had access to books, the church has lost power. The deepest truth about the church is that it's own men don't believe what it preaches. That could not be said of the Nazis. There were certainly opportunists who joined after it became successful, but nobody ever doubted that the men who led it meant it. Don't be taken in by the judgments of fools; almost all men have a higher opinion of their own wisdom than the facts would warrant. This Pope was not a bad man, but neither was he a great man.

Libertarianism and Conservatism

Arguing over god and its place, if any... Here on Lincoln and the art of the anticipatory arrest. Here on a draft. If America were attacked, you wouldn't need it. When you attack others for no reason, and stonewall when your lie's exposed, you start to think about it, if you're a lying jew. How many jews have died in this war to spread terror? Zero. As the poet wrote, jew tells lies/ white man dies... The ability to learn -- not often seen. If the jews control America, then people who have defeated the jews politically must be studied. That's the parallel to this nice article about different Asian states adopting free markets after seeing the success of Hong Kong. Dubai will be, I predict ? this is easy because it already is ? the most successful city in world history because it is, in most ways, the freest. ... There?s no doubt in my mind that in the next 10 years, other Dubai look-a-likes will spring up around the world, variations on a theme. For most countries, it?s either that, or plan on becoming a petting zoo for those who do. ... The success of Dubai is due, partly as a result of this ongoing change in self-perception by Arabs, to the withdrawal of their money from America. Because of the absurd War on Terror, anyone from the Middle East who keeps substantial capital in the U.S. has to be an imbecile. But where, then, to put their money? Before Dubai, there was no place within the Arab culture that was safe. Now there is. It?s safer than America, and much more profitable. And, lastly, Dubai shows the West in general, and America in particular, that Islam in general, and Arabs in particular, are not necessarily their enemies any more than any other culture. Of course the Bush regime will disregard the lesson. Very interesting, indeed. I would put this in the same file as the Mahathir remarks. They drew attention for their open criticism of the jewish dictatorship governing the West and much of the rest of the world, but perhaps most notable about them was the calm and intelligent reasoning in them: Arabs need to think, and plan, and act rationally, and this billion-and-growing religion will be able to achieve its goals, political and otherwise. Is a time coming in which ashen-faced izzy and sara will go to any lengths to acquire false papers proving they're not jews? ITZ COMING. If you?re looking for a good location for an offshore company, or a secure bank account, look in this part of the world or the Orient. These people aren?t going to be pushed around by the U.S. and other declining powers. The jackoffs and hymies now running America, and letting in all the shitskins, and attacking the Minutemen who defend the border -- these fools don't realize that their great dream of a raceless global slave state will never come true. All they have done is destroy the United States to serve jewish interests. And in the end they won't even achieve that.

Hutus and Tutsis

Jew Rothbard deals with racial differences between two brands of nigger. The implications are purely White Nationalist, but no liberatarian, you may be sure, dares draw them. We're all just chickens here, Boss!

The Living Bill of Rights

Under bad men, the Constitution's good words provide perfect cover...by Edgar Steele

President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus: the White Gene Pool's One and Only Head of State

He operates in the interests of the Volk rather than the international jew mafia...by John C.

Canada Indian Tried for "Hate" for Speaking Truth About Jews

But experts say proving his remarks were criminally hateful is a different story. Ahenakew's case is to go to trial Monday in Saskatoon provincial court. When jews control things, the law becomes shadowy. It says this, it says that, but the only fixed meaning is whatever the jew says goes. Criticism of him and his operations does not go. He's charged under a section of the Criminal Code that prohibits the wilful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group. If found guilty by the judge hearing the case, Ahenakew faces up to two years behind bars. Jew-produced tv does nothing but promote the hatred of identifiable groups: Southerners, priests, Germans, Christians, anti-fags, but most of all just plain white males.

Max Beaut

Ridiculous name, ridiculous writer. You know what's more ridiculous? A scholar such as Woods wasting his time cleaning up a jew's lies. This waste of time shows the difference between conservatives and libertarians and efficacious nationalists. The former fail to grasp the truth, or else they fear to act on it. Jews are liars. They can make up ten lies before you can dispel one. What they fear is not your responding to their new verbal realities, but your attacking them as jews. For they are not Aryans: they take your refutations of their deliberate omissions and misconstruals as weakness. And they are correct. When you deal with what a jew says rather than what he means, you fall into his trap. Jews never do this. Honest Whites are always 'haters' who are 'targeting' their opponents, simply by describing their actions. Politics is war, and jews use words not to communicate and enlighten, but to divide people into two groups: one consisting of jews and dupes pushing The Agenda; the other consisting of "haters" and "targeters" and "inciters of violence" and any other smear words that seem judicious.

New cartoon (correct link): "Biaz Newz."

New cartoons: "Jewpir" and "Holocaust Dogma."

Women: A Psychological Sketch

Thoughts developed from Schopenhauer's. Here read "Decadence and Rot."...by John Allington

Women: A Psychological Sketch; Analyzing the Sex and the City Woman

She wants everything and no responsibility, but what's in that for you? Good advice for younger males and women....by John Allington

The Useless Young Male

A response to a jewess' load of bilge about young men today...by John Allington

The "White International" versus the "jew World Order"

The greatest challenge ever faces our generation of Whites....by John C.

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