Spintro Archives

Courtier Satire

Makes us puke. Whether it's the jewfags at SNL attacking an innocent woman rather than a guilty Clinton, or PeeJ O'Yesterday pushing an immoral, foolish and his-jew-boss-instigated war. Forced humor in service of a forced war all too many of the folks he doesn't make fun of would like to force the fodder -- chickens in BMWs, according to O'Rourke -- to participate in.


Note the headline, attempt to link "nazis" with Muslims. Then read the second to last paragraph. Journalists don't get much yellower than Suckpoop Joe.

Holocaust Update

In today's Holocaust(TM, c, R, VDTP) news, 832,000 jews were gassed to paradise. You could say it was a good day. Himmler messed around and got a triple double. More here.

"All Non-Jews Must Be Tracked"

This is the tacit policy of the ADL, the loxists who indoctrinate/bribe our cops. Here on Irving.

Media: Kerry Packer Dead

Aus magnate brought sports to masses - just like in the 'Kwa.

For Morons With Questions

The Bible's subtitle, usually redacted. There are more Scripture buhlievin' yahoos per square foot in Oklahoma than anywhere else on earth, private figures show. Here on conservatism. George W. Bush has firmly situated himself in this tradition, as in his 2003 pronouncement, "The human heart desires the same good things everywhere on earth." Welcome to Iraq. Whereas realism counsels great prudence in complex cultural situations, Wilsonianism rushes optimistically ahead. Wilsonianism is arrogant insanity, typical of college pukes, and Wilson was a lifelong college puke. He was just another clown of the class that tends to escape the consequences of the miseries it causes, whether by spreading democracy abroad or mixing niggers with humans at home. Every public conservative in 2006 is in reality a liberal, as he swears to racial integration and other manifest asininities such as equality and democracy. Race preservation, as the Lady once said of sex, is too good for the commoners. So the jews, who hold themselves our noblemen, reserve it for themselves. Which conservative will speak against them? Not Vin Weber, Jack Kemp, Bill Bennett, Ralph Reed, Gary Bauer, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Tom Delay or George Bush. They're all wear the circle H, the H standing for Hymie, with pride. Moo, losers! It is not possible to be conservative in the real meaning of the word without taking into account racial differences. In today's jewed parlance, that makes the difference-acknowledger a racist. He thought he was simply in tune with reality, but when he looks up, a curiously beaked creature launches a spit at him. That's where the guts ought to kick in, but these days the guts have given way to golddigging. The jews have the money, so the percentages lie in appeasing them, as Ann Coulter and a few dozen of her closest friends have figured out. The honor lies right here at VNN with our ever-widening circle of determined realist-idealists. You can't construct a reasonable ideal without acknowledging the real. It is both possible and desirable to bring about Aryan self-determination, and we, we alone, will do it. Join us in the new year!

Lying About Iraq

The ability to maintain a facade of pleasantness while dispensing bromides - who says democracy doesn't produce great men?

Dungy Eulogy

It's all about character, blah, blah, blah. The particular irony of this typical white-mouse journalist is that dinky self-doffing Dungy was a fan of exactly the same rap the writer derides. So his father being a good family man, a christian, an education fan - none of these rubbed off on his illiterate, foolish son. Another great example of six degrees of Kevin Bacon, just swap the Bacon for boolie and the six for one. Every black "man" in America is one step from a nigger - hell, he doesn't have to look any farther than his own nutsack to find a worthless piece of shit. Note too the way the reporter carefully remembers to hint that the rap fans in question are white. Could it be that the model of masculinity paid lip service is a cultural construct proceeding from the blood and spirit of the untrammeled Aryan - the one creature the judeostructure fears and hates most? No known alchemy will convert niggers into humans, no matter how hard we pretend, no matter how many press-dorothies click their heels no matter how many thousand times.


Dad Tony seems about as close to human as a nigger can get. Good at his job, modest in person - a family man. But look at his kid, a typical nigger. Illiterate, dumb as hell, interested only in pot and white pussy. The moral here is that even if you know "good" blacks, they're sure to have friends who are niggers. The "good" ones can't even keep the niggers out of their own family, no matter how many millions they have, or how much christianity they drizzle over baby nappy. Here mirror of James's myspace page.

Books These Days

The good news is more illiterates than ever are reading books these days - writing them too! What could be more progressive than illiterates reading salacious or semitically correct fare by recommendation of Okrah? Here on MLA convention, always good for a laugh; everybody up for the pre-prandial panel on the semiotics of hermaphroditism in newts? Most books illuminate only with aid of matches. The ability to pound a nail does not make a carpenter; the ability to write a letter does not make a writer.

Dissolve the Kwa

The idea of secession is hated by jews and streng verboten for you. "Our primary objective is to extricate Vermont peacefully from the United States as soon as possible." The SVR people are not doing this to "make a point" or to stretch the boundaries of debate. They really want out. ... It draws inspiration from, among others, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who in bidding farewell to his neighbors in Cavendish, Vermont, where he had lived in exile for 17 years, praised "the sensible and sure process of grassroots democracy, in which the local population solves most of its problems on its own, not waiting for the decisions of higher authorities." Order springs naturally from whites, whereas coloreds always present what might be euphemistically termed animal husbandry problems. Whites don't NEED niggers - or the jews who sicced them on us. Jews need us to supply the blood they suck. Niggers need us to supply orange sodas and the magical stamps that bring them. ZOG cannot tolerate even the existence of other options because those other options would prove so attractive to so many that even the dullest massman would come to see that a giant trick had been played on him, that he was ZOG's all-day sucker. Read between the lines of the kwanservative's report, you can see that the Vermont meeters were all white. Here on microstates.

Riot Bang-Ons

...30 percent of Sydney's current population is foreign-born... A dirty Leb is given space to write how bad the muds have it in beautiful, White-built Australia. Why not a feature by an Australian on what it's like being harassed or even gang-raped by muds? Unthinkable in our "free" press. Where are the feminists to complain about the on-(white)-women violence? Remember, Ozzies: MEDIA IS [sic] POLITICS, as the billionaire jew said. You want to change things, go to the root, and that means root out the jews controlling your press and redefining your nation, first verbally then physically. If there aren't any jews, there can't be any jew-controlled papers or tv stations. It stands to reason. Anyway, Lebanese twat writing this article: were you ever gang-raped by 'skips'? Here a stand-up story.

Mexico and Race

On the comics that inspired the withdrawn stamps. Here on pranks. A classic of the genre is a 1957 BBC "documentary" on Swiss spaghetti farmers. Many British viewers asked where they could buy pasta trees.

Fessenden and the First Radio

White genius - the opposite of education. The man who pules for education - A) he has never heard the word 'pule,' and won't believe it exists, even after checking the dictionary; B) is a demo-donkey. "Teachers are underpaid!" No, they're underwhipped. by reading Scientific American and Nature in the school library he had already begun to teach himself the principles of physics and engineering he would later use to revolutionize radio. He continued his self-education while employed by Thomas Edison, working his way up from helping lay electric light mains in 1885 to running Edison's chemistry laboratory in 1889. He broke up his 11-hour workdays by reading physics textbooks during his lunch hour. The number of humans with the genetic capacity for thought is tiny, and 90% of them what can is wasted in religion, the mental equivalent of masturbation. More here on this remarkable Reginald. His father was a useless preacher - he was a scientist. All the religion ever farted never provided the solace of ten minutes of air conditioning. At the age of 10, he watched Alexander Graham Bell demonstrate the telephone in Brantford, Ontario. Fessenden studied Bell's work and dreamed of transmitting the human voice without wires. More here. This was but a hundred years ago. What thing will be invented tomorrow night? More here. More patents to his name than any man but Edison.

Dumbed Down

The fool you flatter is the fool you become. The stupid goyim of bush follow the judeo-feminists, prating manfully and maniacally to those who'd reject the message even if they could see past the messengeress. Nature holds no more pitiful spectacle than a white man imitating a jew. Dumb Hughes follows the slippery kike down the rathole, right down to the imaginary gassings. Here on CIA and intelligence, open and shuttered. Here review of book on understanding terror networks. Here on militias. Schroeder signs on Russian gas project. Set to start piping gas into Europe in 2010, the $5-billion North European Gas Pipeline is controlled by Gazprom, Russia's state-run natural gas supplier. Here on good economics in Eastern Europe. The Baltic countries, Estonia first and foremost, are viewed around the world as extremely liberal, open-market economies. Baiba Rubess can only shake her head at the chronic economic debates being waged in Germany: "Prosperity puts people to sleep."

Free Speech? Not in Britain

No mention of Irving by jew Steyn.

Niggers Then, Now, Later

No matter how many hair extensions it hides under, it's still a coon. Of the two million incarcerated today, one million are black, and tens of thousands of the most dangerous criminals shot each other during the crack wars in the early 1990s.

The Beastliest and B'naiest

They lie, whites die. Above all, as the podhoretzim whisper among themselves in private, we must keep from the American people knowledge of the jewish causation of this illegal and immoral war. Here on Dirty Tert Hanson, suckpoop to the stars. Hanson retelling Thucydides' story is like Penny Marshall trying to remake "Raging Bull." VD is junk journalism. Latest from the Globalism for Nitwits imprint. Here good backgrounder on Iraq.


All the examples could be drawn from the lies of the rabbis, but never are. The factual assertions of the German nationalists are mentioned but never addressed. Honest debate isn't "good for jews."

Archive of Texts Related to German History

Lots of prop, some good stuff.

Holocaust Daily Update

In today's Holocaust news, 42,000 jews were gassed. Sixty-six people were imprisoned for doubting the gassing of the 42k under a pilot pre-crime program run jointly out of Tel Aviv and Los Angeles by the Pinioneering Institute for Mentiformity. In other words, it was a slow day. Kambermeister Stavros Hissmeyer informed VNN: "I took the afternoon off, what can I tell you? It's Christmas Eve. Plus the wiesels on today's slate were exceptionally fat. They may not eat hogs, but like them they sure do." No update on nazi negotiations with Alka-Selzer for rights to Plop, plop/ Fizz, fizz/ Oh, what a relief it is!. We'll keep you posted. Good news. Holocaust and historic revisionism is rising at an alarming rate. This is not only in the Islamic world, but also among the White supremacist groups and Black Muslims in the United States. Revisionism is on their agenda and is setting into motion the brainwashing of the young from every angle. Their methods include having "scholarly conferences", publishing professional-looking journals and magazines, as well as promoting websites that give the impression they are objective sources of information. Are they effective? Yes. Are they telling the truth? No. Oh, really? Interesting, then, that these sites deal in facts and specifics whereas you, jew, and the rest of your brethren fabulists, deal in smears and evasions. There's also the medium-sized point that factualists lack the power to imprison fabulists, but governments operated by fabulists regularly imprison factualists. Keep that in mind, passing reader, when you read this jew talking about the huge danger posed by Aryan amateurs to professional jews. More here, good essay.

40,000-Year-Old Footprints in Mexico

When were Americas first peopled?


On Lennie Bruce, distwatted as Leonard Schneider, pardon, Leonard ALFRED Schneider, to very little applause you may be sure. Watch some comedian on Comedy Central hopscotch from bleeped-out word to bleeped-out word in front of a live audience, and the idea of an entertainer being arrested for using expletives may seem quaint. But only 41 years ago the comedian Lenny Bruce was not only arrested but convicted of obscenity in New York City for his irreverent stand-up act. Yes, things change rapidly, especially when they're being destroyed. Building up, eh, not so easy. Thanks, jews! That only is described as shocking or edgy that pushes in the direction the jews seek to go. Or, the direction in which they seek to push the bovine goy masses. He once said, "There are words that offend me. Segregation, now that offends me." "Bruce" was an unfunny glass-jawed pussy whose supposed radicalism was utterly safe given its media backing. In 2003 Gov. George Pataki of New York issued a pardon for him as a "declaration of New York's commitment to upholding the First Amendment." Unless you tell the truth about the jews or run afoul o' the begorra camora teaching unapproved version of the Tatercaust to your highschool class.

All Media Is Local?

Most of what happens is never recorded, and the bit that is usually comes out twisted to serve The Agenda. If you wish to control your world, you must control the media, as Anschutz has discovered. That means not merely ownership, but overseeing and micromanaging the entire process. Even if a nazi were to buy FOX News tomorrow, where would he find writers, producers, videographers to flesh out his corps? The jews have built a barrier reef that houses a thousand fishes, anemones, eels. There's great synergy in the milieu. The iconoclasts may be great, but they're dispersed and isolated. The Internet at least online can create a barrier reef for White Life. Their deepest cut is persuading us that we do not exist; that we exist only in ways they legitimate. We say, "We are White." They say, no, Whiteness is an evil construct we and properly educated you will join forces to abolish. Mosby agrees that county government now is cleaner. "I don't care if you're a bad newspaper. The fact that you're a newspaper and cover a board meeting and write what happens has a Lysol effect. It's gonna kill some germs whether you're sprayin' real good or not." Funny sports crit here. Has a single self-patting white liberal ever written honestly about the damage he's caused by siding with the niggers against his fellow humans? Not that I've seen. They play the violins for these ineducables, but where's the one who has ever written honestly, evocatively, about the dread the working-class white girl or boy feels waiting for the integration bus? Liberals are cowards and hypocrites, blind in both eyes. They hate christians, but they're the same damn thing, they live in a head-world, making them dangerous to all they encounter. Today, more African Americans hold public office in Sunflower County, and the Enterprise-Tocsin has just as aggressively held them accountable in cases of wrongdoing as they have done with white officials. An ongoing story over the past two years involves the first black woman elected to a countywide public office -- as tax assessor/collector -- who embezzled more than $100,000. Dog bites man is not news, they say. Well, neither is monkey steals banana. Here would-be journos get a little taste of Nigville, don't like it. Well, they and their professors are the only ones who'd say they're to blame. Everyone else would say, yes, niggers suck. As RELee said, whenever you see niggers, everything is going down around them. Here on a Christmas song by Pogues. MacGowan is a sight. The jug-eared, toothless troubadour claims not to have drawn a sober breath since the age of twelve. He has done more to reinforce negative Irish stereotypes than the entire community of South Boston. The jews are a pilot fish that thinks it's a pilot light. Fuck Hannucunt. Just like the jews they suck-ass on, christians like to claim that nobody but christians every had a thinker that worked. Edison = atheist = man with most patents to his name. Yet for all that you don't hear atheists bragging that atheism = thought = progress. Technical progress originates in the suspicion that things happen for a reason, and that this reason can be traced. No cultural patrimony or theory of cosmogeny is necessary. Don't buhlieve the kikenhype.

Niggers: They're Stupid and Ungrateful

"We ain't going nowhere," Mama D told Congress. "Roaches and black folks, they've been trying to exterminate, eliminate us. We still there. We plan to be there." What can you say? Now that we've wasted a trillion or two on the niggers, let's offer affirmative action to the roaches. The one black mark against America we'll never be able to deny: we let niggers vote! I mean...niggers! ...voting! Does that make any kind of sense?


VNN resolves to start no more than ten sentences with 'and' in 2006. It may add a bit of pep, sounds smart and tv-y, but it's overdone. We notice it everywhere today. Here a good one on upmanic christmas letters. Yesterday they burned them, today they bomb them. This is the difference between religion and knowledge. When scientists try something and it doesn't work, they don't insist that it does, and murder other scientists who laugh at them. There's an objective standard. In religion, there is no standard. It is all bullshit, and that makes it fertile field for frauds, and scratch a religious leader, find a fraud, from Joe Smith, To Mary Baker Glover Patterson Eddy, to Big Boy, the Jeboozer himself.


Did you know there is a real, live book subtitled: How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America? The barnyardic stylings of slip-slop moved men to revolution.

The Jewed Century

No jews, no world wars. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Heine's point was that in modern, capitalist Europe the individual's connection to his fellow was being defined less and less by determinants of blood and birth like tribe, polis, family, clan, guild, and social caste, and more and more by universally recognized rights and obligations that regulated all of human life. The single bureaucratic state was now the theater of operations for everyone, and everyone was an autonomous player on a vast field of interlocking relationships -- economic relationships, above all -- where performance was increasingly a function of private abilities, talents, and proclivities. It wasn't talent that got the jew to the top, it was organization and nepotism. Only jews claim the West needed them; the truth is the Aryan never did need the jews. Today jews are needed less than ever. Whites can grow their own elites. The Internet can sort them out. Already it begins to dawn on the observant that there are very few major world problems not caused by jews, and zero major problems in the West that can't be traced to them: immigration, crime, dumbed-down education - all these are deliberate jewish policy instruments for neutralizing Aryan populations en route to miscegenatory genocide. Again, NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. It works.


Tyrrell complains that modern movies are long on action, short on explanation. Those who know the history of this conflict understand that the Israelis are defenders. The terrorists are aggressors and particularly brutal aggressors at that. Tyrrell ought to acquaint himself with the pre-1948 history of the land now known as Israel. To the neocon, history began in 1948. The jews have a right to remember 2,000 years ago -- even though the jews in Israel have no relation to the people of the bible -- yet never must anyone mention the terrorism committed by the jews in creating their state. If you believe in god, you'll fall for anything - even Israel. More here, jew-suck, but some interesting facts. Here on "Narnia." Here Teachout on Clooney's about Murrow and upcoming "Capote." Here on Paramount's buying DreamWorks.

Race Hygiene

On Ernst Rudin and German efforts to prosper the effective, rather than defective. Those who think WASPs like Stoddard turned up their nose at the nazis ignore this: When the Nazis came to power, argued Stoddard, they started to increase "both the size and the quality of the population." They coupled initiatives designed to encourage "sound" citizens to reproduce with a "drastic curb of the defective elements." (7) Stoddard personally witnessed how the Nazis were "weeding out the worst strains in the Germanic stock in a scientific and truly humanitarian way." The nazis followed and exapanded upon American programs preceding theirs by nearly three decades (1934 vs 1907). Note that Lothrop Stoddard met with Hitler, and that his writings were used in Nazi textbooks. Hitler wrote to Madison Grant, the other American giant, that his Passing of the Great Race was his, Hitler's, "bible." Today's WASP heavies fear to criticize the jew; yesterday's feared NOT to. A Jared Taylor will use a Madison Grant or a Lothrop Stoddard, but only to mislead the gullible. Here more on same, especially on Sanger and Planned Parenthood, by Catholics horrified at the thought of intelligent, attractive people making up a higher percentage of humanity. Steak fans don't eat at MacDonald's.

Huge Home Sales Drop

Sales of new homes fell 11.3% in November, biggest decline in nearly 12 years. Here on Levyathan, corpulenter than ever.

Has Your Church Been Jewed?

Got a fag preacher from a seminary using the Scofield Reference Bible? Then your answer is "yes." Same if Pops McFeely encourages you to felch your neighbor and embrace his "Judeo-Christian" tradition. Your fraud buzzer should go off whenever you hear the term. Do you seriously doubt that jews in Arab countries promote the Judeo-Islamic tradition?

Truth About Australia

Great background on the current troubles. Cricket fans hate niggers too. According to local newspapers, the South Africans were called kaffirs and kaffir boeties, derogatory terms for black people and black sympathizers, during the test in Perth, western Australia. Security staff at the match did not take action because they were unaware of what the terms meant.

Diversity in Britain: Afreakin Post "Employee" Steals Huge

When they're not gang-raping human girls, niggers like to steal your money. A postman and his brother in law who masterminded L20m cheque-book fraud involving a nationwide network of at least 220 accomplices were jailed today. The jews who let these niggers into Britain should be executed, just as should their brothers in the U.S. letting in the Mexcrement. The story does have a semi-happy ending: Up to L5m was pilfered from 1,300 "mainly Jewish" residents in the north London area of Golders Green. Again, why is "mainly Jewish" relevant here, except to portray jews as victims? The jew editing the paper leaves race out of most crimes and never mentions niggers targeting whites. The right in Britain grows wetter than ever, with moron talkin about taking criminal niggers like the po'man to heart.


In their largest operation, the group, code-named "the Avengers," received a large amount of arsenic from Paris and laced loaves of bread fed to hundreds of SS officers imprisoned in an American camp after the war. Poisoning wells, bread, whatever -- wrecking nations - these are jews acting out of echt jewishness. The gentile world should hold a summit and decide what is an appropriate punishment for a race that has wrecked nations and stolen hundreds of billions of dollars based on a lie. That is, when Big Jew admits, finally, that the gas chambers was a Big Lie, what is an appropriate punishment for the jewish people? I vote for extinction. Earlier this year, it refused a request from Poland to extradite a suspected death squad member. Could this be Solomon Morel? More here, on the site of one of the scholars stuck in prison for pointing out jews lie. Is there a difference between being gassed and being encouraged to leave? Not to a jew. After Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) the numbers of Jews wishing to leave Germany increased dramatically. The simple truth is that violence works. It works for jews when they murder native Palestinians, and it works for Muslims when they exterminate jews. Murder masquerades as morality - that is the meaning of the 'civil rights' production. We are going to dispossess you, and you are going to like it. You are going to proclaim, in public, your love of your dispossession. You will join us in denouncing as haters all who resist. Which left approximately 250,000 Jews that stayed, choosing to live under these circumstances � a large segment being those Jews married to Germans. They believed themselves to be German first, and Jews second, and that miscalculation cost many of them their lives. Typical jewish lying. No one anywhere ever heard of jews putting anything before what's "good for jews." The claim is advanced after the fact to shame the gullible. Link to shots of occupied Berlin. That would be the 2005, soon to be '6, occupation by the jews and local toad-eaters.

'Clarify' the Holocaust

Iranian proposes international conference. Sounds good to us. Do you think the Miragensteins will go for it? Here on Austrian Gudenus put on trial for incorrectly worshipping the Holocaust. The former MP said "there were gas chambers, but not in the (Nazi) Third Reich, only in Poland." Not true! There's an official lie, and all citizens of Germany and Austria must duly repeat it when pressed, no exceptions. Truth is no defense. Facts don't matter. Varying opinion isn't tolerated. Here on death of Heinrich Gross, accused of treating jews less than worshipfully.

'A Thief is Always Worried'

Munir: "Israel has atom bombs. It's the strongest country in the region and one of the military superpowers of the world. But the fellahin have a proverb: A thief is always worried. ITZ COMING. Work isn't kosher for orthodox jews. Their god-given goal is to sit around studying their Giant Book of Hate while White taxpayers subsidize them. Es isst shver, ein yidl zu seyn. "Israel is not a state of parasites," shouted Labor's candidate for prime minister, Amir Peretz, at a businessmen's club last week. He said he was confident he could "reach agreements with leading rabbis that productive work, which provides a living and dignity, is not contradictory to Torah studies." These people, if they are people, are the anti-Aryans. They hate us more than they hate work, and they hate work like they hate water. Orthdox jews are essentially welfare niggers with brains, with particularly unattractive dispositions.


Someone says bad things about jews. Are you as horrified as me and Joe Farah? Whites really do care about traitors. What's a "militant"? Anyone shot by an Israeli. Murdering innocents is a way of life in Israel. Here on ADL-trained FBI spying on synagogues? no -- never -- on mosques. Killing ordinary people is what the U.S. military, now under jewish control, mostly does. See, don't listen to what they say, watch what they do. They, in our name, drop bombs on people, shoot people, and torture people - very few of whom have anything to do with us or our country whatsoever. Now they have good reason to hate us - thanks to the jews controlling America, and operating her in the interest of tiny, sick, vicious, murderous Israel. The existence of jews, and the turmoil they create, blinds us to the fact that if they did not exist, foreign relations and race relations would be comparatively untroubled. The niggers would remain in Africa, the Mexcrement in their septic thank, the gooks in Asia. The mixing of nations signals the victory of the jew.

Interpreting Nigger Behavior

We all know the stats. NO niggers are poor. Libs: "They don't have enough money." Conservative libs: "The city is poorly administered." WN: LOL! No city with a nigger basis is well run. No amount of money converts a nigger into a human being. A nigger is a two-armed bandit that never pays off, no matter how many nickels you insert.

Media: Anschutz and "Narnia"

The kikes pay more attention to non-jew Anschutz as his influence grows. He innovates in both delivery and content - G-rated movies delivered digitally rather than R- on celluloid. "Is this preponderance of R-rated films simply�as we hear so often�a response to the market? I would say not, considering that of the top 20 moneymaking films of all time, not a single one is rated R, and of the top 50, only five are rated R�with the remainder being G or PG." He's right. A parallel point is that just as audiences do not want excessive sex and violence, neither do they want jews and muds in their pictures. Unlikely christian Anschutz will act on that truth directly, but WN can. That's what turned Disney into what it is. To some degree, Walden and Anschutz are helping Disney reclaim its legacy." Who lost the legacy? The jews who took over Disney after the founder's death. Jews hated the founder because he hated jews, having done business with them - i.e., having had characters he created stolen by them. If jews are the great people they advertise themselves, how come every race, nation, people, person in contact with them says otherwise? Those who know jews best hate them most!


College student's or jew's idea of cool. Shows power of media to create reality for imagination-impoverished excessively impressionable masses. This year alone two books were published on Festivus, online stores are hawking Festivus wares and businesses are advertising Festivus specials. Sure, Festivus is getting bigger all the time. But is it losing its anti-commercial edge? It has been snowballing since Ben & Jerry's started making holiday editions of Festivus ice cream in 2000. The rich concoction featured a brown sugar base studded with gingerbread cookies and ginger-caramel swirl. Marketing anti-marketing. Wow, what a paradox. Even stores are getting into the spirit of Festivus. On December 3, downtown St Louis shops and restaurants set up Festivus poles and other curiosities. A Middle Eastern clothing and art store brought in a live water buffalo, and Llama Lofts held Festivus tours. A local TV station aired the Seinfeld episode. If a jew approves, it's like a driver's license, zoning permit, and parking validation all in one. People say the Indians were dumb to sell Manhattan for $24 worth of trinkets, but how dumb are we to sell our heritage for seinfeldian anal leakage? City Museum set up a tree lot-like display of artificial Festivus poles, made of PVC pipe in an apparent effort to conserve metal. It was the city's first Festivus effort, which organisers plan to make a tradition. "We thought it was a fun alternative," says Kevin Farrell, senior director of economic and housing development for the Downtown St Louis Partnership. "Next year we want to make it even bigger. We have a lot of ideas, including a Festivus parade." Translation: since jews created Festivus, and since it isn't Christian, we know there won't be any lawsuits resulting from it, so let's just jew it! Whee! A show about nothing creates a fake holiday for people with lives about nothing. I seriosly wonder if jews ever get tired of manipulating stupid goyim. It must get almost boring after a point. There is apparently nothing jews can do to christians or whites that will cause a reaction.

Big Brother: the Next Level

All road travel monitored... Using a network of cameras that can automatically read every passing number plate, the plan is to build a huge database of vehicle movements so that the police and security services can analyse any journey a driver has made over several years. Those discriminated against and, dare we say, hated, must at all cost keep straight faces, for Emperor Diversity will tolerate no laughter. Here a white man is beaten, burned and dragged. Don't wait up for the movie. The victim, who is white, said Smith and McKay, who are black, made racial slurs while chaining him to the truck. Authorities said they do not doubt the comments were made but said the crime did not appear to be racially motivated, because the robbery occurred first. Here on Amish country in Ohio, world's largest community. Here on Pensacola.

The Paranoid Solipsist

Jews appear everywhere in Roth's books, but this one seems to be Roth's great Jewish history. "Jewish?" he says. "It's my most American book. It's about America. About America. It's an American dystopia. No, it's about a paranoid solipsist - phil roth, merely one convulution of the sphincter that is the jewish race. It is inconceivable America be about anything but jews; the suggestion otherwise is bizarre and anti-semitic. I encourage those of you who believe jews can be reasoned with to consider jew Roth's words: "I got the idea when I read an autobiography by an American historian. In a footnote he mentioned that the right wing of the Republican Party had made an attempt to nominate Lindbergh in 1940. I didn't know that. I remembered that my family supported Roosevelt, and that everyone around me hated Lindbergh. The whole neighbourhood was Jewish, and everyone worried about his extremely critical attitude towards Jews." Extremely critical? All he said was that jews (and British) were leading America astray. He phrased his words carefully, and bent over backwards to avoid insult. Still the jew perceives vicious antisemitism, as though there is any other kind. Mild? Justified? Anti-semite has but one stable meaning: non-jew. That you don't recognize this means either you don't understand jews, or haven't needed to - so far. Again we point out there remains no word save LOXISM for the paranoid hatred of non-jews, Aryans in particular, that jews exhibit. For example, consider the book we picked up from the library today. It's part of an 'Opposing Viewpoints Series.' It concerns "hate" groups. Implicit is that they exist; that the term hate is neutral rather than a frame used by one side. The entire debate is jews/muds/homos making accusations and a couple tepid R'cunts denying they're haters. All jewstream media is conducted like this.

ELF, Al-Qaida, White Nationalism

The FBI makes it up as it goes along. Here on people leaving Mass., heading southwest. Here on cabala.

White Art: Knut Hamsun

Here on Sinclair Lewis' novel about fascism come to America, It Can't Happen Here. Better read Mein Kampf to learn about our real rulers. Here the dubious claim that mass culture is dead. The high-dollar production values remain with the jews - and just watch an evening of tv to see how degraded prime-time has become. What did people talk about before sex? If self-determination for media, schools, spouses, etc., then why not for politics, too? Fade to Dowd. Here on Anthony Powell and his A Dance to the Music of Time. Here on college these days. The individual still seeks status and recognition. But the marks of distinction are all too often inebriation, "hooking up," expertise at sarcasm ("sarc one," "sarc two," and "sarc three"), and insouciance toward matters intellectual and moral. As students learn about and fall into this new ethic, the university not only fails to stand in opposition, it accelerates the process. Dupont, that composite of Duke, Stanford, Yale, and the University of Michigan, corrupts the promising young Charlotte. For revealing this disturbing truth, the author has been reviled by those who are thereby revealed. Here on D.H. Lawrence. Here on Matisse. Here on new book on Beethoven. Here on latest film of Austen's. Responses here. Here on Rousseau.

Sex Differences

They don't go away when you cook 'em. Here on gladiators. White man risks life and boat to save...whales. Giant squid video here.

Justice Aint

So says Pee-Wee Roberts, and he should know. Unless you believe Americans are 12 times more criminally inclined than Europeans, why is one of every 80 Americans (not counting children and the elderly) locked away from family, friends, career, and life? Umm, because America is full of niggers? And cops/Christians who benefit from the otherwise idiotic war to make drugs expensive? Here on humans and bonobos. For anyone who thinks socialized medicine is a good idea.

Israel First, America Last

For example, if whites murder a black for reasons of racial hostility, it is news for weeks, but should the crime go in the other direction, the story will be downplayed and then suppressed. One is as bad as the other � but that is not how it is reported. Should a man suggest that men are better than women at mathematics, the press will not regard it as a question to be investigated but as a crime to be punished. "Political correctness" is nothing but herdwired advocacy journalism. That merely begs the question what's the source of the PC? Who induced and directed the herd's stampede? The fact that a jew here or there collects a stray hoof in no way absolves kiken cowboys from responsibility for driving the goyim. Here on Italians going after "CIA" catching notlikeds and spiriting them off for electrode/waterboard fun in dungeons unknown.

Media: Sorry Third MSNBC Changes Ownership

NBC Universal buys part of Microsoft's stake. NBC Universal, which is owned by conglomerate General Electric Corp., also purchased the option to buy Microsoft's remaining share in the cable news channel within two years. ... MSNBC has struggled to gain ground on rivals CNN and Fox News channels, and has tried a variety of formats to expand its audience and pick up more advertisers. Despite some recent gains, the channel has never managed to move up from its third-place ranking behind No. 1 rated Fox News, which was founded the same year as MSNBC, and CNN, which is ranked No. 2. Here on the web vs Establishment print. Look at Jihad Unspun (http://www.jihadunspun.net) and you are looking into the minds of the politicised Arab world. But the site was started by a Canadian woman entrepreneur, who converted to Islam, and it is as slick as any. When you read a claim that 'Al-Qaeda special forces have T-54 tanks as well as biochemical and radioactive warheads', you will not dismiss it as easily as if it were on a ragged and amateurish site. The Internet is a medium, and itz message is: NEWS WITHOUT JEWS. The asinine "The Producers" roundly soundly whipt. Here on Craig Ferguson. "Carson could make or break any politician in a matter of weeks," Lassally says. "If he started to make jokes about somebody in the Cabinet, that was the end. He really was the voice of the people about presidents and anyone else in the public limelight." People take their cue from what is laughed at. TV supplies the laughers and the lines, courtesy of Jewish Universal Writers Group. Public laughter as canned encourages false pride, inflated and false conception of insiderness and simple knowledge. Here Russia attempts conversion from state-controlled to "public" tv. Under the ministry's bill, public television would comprise existing state television and radio broadcasting companies and be controlled by a council that includes representatives of civil society, Gref said. The state controls, directly or indirectly, Channel One, Rossia and NTV. The only other television channel with news content, Ren-TV, is controlled by private companies whose management is seen as loyal to the Kremlin. Record sports-rights bid in Australia. No revolution just yet. Here on China, attempting to develop while limiting information exchange.


IT is largely, if not exclusively, thanks to Robert Rauschenberg that Americans since the 1950's have come to think that art can be made out of anything, exist anywhere, last forever or just for a moment and serve almost any purpose or no purpose at all except to suggest that the stuff of life and the stuff of art are ultimately one and the same. It's not clear that Rauschenberg was a jew, but it is clear that without the jewish production/promotion matrix, he'd not be celebrated. Parallel: if anything is art, then anything is citizen. No distinctions for commoners. More here.

Paid Opinions

Legitimate to discuss private business' placing people at institutes, from which they can write ads for their employers in the form of paid opinions. Illegitimate to discuss jews' collective ownership of mass media, and their use of that control to rewrite our immigration and foreign policies - along with pretty much everything else.


NY maternity nurse has it. More than 1,000 of the patients the nurse came in contact with could not be found, the C.D.C said. ... The reason the nurse gave for refusing treatment, according to the C.D.C., was that many adults in the Philippines - where she had lived and received training and where tuberculosis is rampant - test positive for latent TB and do not get treatment. Oh, ok.

Whores, Dirty Whores

Pay-per-'pinion is back. Actually, it never left. When jews aren't buying people, they're selling themselves. More here. And here. A review of Bandow's columns and other written work shows that he wrote favorably about Abramoff's Indian tribal clients -- as well as another Abramoff client, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands -- as far back as 1997. One column, syndicated by the Copley News Service, saluted one Abramoff client tribe, the Mississippi Choctaws, for their entrepreneurial spirit, hard work, and commitment to free enterprise. "The Choctaws offer a model for other tribes," Bandow wrote. A jew paying a jew to write sympathetically about jew's clients. Sounds like good old-fashioned AmeriKwanism to us.

Lying About Lying

If ever there were a jewish specialty... Here Reid says Congress most corrupt ever. America is sick, and jew is the disease. Here comparison of Iranian commentators and Hitler. More here on Ahmadinejad. Here on the government checking up on readers. Jews -- the people who whine about imaginary paper cuts -- are in love with torturing the innocent.

War on Christmas

The libties are wrong; there is a war. It's carried out by jews against Christians. Not that the sycophonies will ever mention the jews. No, the neocon pantheon does not include the Prince of Peace; instead, it celebrates the idolatry of endless war in faraway lands. America's interests, and "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God," play no role at all. So, the neocons -- jews -- do what they do in contravention of 'the laws of Nature and Nature's God.' That's really something. Nature forbids their actions, by law, they carry on. Sic semper Catholic intellectualism.

'Holocaust' = Official State Religion

It appears there was an attack aimed at the man who spoke the truth corrupt U.S. Congressional sellouts fear to voice. Here on violence done by America, thank the jews.

Hate Candle Receives Justice

Fight hate - smash a menorah. As always, when jews claim one of their hate centers or hate symbols has been defaced, jews are the first suspect. Known for the last 2000+ years as the ultimate race of liars, jews' word can't be trusted.

Stop the Shitskins

Tancredo works on wall... Disgust with jew-corrupted D.C. grows, centered around the invasion "issue." How does Hollywood cover the invasion? All kinds of facts on invasion here.

Government, Like Nature, Makes a Bad Religion

The type drawn to government almost always censors information that makes it look bad, no matter how factual or necessary to cleaning up problems it is. Here snippets from Vidal. He is correct that media control is a permanent feature of our new situation, but incorrect in blaming Big Corp rather than Big Jew.

Spreading China

Africa and everywhere else...

"Brokeback Mountain"

A movie about fag cowboys comes out, immediately it's celebrated by the same jew promoters who hated "Passion," and it's nominated for awards. Hollywood is run by jews who hate christians and Whites. There's no simpler or more accurate way to put it. Hollywood will always celebrate what destroys those it hates. More and more christians and whites reject the judeo-System and grow their own, whether media or schools. The inevitable and ultimate rejection of the jews lies in rejecting their state and forming our own. Movements are already underway in South Carolina (christians) and Vermont (libertarains). One day Whites will join them. We don't need jews, jews need us. What's a parasite without a host? Skinny as a Zimbabwe nigger... Again, we challenge that rarest of rare avians, the logical leftist. If profits is the one and only drive of corporations, and corporate behavior explains Hollywood, then why do its jews produce "BM" after "BM" and refuse to distribute or acclaim "Passion"? Your explanation fails. If you're a man, you're forced to confront the White theory: jews use media to advance a political agenda - profits are important but secondary. More here on "BM."

Romney, the Mormon

Surveys show Mormons are less disliked than jews. Of course, bought Protestant preachers have brainwashed their flocks for years re jews and Israel, whereas anti-Mormon sentiment is common among fundamentalists, who resent Mormons taking their market share. Yet beyond Christian-sounding platitudes, the Mormon version of Christianity is pretty novel. To Mormons, the Book of Mormon is equivalent to, if not preeminent over, the Bible. Joseph Smith said, "I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." Mormons reject the Holy Trinity, instead believing God, Son, and Holy Spirit to be separate beings. People preexisted as God's "spirit children" until we assumed human bodies on Earth. Adam is the same person as Michael the Archangel. Married couples can become gods in the afterlife. One waits in vain for the cowardly conservatives similarly to dissect judaism, which teaches that non-jews are animals.

Media: Forging "Experts"

It's not what you know, it's jew you know. Censorship is all-AmeriKwan. The meetings are part of a system of Internet censorship that combines technological filters, human monitors and threats of detention to systematically suppress political speech. Which country? America, Germany, France, England, or China?

Iranian 'Recasts' Wipe Israel Comments

He didn't say Israel should be wiped off the map, he said jews are the kind of thing you wipe off your ass. Three our of four Teletubbies agree that most of the problems in the world are caused by miscommunication. As we've always said here at VNN, the next nuclear war will be started by Israel.

Never Enough Recognition of Jews

Attempt to push through a month on "Jewish history," i.e., whichever lies profit the jews in the moment. At what point do we tire enough of jewish tyranny to do something about it?

Chutzpathological Architecture

Is it a surprise that ugly, obnoxious jews make ugly, offensive buildings?

Reaction to the Wonder Down Under

Here judge throws out Idaho suit against ZOG for forcing mexcrement on it. Here a she-jew makes all the right points about Australia, except two: her people let in the mud invaders; her people skew the press to conceal rather than reveal the reality of group conflict; her people are responsible for the legal/media infrastructure that labels White self-defense and White pride "hate" and uses the government to outlaw it. Jews don't take a sides, they play all sides.

Feature Films for Families

Mormon-owned alternative media, aiming at G-movies for families...

Media: Goyfire-Haters

Jew/Israeli podcaster hates Goyfire and doesn't trust you'll draw the right opinion if you hear it, thus he calls for it to be kept off common directories. Jews are confident people. They can defend themselves without resorting to smears and murder. Theoretically, anyway. Here dizzy izzy on Jacko and his harrible antisemitic rant. Not really worth listening to, but kind of funny when this pathetic pet from down under starts begging people to join his forum. VNN deserves better enemies than this Dull Hyman, and so we will not acknowledge him.

Diversity Sux

If we're a free country, why are we forced to pretend to love niggers? Not least because it spreads disease. Note that socialist Davis doesn't mention the government's vaccine being the real problem. Here on creating gene map of cancers. Heidi cheated on Seal. Think he'll notice? There's nothing wrong with cannibalism. There's nothing wrong with eating some thighs. Don't try to make me feel guilty. Just shut up and give me an eye.

Top Ten Con Colleges

Neocon, that is. If you believe jews are Santa, and niggers are "equal" -- to what? I don't know? - snails? minor apes? -- you qualify as a conservative...liberal: "reality is what we make it."

Easy Credit

Gold cards for pre-people. Whatever happened to that "stop the insanity" woman?

Truman State Football Playing Nigger Attacks Local Businessman

Truman has a new president, a feminist from back East. She speaks regularly in favor of diversity. Translate that into today's story, a nigger, with a white football friend, and other unnamed parties, attacks a local bar owner and employee. "Diversity is our greatest strength," they say. But this story shows you what diversity really means: niggers creating problems for humans. Who wants more nigger-on-white attacks? Offical Truman, that's who. So the rural White with high scores is dumped for the division three version of hothead Terrell Owens. Since he knows he'll never make the big time, what restrains his behavior? Very little. Why wouldn't the same system that admits him to college with inferior grades bend the rules when it comes to attempted murder -- pardon us, "assault"?

Fighting the Good Fight: Ahmadinejad

Ever notice there's never in history been a non-madman opposed to the jews, those paragons of equanimity? Here Israel prepares to strike next spring. The Israelis have hundreds of nuclear weapons. The Iranians have none. "Free press" in plain English means jews and Israel accusing others of what they did first and worst. "if by the end of March the international community is unable to refer the Iranian issue to the United Nations security council, then we can say the international effort has run its course". Take a lesson, White men. Set lines, and when the jews cross them, cut off their head. The attempt of Big Jew to, in effect if not in word, revoke the First Amendment is equivalent in scale to Iran's attempt to build a nuclear weapon. Israel says, no matter what anyone says, we will kill our enemy. Word to the wise, White man. Thank God for Russia: Russia last week signed an estimated $1 billion contract -- its largest since 2000 -- to sell Iran advanced Tor-M1 systems capable of destroying guided missiles and laser-guided bombs from aircraft. More here on the uncowed Iranian.

Everything to All Men

They're in the moment, if nothing else, these jews. Whatever they need to be to put the scam through. Their default setting is patting themselves on the back for breaking barriers. But when their war's on the line, and even a child can see they're going to lose, their eyes flash wide with piety, their hand claps over their heart. I know it's easy to jump on Dem chair Howard Dean, but sometimes he has to be jumped on. He says, "... the idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong." That's just plain lousy, isn't it? Even if you thought it true, I believe a sense of caution or humility would keep you from saying it... We're to take instruction in caution and humility from a person of chutzpah, yes! Jews: an endless cavalcade of chameleonic chicanery, itz. As always, they come across like walking assholes, bearing certificates proclaiming they're roses -- notarized, no less! -- and why won't you believe them, they ask with jewish sincerity?

Walden Media

Anschutz's producer of "Narnia"... But notice this, Walden's next project: Flaherty: We are in London right now filming a movie called Amazing Grace, that tells the story of William Wilberforce, John Newton, Thomas Clarkson, Equiano, and all of the great people who abolished slavery 200 ago in Britain. We are going to release the movie in 2007 to coincide with the bicentenary of the abolition in the U.K. It is our hope that the film will remind people in this cynical age that great men and women can change the face of history, no matter how insurmountable the odds. Wow, that's awesome. A triumph of the human spirit. What did those noble niggers do with their freedom? Thanks, proto-PETA!

The Fruits of the Jew-Sponsored Mexinvasion

Thanks, jews, you dirty, hypocritical nation-wreckers...

Science Learns More, Religion Still Revving in Jeboo Rut

Growing human cells in mice...

Media: MTV and MSNBC

It will be the preferred services, assures the jew.

So Long, Spookie Tooky

While most of the speakers on stage were young and African-American, the audience was predominately white and older. Fucking morons. Niggers hate you, and your love for them is deranged.

Angry White Men

Note the way the media use the shots that make the men look rabid, the opposite of the way they player niggers, whose animal riots are always due to poverty or some other deficit the evil white man refuses to supply. Worse still was the series of four gang rapes by Lebanese youths that horrified Sydney several years ago. One of the ringleaders sent text messages urging mates to "bash a Christian or Catholic" when they felt down. Others racially abused their white victims, calling one an "Aussie pig". More here, as immi-scum gets a small portion of what it has coming. Here letters: I am sick to death as an anglo australian female of being stared at disgustlingly, stalked by cars walking down my own street, intimidated on trains at the shopping centre and now at the beach. Unfortunately those displaying this bullying behaviour happen to be young middle eastern men. What is going on in their heads? The media never report anti-White behavior, so that when the do report the occasional white resistance, it seems irrational and hateful. When Whites are willing to kill the jews running our nations, and letting Lebanese or Mexishits in and instructing us to call them humans, then the battle will be joined, and we will win - easily. BNP view here. More here. Here on mixing muds with Europeans. Integration: good for Israel, bad for America & Europe. Israel, after all, is a nation of immigrants. More here on Australia and prep for third night of riots.

Russia: Leader of Schultz-88 Jailed for Six Years

For "inciting racial hatred and encouraging juveniles to join an extremist group." Jews incite racial hatred by filling White nations with muds. They aren't thrown in jail for it, though. Here kike Beichman jews on Putin.

Hate Crime: Way to Avoid Discussing Real Crime

"Hate crime" is a political construct aimed to create semitically correct hysteria among the brainwashed masses, and keep their attention off real crime, which, even ZOG figures show, is nearly 100% colored on white. The title link is to a story about "hate" crimes in Michigan. How many stories about crime in Michigan do you think this paper has run? Why focus on "hate crimes" that aren't even real crimes in most instances, and even if they were, would be a fraction of one percent of the true crime taking place in the state? Why? Because it misleads the white idiots who might otherwise wake up to the true political situation: their state and nation are being niggerized under their nose, and they are left without the means to do anything about it, as the same jews who concoct "hate crimes" law press for gun and speech controls like they already have in place in Canada, as we see in the next spintro. Even on its own terms the 'hate-crimes' farcists wink at us: they know that the very segregation they've outlawed in the name of 'civil rights' is the surest way to stifle interracial crime. They create legal infrastructure exacerbating group conflict, then they blame whites for whatever tiny bit of fighting back they do to protect themselves, while consciously and completely blacking out the truth about racial differences in makeup and behavior that make races irreconcilable in the first place.

Kikes' Own Canada

It is a crime to disagree with a jew in Canada. Do we exaggerate? [Mueller] "was charged in June 2004 after police came across a website containing anti-Jewish essays." More here.

Spabookie Set For Chemical Enhancement

He murdered four, and there's a debate over executing him. More here on pookie. Remember, this nigger has already lived decades after committing four murders. Even to consider not executing him is degenerate. He should have been taken out back and shot once it was clear he was guilty. Instead, he's lived the good life at human expense for nigh on thirty years. Niggers are like negative pets. We provide them care and shelter; they return unconditional hate. What a bargain, these boys o' bool. Many others remember Williams, now on death row awaiting possible execution, as a 5-foot-10-inch, 300-pound terror who channeled self-hate into violence against others: spitting in people's faces, stealing and robbing, exacerbating volatile mood swings with PCP, and murdering four people in 1979. Do you realize, conservative reading this, that no matter what fools like Newt Gingrich say, niggers will always prefer and side with fellow niggers like Tookie? Do you realize the genocidal implications of the pro-Mumians and Tookieanis?

Gilberto Cruz Hernandez

They ask us why we're distributing newspapers with records of crime and criminals like these. We're the bad guy, GCH is the good guy. The jew-led elite hate nation states, hate the very concept - except in the case of Israel. When you understand this fact, you can predict non-coverage with perfect accuracy. Anything that hints that separate nation-states is a good idea will be downplayed or blacked out. Play up GCH, the idiots might get angry. Might draw the conclusion that a government that encourages this scum to come here is illegitimate and ought to be replaced at gunpoint. Here on Gilchrest and elections in California turning on sentiment against shitskins.

Mexican + Midnight = Theft

The $34 million project got under way in April. Since then, Carlen says, thieves have raided the construction site on what seems like an almost nightly basis. What the report doesn't tell you is that Mexicans are thick as fleas in Yakima, way up north though it be. Cold weather is no detriment to Mexcrement.

Christmas and the Morons

The only thing Lewpus leaves out is that there really is an attack on Christmas, and it comes from the jews, who hate Christianity. Major retailers go along with the jewish political agenda for fear of undermining profits. If it weren't for politics, merchants would use all the terms rather than one neutral term. They'd market primarily to christians with christmas, and throw in kwanzaa and hanuka if they catered to those markets.

Jews, Nature's Ignoblemen

A group organized and hostile to all others, even those it, transiently, uses. See, according to jews, there's a "jewish community" and the actions of others can "threaten" it. But not Whites. They have no community, only "hate." This is how the game is played. The race that hates us has the high points: the money and media presses; the tv stations; the bought politicians. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS. Foxman said that while groups like the ADL have been concerned about the growing power of the religious right for years, there is a difference today. "More and more, we see them wanting to make the government a partner in religion," he said. "More and more, they want the government to facilitate their religious activity. There's no element of American life they don't want to impact." Of course, the ADL is paid to "train" FBI and other police in what are acceptable political views and what are "hate." Judaism is little more than a paranoid clan with a double standard for every point it touches the goyish world. If Amish behaved like jews, they'd receive the same reaction, which is all 'anti-semitism' is - the natural reaction to jewish behavior.

Attack on Iraq

Clooney correctly points to liberal cowardice. The solution is not Obama; that way monkeys lie. Here on Hussein trial. Here on the Lincoln Group, jew-run media placement specialists.

Banning Jews

Suckpoop Joe cries fake tears. Keeping jews out of Syria is just common sense. Here Hoffman on Irving. The revisionists, not the holocaust cultists, are the canary in the mine - the first to succumb to the poisonous gases of semitical correctness.

Katrina Niggers' Free Ride to Continue

Keep livin' large in hotel on taxpayer dime. Attorneys pressing the lawsuit said FEMA should not be allowed to end the hotel program because it has failed to provide other housing aid, such as rental assistance checks, to many victims who qualify for it.

Niggers Hate Us

They celebrate those who dispossess us, see new Mugabe museum in San Francisco. It is out of a false sense of morality or a foolish sense of superiority that white liberals and conservatives think there's anything funny or non-threatening about this. Niggers, we must insist, are niggers. They are not white people with dark skins but an entirely different species. Here on new breed of nigpols. Meet the new coon, same as the old coon.

Nation Falls Apart, Economy With It

On the decline of GM... Why should people who don't like nation states concern themselves over national economies? They shouldn't, and they don't. Either America is a nation of White families, or itz every manimal for itself. Real fun, isn't it? While whites work $7/hour jobs with no benefits, jews are exchanging shit at high prices and calling it art. Mr. Feuer had sold a set of four videos by Nathalie Djurberg to the Rubells at $5,000 each, while geek-chic gallery owner Daniel Reich didn't even bother to rise out of his chair as visitors poked around his booth. "They're all sold," he barked when asked about his Hernan Bas holdings. Real artists, like the guy in the spintro below, can't sell their shit for $20,000 per bolus, they have to do real work. Here on ethnic math, a new bogus way to learn. Here on diversity, which means hatred of whites, resentment of the culture they made, and desire to destroy it.

Oscar Florianus Bluemner

Jew? Doubtful. If he had been, the support would have been there. Paintings here. He developed a system, based in part on Goethe's principles, that ascribed meanings to specific colors, and thus fully realized the emotive symbolism he had always sought. Kikes like Kahlo can be communists and capitalists. Here on poets these days.

White Origins: Stone-Age Hunters, 40,000 Years Ago

Here on pineapples and Europe.

Where the Shitskins Are

On building a real fence between California and Mexico... When you're mixing two countries, and the citizens of one don't want it, it's important to pretend you're not.

Dead Pryor

Every nigger with a shtik is a genius, according to the judenpresse. Here some fils Buckley wit.

Jew Finkelstein's Latest: Beyond Chutzpah

"He had a good insight, Hitler. He said in Mein Kampf: 'If you say a small lie, people think: 'well, maybe that's true, maybe that's false.' But if you say a colossal lie, people think: 'Nobody could possibly be so brazen as to make something like that up.' Say Finkelstein's mother is a Nazi collaborator and people will believe it. It's Hitler's Big Lie." Jews jewing jews - how jewy.

Media: Paramount Acquires DreamWorks

Jew-eat-jew world... The $1.6 billion transaction will bring Hollywood superstar director Steven Spielberg into the Paramount fold, turning the studio into a hot property again after years of also-ran status. And the acquisition sends a signal to Hollywood that Paramount executives are still able to pull off deals despite financial restrictions imposed by parent company Viacom Inc. as it prepares to split itself into two companies. Here on satanic music, so-called. Here on Orwell's wife. Here on literary criticism today. Here on lack of free speech in Europe, although the homo doesn't mention any of the men in jail for criticizing jews. Note his book title: "While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West from Within." Jews writing about Muslims sound like Whites writing about jews. Here on "Narnia." Here on John Simon, who wrote for NR when it was worth reading. Here a nice rundown on where the different sections of the judenpresse gather for their december parties.

Black "Man"

Black men have more energy, style and edge than white men. They know how to flirt, a nearly lost art among the rest of us. A black man is so damned sexy because he knows how to make a woman feel sexy. Black men have something white guys don't have anymore: confidence in their masculinity, their sexuality. They clearly know they're men. White men appear to be waiting for the latest sociological research study to let them know if they are men or not. Yet black men are gentlemen, something else white men no longer are. They make me feel like a woman, both respected and desired. I can let go of my inhibitions, my need to control, when I am with them. How many white men can treat a woman like a lady and ravish her too? White men over 40 have lost their waistlines and their zest for life -- if they ever had it. They carry resentments, grudges and extra pounds in their basketball bellies. Perhaps a good part of that bloat is unhappiness. Even the thin ones look flabby somehow and deeply aggrieved. They nurse the smallest perceived slight longer than their double shots of Scotch. Surely our culture as much as biology turns them into softer, spongier, less-interesting versions of their youthful selves just at the point where women and black men and other minorities are emerging strong. Society overvalues the white man, leaving him angry and bitter when he realizes, around age 40, that he's not all that. Reminds me of an anecdote about blacks I heard recently. Seems there was this one velvety gentleman in da club, tricked out in pantaloons so stitched as to trick the eyes of noticing duskies into seeing a $100 bill half-extruded from front pocket. One rufus, spying this deepfish's wrigger, approach and, sharklike, bumped the seeming carrier. Then he bumped him again, and nigger the first let him have it in the head with his bottle. Are niggers a fit subject for scholarly exploration? A longtime member of the Worldwide Truthful Understand Black Hebrew Israelites tells Jackson all about white conspiracies to poison blacks by targeting "malt liquor and shit. If motherfuckers wanted to wipe us the fuck out, which you know they do, they know to hit us with the fried chicken and the fuckin' alcohol." The eighth principle of kwanzaa is Ujisma, or collective orgy on the white man's dime.

Paxil, Another No-good Pill

With enough paxil and eye-reprocessing, you too can learn to appreciate the 'Kwa.

Earth Hates Nature

Earth burps! Volacanoes are puking 750-degree metal-toxic slurry all over our sea floors like they're some giant unbenevolent corporation or something. Shellfish are crying. I don't care who you are or what your politics, nobody likes to see a shellfish cry. It ain't right. Yes, it appears we ride on giant planet chock full of self-hate. Popping its own zits no doubt from some existential crisis. The eath needs therapy. Where it will go to seek help, only a jew can tell us. Here on Australia's Barkly Tableland.

All the Questions It's Antisemitic to Ask of Jews May Be Asked of Arabs

The bought-cons play freely with motives where the muslims they hate are concerned. But if one Saudi Prince's shareholding in Fox News concerns, then what about overt jewish ownership and editorial domination of pretty much everything on the newsstand and over the airwaves? Is it really too big to see, or do they just not want to see it, or are they bought and sold like Shitlips Farah? WND's poll here.

Syria Just Says No to Kike "Reporter"

Jews don't report, they lie, smear, mislead, and distort. Funny how the people who know jews best hate them worst. Their only fans on this sorry globe are evangelical christians, whose ideas of jews are fanciful, supplied by bought preachers. The little part of the story that Suckpoop Joe doesn't bother inform you is that he's trying to foment a war against Syria, and allowing his jew distorter in will only further that aim. Syria has no death wish, it knows its enemies.

Patsy Decline: The Anile Album

Boopsie can't decide if we're winning or losing, if we're supposed to lie or tell the truth, if we're supposed to get out or plunge in. The portly chortlers served by the MMS conmen of yap must keep up appearances at all costs. That means auguring an extra asshole when Vietnam comes a calling, and calling anyone who raises a finger a coward ten years later when the invasion has left thousands of genuinely patriotic fodder underground. If you buy Patsy's albums, she'll keep making 'em. After the laughter died, Democratic spin-doctors were out in force explaining that Kerry was not calling U.S. troops terrorists. The only way U.S. troops aren't terrorists is if we define terrorism as something only the other guy does. Iraq never attacked us. That fact seems to get lost, whether it's the paleocowards wishy-washying or the lib jews straightforwardly lying. There's a religious element to the problem. Catholicism is based on the lie that jesus came back from the dead. If it's good to lie to men about the deepest truth in life, that we die and that's it, then why not lie about the smaller stuff, including the actual progress of a war? Why not pay the press to print lies favorable to the invaders? "Man can't handle the truth" - says who? The average man can handle the truth. It may have to be made simpler, but it is not necessary to construct myths. It comes down to whether the aristocracy decides to lead the nation or feast on it. The proper view is that men are generally despicable, yet for all that, they are more or less able to work things out for themselves, often in amazing new ways, and they don't require spiritual or lay authorities telling them what to do. The confident dynamism is characteristic of the best in America, let the top Cats gnash as they will. The Iraq fiasco is ridiculous. The moral decline of our country under the jew has left things that nobody believes what any politician says, since the jews have taught us through forty years of sitcoms that all people care about is sex and money, and any other pretense they make is just a cover story. It is alarming, the extent to which the solipsism of the jew has infected the Bushian elites and the dirt-eating commoners. Look at things from the average Iraqi's perspective and you can see what "we" look like. All the Iraqi freedom fighters need to do is keep on blowing up collaborators and picking off those "jews" (their word for AmeriKwan soldiers) as they can, and soon enough the U.S. will be gone. The arrogance of what pass for conservatives these days is unseemly and all too jewly. All these limbaughs -- back in 1776 they'd have been "Crown knows best"-ers. It's especially obnoxious that the refinements of Burke and the bloviations of famous-fatman's-bro pass under the same name - conservative. To doofy Dave, people is people, one is another, they're all chock full -- except those evil terrorists -- of desire to live just like us, consumer-veal in stalls called democracy. For all their authoritarian slobbering, the things called conservatives these days truly fear learning. They have a philistine's emotional reaction against thought. Burke, asked what to do after 9/11, would have responded by asking, "What exactly happened? Who precisely was responsible? What was his or their motive?" All these questions are sealed off within 24 hours of the events of that day, even as the physical remains are carted up and shipped off. The event had to happen so "they" could point to it, but as quickly as possible we must get past its it to its lesson... Hold on...slow down...wait a little longer... Who exactly bombed us? Burke would ask. The media hasten us to conclusions unwarranted by evidence -- so at least we suspect, as officials seem anxious to keep eyes off remains. Burke would point to Stinnett's book on Pearl Harbor. He would point out both that Stinnett proved FDR engineered the attack to draw us into WWII, and that Stinnett, like most of the Eastern elite, approved of the stratagem. Burke would say that a pattern of deception that works once might well be used again, especially if the men and mindset remained in position. That is what happened. The conservatives yap from an approved basis, yet a careful consideration -- a conservative consideration -- of the facts shows that the flags-n-eagles crowd yaps from a prefabricated platform. Like the chinaman says in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," "My wife -- she not my wife."

Christians Don't Believe Their Own Bullshit

Megachurches closed on Super Sunday! To the extent a church fears jews, it will align itself with the jewish agenda, making itself indistinguishable in offerings from every other mainstream institution, thereby lessening its appeal to the spiritually hungry. "Tolerance?" "Brotherhood?" "Respect for diversity?" "Love for homos?" "Non-judmentalism?" Every toilet serves that crap.

Thar Be Niggers

Silverbacks....silverbacks...Itz Kwanzaa time in the city... Every time a nigger drops dead, a white man's property is a little bit safer. America doesn't have a poverty problem or a crime problem, it has a nigger problem. And the nigger problem, upon inspection, turns out to be a jew problem. When they celebrate what they mislabel civil rights, what they really celebrate is niggers destroying successful white society. Jews are like that. They do not belong among us. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. Here's the truth about niggers: dumb is deep in 'em: the Black-White IQ difference shows up before 3 years of age on most standardized test batteries, even after matching on maternal education and other variables. Therefore it is not due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect. Education shriek the fools who won't eat its fruits. How do they explain the fact that Black students from families with incomes of $80,000 to $100,000 score considerably lower on the SAT than White students from families with $20,000 to $30,000 incomes?

Let 'Em All In

The source of the Mexican invasion is the jewish desire to live in a mixed-up society in which obnoxious they don't stick out so sore-thumbily. The rest of us pay the price, but of course our desires and interests don't matter. We're just along to provide fodder for their wars for greater Israel.

Seize Souter's!

Great drive, VNN fully supports it.

Art History

A nazi arti historian with contempt for judeo-modernism and longing for Hapsburgs. You know it's got to be good and hated by jews. You know, if the nazis were smart enough to figure out how to get to the moon, you'd think they could do something about jews. Note that Sedlmayr's Art in Crisis was brought out in America by Regnery, the German-American publisher. Jew houses furnish rubbish to corrupt goyish minds. German houses produce the best of Anglo-American and Continental thought. Ethnic networks are no less important to Germans than jews, even though ours are weak and theirs are strong. Ethnic networking of Whites who have decided to survive whatever jew-produced AmeriKwa devolves into need to come together be fruitful and multiply, and that is why VNN exists. One need not, I think, share Sedlmayr's theological convictions in order to appreciate the power of his strictures about the search for autonomy. "The fact is," he argues, "that art cannot be assessed by a measure that is purely artistic and nothing else. Indeed, such a purely artistic measure, which ignored the human element, the element which alone gives art its justification, would actually not be an artistic measure at all. It would merely be an aesthetic, and actually the application of purely aesthetic standards is one of the peculiarly inhuman features of the age, for it proclaims by implication the autonomy of the work of art, an autonomy that has no regard to men - the principle of l'art pour l'art." Art has its own aesthetic canons of legitimacy and achievement; but those canons are themselves nugatory unless grounded in a measure beyond art. That is the ultimate, indispensable, lesson of Art in Crisis. More here on art-history literature. More here on Regnery and the things he published. It is by the example of men such as Regnery that we see how shrekish and dreckful "mainstream," i.e. jewed, media truly are. Note that Regnery adopts the anti-nazi position, thereby guaranteeing the ultimate failure of his conservatism to change anything. Conservatism without the jew-knowledge and jew-opposition of the nazis is liberalism. You can't simply decide that jews are "us" without giving up your claim to be a conservative. Jews are radically different from Aryans, and the nazis both understood and operated on this. Regardless of any other criticism you might make about them, the nazis possessed a clear and accurate understanding of the jews, and they possessed the will to polarize, and they fought valiantly enough to defeat the nation-wrecking jews for an expanse of space and time. The nazis are worthy of conservative respect, as they dealt with and conquered the men and mindset that plague us today, but given the non-confrontational nature of the average German Aryan, Regenery being a good example, the conservatives will continue to fail. More reflections on art here.

Every Colored a Cosby

Huxtable or flushable? Official admiration for Rosa Parks is a sign of how far we have fallen. Even the so-called conservatives call her hero. Worship that which destroys us? How Christian. Rosie Parker was never anything but a stage prop in the neverending morality play run by our jewed media. The jews stick the wunnerful little commie nigger gal in front of an evil white man, sing their anti-Aryan aria for the millionth time. Ignore facts, all ye who enter here. Who cares Parks was a commie, an NAACPer, not a humble seamstress who just wanted to be left alone. If segregation is bad, how come we never see an article coldly summarizing the costs of integration? How come merely to suggest integration is undesirable makes one "evil"? The answer is simple: our media and politics are run for the benefit of jews, and jews believe that segregation is good for jews in israel, but evil for Whites in America. Jews knowingly subject civilized whites, the people who let jews into this country in the first place, to the depredations and thousanfold obscenities of jungle savages. Anyone who doesn't like this scheme of things they smear as a hater. Hey, kids. When your teacher yaps up about Rosa Parks, pipe up with the truth about her commie connections, and the jews producing the civil rights movement. When the teacher makes you read the bird book about the honest nigger falsely accused of rape, point out the actual statistical facts about interracial rape. Don't go along with System lies, and encourage your friends to opt out. CHOOSE LIFE, CHOOSE WHITE.

Pills = Bad Health

Taking medicine = poisoning yourself. As Goethe said, Nature cures and nature kills/But either way the doctor bills.

Latest: J.D. Cash on OKC

Interview on Scott Horton show, as the underworld turns. Incredible stuff. More here. Cash says claims of Arab connections are bs. He won't touch the jew issue, but that's clearly the motive for putting the supposed Nichols-Arab connections forward. Cash is anti-nazi, anti-Klan, but the tendency of the information he alone has revealed threatens ZOG's innermost circles. Basically, ZOG uses private groups to get around its own laws. Cash says Reno must have cleared the use of informants with the Clintons, before encouraging Justice/FBI to work with SPLC in placing informants among neo-nazis, proof of which is in the hands of Jesse Trentadue in the form of an FBI document in which Clinton's jew Louis Freeh mentions an SPLC informant at Elohim City. The idea was to get the SPLC and/or other "private" groups to infiltrate Elohim City, then take over the operation once enough information was amassed to warrant a formal case. If Strassmeir was brought in by "our" government/catspaws, and if Strassmeir was the source of the plot to blow up OKC, then YOU draw the conclusion. You're right: Our government ain't ours, it's illegitimate, it's time to dissolve it and form another. When justice does flow down like water, Morris Dees and a lot of other criminals will drown. Here Village Voice pays attention to Cash in McCurtain Gazette.

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