Reader Mail: 16 February 2006

If you need your own server, or host for your pages, Cable Bay is the place to go.


Subject: VNN/F/TAA today...

Chain interviews Estonian nationalist Solg

Ed. Note: We're back online thanks to the hard work of some outstanding people. The solution to White problems is vertical integration, technically, and self-determination, politically. Please consider Cable Bay Internet for your hosting needs, and let others know about it. It's not a WN server, but it won't bend to extremists screaming "hate." ... We're currently researching blogs en route to some editorial revisions. If you have an opinion on blog software, which is the best package to use, let us know. We're also putting together a team of roughly a dozen top writers for a blog off the main page, as you see at lrc and other sites. If you'd like to be part of that, or would like to suggest people you'd like to read on such a blog, please let me know at [email protected].


Subject: "Whining Journo Jews"

Total media control by Jews not enough; Jews now demand retroactive tribute:



Subject: poem

Marx and Einstein
Freud and Fishbein
Boas and the Frankfurt School
VI Lenin
Manny Celler
John Lennon was just a tool
FDR and Jacob Javits
LBJ he was one too
Rockefellers, Lazard Brothers
Warburg, Loeb, Kuhn and Schiff
Let's not forget the founding bastards
Of the bastard cults
Before they make you a useless stiff
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad
And the founding priests of the modern
The Rothschilds, too
Vipers, Negroes, spiders, and reptiles
All are God's creatures
But not the alien-foisted Jew


Subject: jew Spielberg, willing to die for Israel

Dual Loyalty - I encourage Spielberg, his family and the Jewish people to die for Israel - I just don't want to see American boys dying for the Jewish state.

The movie "Munich," is being portrayed in the Jewish media as an unbiased examination of what happened during the Munich Olympics. This imterview should put to rest the idea that Spielberg's portrayal is unbiased.

Here. SPIEGEL Interview with Steven Spielberg

"I Would Die For Israel"

US director Steven Spielberg discusses his controversial new film "Munich," which deals with the aftermath of the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics. In an interview with DER SPIEGEL he talks about the moral aspects of dealing with terrorism and responds to critics who claim he's betrayed the Jewish people. Editor's Note: Steven Spielberg's "Munich" opens in Germany and Israel on Thursday. In addition to this interview with the director, we have also posted DER SPIEGEL's cover story on the film as well as an editorial from the Sept. 11, 1972 issue of the magazine.

SPIEGEL: Mr. Spielberg, can you remember the hours of the Olympic massacre? Do you know where you were when you heard the terrible news?

Spielberg: Yes, I do. I was watching a "Wide World of Sports" live broadcas t from Munich when the news suddenly flashed in, and the well-known sports commentator Jim McKay became a man for the hard facts of world politics. I was glued to the TV for the next few hours. I think it was then that I heard the words "terrorist" and "terrorism" for the first time - they hadn't been part of my vocabulary up to then.


Subject: do you understand the jews?

No tooth fairy, no Easter bunny, no Santa Claus, no Wolfman, no Frankenstein, no Superman, no Mr Ed, no My Mother The Car & NO HOLOCAUST!!! It takes an Arab to figure out what Jewish bullshit is. As Pastor Bob Jones (on Yahweh's Truth, Ya Want A Job, broadcast: 8-5-2003) said: "The Arabs were woken up about the Jews from day one." What about you White man? Huh?


Subject: cc

To: [email protected]

Subject: Why Forced Integration Will Destroy the West


Hi, Jack:


Re: collapse of Mexican economy and resulting migration of brown people northward

Re: the bottom-line danger of such a mingration northward


Bottom line - regarding Mexicans overrunning white communities - the dysgenics of forced integration of black and brown men into white communities is destroying America through an interracial mongrelizing of the white race.

Here's how (( and what Peter Brimelow and others fears to publish in their Websites )):


P.S. Got gold and silver?


Subject: endless cavalcade of 'caustniks

Holocaust survivor, 76, finally gets his bar mitzvah



February 16, 2006, 3:41 PM EST

It may have taken 63 years but Herman Rosenblat is finally able to celebrate being a man.

Rosenblat, formerly of Bay Terrace, received his Bar Mitzvah today at Congregation Beth Sholom Chabad in Mineola. Although most Jewish boys celebrate at age 13 -- the age when the child becomes responsible for himself under Jewish law -- Rosenblat was hardly in a position for balloons and streamers: the 76-year-old Polish immigrant spent his 13th year in a concentration camp during World War II.

Rosenblat celebrated with about a dozen friends and local congregants, eating cookies and dancing the Hora. But his journey from near death in a German concentration camp to celebrating his life in a Mineola temple is just one of Rosenblat's amazing tales.

Perhaps his most astonishing is the story of how he met his wife, Roma. While in the concentration camp, the teenage Rosenblat met a girl on the outside who would throw him apples and bread over the barbed wire fence that separated them. The little girl gave him hope, he said, in a world that was filled with death. Seventeen years later, after being freed by the Russians and immigrating to New York, Rosenblat reluctantly agreed to go on a blind date. After a few minutes of talking, the girl, Roma, asked him where he was during the war. When he told her, she got quiet and then told the story of how she used to feed apples and bread to a teenage boy in a concentration camp. The two realized they had been reunited and Rosenblat proposed on the spot. Six months later they married.

"My wife has always been there with me," he said in a speech after his Bar Mitzvah.


Subject: anti-moslem sentiment at VNN!

Mr Linder:

Your readers are prejudiced against Moslems. Perhaps this touching story will make them like the followers of the Prophet more (peace be upon him). There is no Negro ball in Saudi Arabia.

Donald E. Pauly
Zionist Rastafarian



Janadriya a Landmark Festival'

Raid Qusti & Naif Al-Shehri, Arab News

RIYADH, 16 February 2006 - Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah yesterday inaugurated the 21st Janadriya Festival, which began with an impressive camel race attended by 600 contestants from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries. "The festival has now become one of the landmarks of this country," said Prince Miteb ibn Abdullah, assistant deputy commander of the National Guard for military affairs.

Prince Miteb said the festival, which started in 1985, was the brainchild of King Abdullah. "He initiated the national heritage and cultural festival to go along with the annual camel race," he told the gathering of a large number of Saudi and foreign dignitaries.


Subject: "apparent jew"

An apparent Jew:



Subject: "Red China these days"


Red China These Days

Usually, we don't mention communist China. After all, China doesn't control the Western media [Jews do]. China doesn't control Hollywood [Jews do]. China didn't create and fund most left-wing political groups in the West [Jews did]. And China didn't cause World Wars I and II like the Jews did.

However, we have seen China mentioned a lot recently. And there are people in America who predict that China and the U.S. will eventually clash over the matter of Taiwan. So we want to comment on it.

China now has a huge military. In other words, a communist, totalitarian country which has murdered up to 60 million of its own citizens since 1949 now has an army that could, in all probability, re-fight World War II on its own - with troops left over. You might think that such a brutal, iron-fisted country would be demonized and shunned in the West, just like Nazi Germany was/is. But no. In fact, China is now so, uh, "legit" that it has a seat on the UN Security Council. Funny, huh? [1] [2].

Why does China have such a huge military? Largely because Western countries - especially America - do lots of business with it, e.g. Western companies have their products manufactured in China instead of in their own countries so that those companies can save money - after all, isn't money the only thing that matters these days? [Well, money and watching negroes play sports on TV]. China, of course, then uses that money from the Western companies to, among other things, increase the size of its military.

Why aren't there strict laws that prohibit all White, Western countries from doing any business with China? We don't know. If you find out, tell us.

[1] China/UN Security Council:

[2] the father of the UN was Jewish: ; further, about half of the other people involved in creating the UN were Jewish as well, e.g. the communists Victor Perlo and Harry Dexter White; somehow, this fact is rarely mentioned


Subject: Germany under the jew...


Horst Mahler has his Passport confiscated -- to prevent his attending the Iranian Revisionist Conference


Subject: cc Daily Northwestern

Feb. 15, 2005


[email protected]

I am writing concerning Prof. Butz and what I have heard is a Holocaust Denial brouhaha at Northwestern. I have heard about this issue only through others and hope that my comments are pertinent to the issue.

First, I would say that as long as it is not permitted to conduct thorough forensic testing on the bone fragments in the soil at the concentration camps, questions about how the prisoners died will remain. Thorough testing might well indicate whether death was caused by cyanide gas.

As long as scholars such as Dr. Butz risk defamation and the ruining of their careers for questioning certain aspects of the Holocaust, questions will remain.

Despite what many students and professors at Northwestern probably believe, there are valid questions concerning what actually happened in the Holocaust. To take just one of many examples:

It is taken as fact that Hitler ordered the extermination of the Jews, but even this indisputable 'fact' is open to question. Jewish Holocaust-historian Raul Hilberg wrote in the 1961 edition of his study, The Destruction of the European Jews, that there were two Hitler orders for the destruction of Europe's Jews: the first given in the spring of 1941, and the second shortly thereafter. But Hilberg removed mention of any such order from the revised, three-volume edition of his book published in 1985. As Holocaust historian Christopher Browning has noted, in the new edition, all references in the text to a Hitler order for the "Final Solution" have been systematically excised. Buried at the bottom of a single footnote stands the solitary reference: "Chronology and circumstances point to a Hitler decision before the summer ended." In the new edition, decisions were not made and orders were not given.

But the crucial point here is this: notwithstanding the capture of literally tons of German documents after the war, no one can point to documentary evidence of a wartime extermination order, plan or program.

In conclusion, I would ask this question: Do you think that any budding historian at Northwestern who had the temerity to press the above point would be granted tenure?

Frank Messmann

Ed. Note: Young Aryans reading this: it is the quest of our times to destroy the Giant Jewish Lie Machine.


Subject: what ameriKwans do, under the leadership of the neocon jew

This is sick: New pictures emerge of American soldiers who tortured prisoners at Abu Ghraib

Is it any wonder that everyone in the Mid-East hates America, with our government pulling off stunts like this? Wasn't it just a few months ago that President Bush said that "no torture" had occurred?

These pictures just defy imagination.

What kind of sick folks would allow something like this?

If you hadn't guessed, our "friends"--a couple "dual-citizen" Israeli-Americans--were at the forefront of it all. "John Israel and Steven Stefanowitz were directly in charge of interrogations at the former Abu Ghraib prison facility in Iraq," according to .

New images of victims:

No doubt, these pictures will add further fire into the already existing anti-Western sentiment created by the Jewish-owner of that Danish paper. (Note: The guy who allowed the cartoons to be shown of Mohammed said that he would also show the Holocaust cartoons. He then abruptly changed his mind. And he has since been fired for suggesting--mind you, just merely "suggesting"--that he would allow cartoons of the Jews' precious Holocaust to be shown. Of course, it goes without saying that it has long been illegal to make fun of Jews in Europe.)

Ed. Note: Jews have destroyed America's reputation. We're now as hated worlwide as arrogant murderers and torturers and liars.


Subject: "healthy as a 'holocaust' survivor"

Holocaust survivor Ellen Horner turned 100 this week. Born in 1906, she survived Theresienstadt and Auschwitz, migrated to Australia in 1949 and enjoys life in Sydney. She'd like to thank the Germans for their hospitality and free medical care.


Subject: self-loving jews

Israeli group announces anti-Semitic cartoons contest!

by Arune Singh, Staff Writer

Eyal Zusman (30), actor and writer, and Amitai Sandy (29), graphic artist and publisher of Dimona Comix Publishing, both from Tel-Aviv, Israel, have followed the unfolding of the "Muhammad cartoon-gate" events in amazement, until finally Zusman came up with the right answer to all this insanity - and so they announced today the launch of a new anti-Semitic cartoons contest - this time drawn by Jews themselves!

"We'll show the world we can do the best, sharpest, most offensive Jew hating cartoons ever published!" said Zusman, and Sandy added: "No Iranian will beat us on our home turf!"


Subject: Vdare: develop that thought

February 15, 2006

Hi, Brenda Walker:

Re: your VDARE essay,

You mention an unfolding genocide of females in there.

Get more focused:

Whites are suffereing GENOCIDE and CULTURICIDE!, as white men are having to compete with men of color for white women, and are defenseless against men of color ripping apart Western civilization with their racial/cultural proclivities.

In any case, you and other VDARE writers are clueless about the WHO and WHY and HOW of this dismantlement of WHITE WESTERN CIVILIZATION---or you're keeping to left-driven PC, keeping your silence, in order to avoid Marxian (and Zionist) Jews' name-calling wrath.

My below articles may wake you up, Brenda. Pass this along to Peter and other VDARE writers, who write as if they are deaf and blind (or afraid):

There are very few articles which relate the truth about what's afoot. This is one of them (( the first link in "Open Letter to Walter Williams" may not open, and which may be accessed here ; and the last link may not open, which may be opened here: )) :

Open Letter to Walter Williams

Rush Limbaugh is a Kook

Best Regards,


P.S. Regarding how to define "NEOCON," read this eye-opening article about Zionist Jews:



Subject: hewers of wood, drawers of whater: zio-slavery for whites

Benji hauls water for Israel:

Zionist #1: "Carry that water, boy!"

Zionist #2: "And don't spill a drop!"


Subject: 'black leaders'

Poll: Jesse Jackson, Rice Are Top Black Leaders

Jesse Jackson and Condoleezza Rice get the top support among blacks asked to name the nation's "most important black leader," according to an AP-AOL Black Voices poll.

Ed. Note: Who are the white leaders? The White-haters say white skin is a guilty privilege that must be destroyd, but in fact Whites are a genetic family with common interests in sustaining their own cultures and nations, and not be overwhelmed, outbred, destroyed by colored inferiors.

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