The Sacral Authority of Eurasia

by Constantin von Hoffmeister

28 February 2005

On February 26, 2005, the EURASIAN UNION OF YOUTH met in Alexandrov (Russia) for a congress that concerned itself with the destiny and greatness of Eurasia. About 400 people attended. Its host, Alexander Dugin (head of the MOVEMENT EURASIA), chose the monastery of Ivan Grosny ("the Terrible") as the ideal place from which to send the message of Eurasia's sacred mission into the world. This particular monastery symbolizes a stage: henceforth, reprisals will be dished out after all wrongs committed against Russia today will be undone after the new (final) age has unfolded itself. Dog heads represent the devouring of the rotten system that is about to collapse.

Alexandrov is located about 70 miles from Moscow (the Third Rome). Several people spoke at the event, including yours truly. In the background, the images of Sergei Eisenstein's classic film IVAN THE TERRIBLE (1945) were reflected off the old white stone walls.

In one of his speeches, Alexander Dugin said, "Eurasians always viewed authority as sacral. We recognize that authority is sacred, that it is the maximum form of service, the maximum degree of spiritual pressure - to dominate. This kind of authority is a spiritual experience. But we do not love authority for authority's sake. What calls itself 'authority' today simply does not correspond to the term. Today's political elites in Russia simply do not understand the historical pressure which weighs on them. Nowadays, authority is merely at a feeding trough and a warm place. ... Our native land is threatened. ... We have been sentenced. There is a unipolar world which is building a global model in which the Russian space is considered an object that can be directly influenced. ... It is necessary that we oppose this process. And if it is not us Eurasians that will do this, then nobody will."

A young Orthodox priest, Father Igor Shestakov, said, "In this hall in Alexandrov, the steps of the Terrible Tsar are still audible. He ruled with an iron fist and unified Russia. He acted in the interests of the Russian state and all of Europe and all the then-known world. In the name of this great figure, we can now see the beginning of a new Russian state which is embodied in this youth movement. All the servants that surrounded Ivan the Terrible were young, and they wished to serve the state with their blood (an evangelical concept), not sparing their stomachs."

The press-secretary of the MOVEMENT EURASIA, Valery Korovin, said, "The center of the sea civilization was England, and then her successor, the USA. A land civilization is something completely different. It is a reasonable, contemplative and spiritual set of various peoples that originated in the great open spaces of the Eurasian continent. Today, the sea civilization considers itself universal and tries to impose its model of civilization everywhere, unifying peoples and cultures, erasing any distinctions. Eurasians support the preservation of all sets of peoples and cultures in their original form and oppose the unipolar process of globalization under the direction of the USA."

Justin Cowgill, from the NATIONAL ALLIANCE (USA), said, "Although I live in Russia, I consider myself an American patriot. I love America. I spent six years in the United States Marine Corps of which I am very proud. However, I am opposed to America's policy of the last 50 years. As traditionalists and conservatives say, America has become post-American America. Our foreign policy has nothing to do with the general interests of Americans and American security. Traditional American culture has nothing to do with globalization. And it hurts to me to realize that people associate international corporations with America. American culture is traditionally isolationist. It is necessary to remember that the strongest antiglobalist movements are in America. I, as well as many others, know that Europe has high hopes for Russia for the construction of a continental block to balance powers with America. This would be good for the whole world. I ask myself: Why do our leaders try to destroy the concept of America in the name of the post-American empire? America more and more resembles a police state. I hope that, within the framework of our union, we can all work together at the construction of a multipolar world where all cultures and people can live freely."

Please read my speech below. I held it in front of Ivan Grosny's richly adorned throne.

Dear Comrades,

I want to send you greetings from Germany. As a member of the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), I have been active in the fight for a free Europe for quite a while. Like in Russia, more and more young people are waking up in Germany. These young revolutionaries are sick of the liberal-capitalist system and want to create a new socialist order.

On 13 February of this year, 8,000 nationalists marched in Dresden to commemorate the innocent victims of the Anglo-American terrorist attack in 1945. This cowardly and vicious bombing raid was not only meant to wound Germany, but also to send a signal to Russia. Since the German Reich was technically already defeated, this unnecessary attack of the Western Allies was meant to weaken the morale of the Soviet Union. After all, Dresden was situated in the future sphere of influence of Russia. Yesterday (as today, like in Afghanistan and Iraq), the Anglo-American warmongers wanted to display their military might, with total disregard to the dreadful suffering of the civilian population.

Russia and Germany were fighting against each other in World War II. This was partly the fault of the Western warmongers Churchill and Roosevelt who wanted the German and Russian armies to bleed each other to death. To honor the memory of the fallen heroes of both sides, this tragedy must always be a reminder that only together will Russia and Germany be able to withstand the forces of disintegration within and without their respective borders.

The eternal Teutonic-Slavic Alliance must be solidified with a new Rapallo Treaty. This treaty, signed in 1922, marked a glorious partnership between our two nations. Both Germany and Russia benefited from this agreement, with economic aid and exchange of technologies crossing the borders regularly.

As General Otto Ernst Remer, veteran of World War II and a long-time advocate of German-Russian cooperation, said in 1992, "The principle of Western politics has been for a hundred years: Germans and Russians must be enemies and exterminate each other. In order to achieve this lucrative goal, the Anglo-American capitalists triggered the First and Second World War and are now preparing for the third. ... We want a new Rapallo. Rapallo means today: Europe from the English Channel to the Ural, the resurrection of Europe, the end of Anglo-American imperialism in Europe and the end of Zionist blackmail of Germany."

Whenever, in the history of our peoples, Germans and Russians worked together, it was for the benefit of both our nations, for the benefit of Europe's freedom, against imperialist exploiters (like Napoleon yesterday) or alien occupants (like the US and its lackeys today). This is why Germany and Russia must again strive to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, to work hand in hand to defend Europe's integrity against the lecherous Judeo-American enemy.

In the spirit of wise Lenin who, as the only statesman of the time, condemned the oppression of the German people through the injustice of the Versailles mandate, I say, "Glory and honor to the Russian people!"


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