[Comments in blue show how the issue under discussion is shaded in this too-typical news report.]

Published Monday, August 14, 2000, in The State. [South Carolina]

Employees discriminate against Southern voices

Why employees and not employers? And why Southern voices and not Southerners? Because, as the body of the story will show, the emphasis in this piece is on how White Southerners need to transform themselves to become more desirable employees. Thus their accent, not the bias of the employer, becomes the real issue. If they were Spanish-speaking Mexicans or Ebonics-speaking Blacks, the report would blame bias or prejudice, and call on the employer to transform himself. And if he chose not to, the issue would be legally actionable. Southern Whites are not-so-subtly cautioned that there is an economic price to pay for holding on to their roots.

Whites are expected to change their accents, take down their flags, renounce their history, and conform to the dictates of the minorities and the globalists. Mexicans aren't even forced to be Americans, but are provided with welfare and benefits taken at gunpoint from the White man by the Jewish-controlled government -- benefits often including a paid interpreter.

This is insanity, White man. You are crazy to put up with it.

Accents from Minnesota and California are prefered by companies, study says


Knight Ridder Newspapers

Dianne Markley wasn't surprised by a recent study she did at the University of North Texas showing that job hirers what an odd word -- why is the writer specifically avoiding employers? Because employers would suggest the natural recourse is legal, as it always is where non-White minorities are concerned. respond negatively to strong regional accents.

Markley already had seen accent prejudice at work, in her job as the head of the university's Center for Cooperative Education.

There, a few years ago, several of Markley's students were interviewed by the manager of a large company for jobs providing customer service over the telephone.

Afterward, the manager commented on one student to Markley: "That young man is absolutely delightful. I would love to hire him, but I can't. My customers would hear that accent and think that he's a yokel."
"There was nothing to say," Markley recalled. "It was just a sinking feeling for me because I knew that this person was extremely well-qualified." Of course, she'd have plenty to say if the man said he'd love to hire a qualified Black, but his customers wouldn't like it.

In their study of how accents affect job prospects, Markley, an English master's candidate at the Denton, Texas, school, and her adviser, English professor Patricia Cukor-Avila, found that the more distinctive people's accents were, the less regarded they were by those doing the hiring and the less likely they would be placed in a high-visibility job.

The outcome is no surprise to Queens College professor Charles Hadley.

Hadley has taught the course "Sounds of Standard American English" for more than 40 years and has tutored actors Vivien Leigh, Charlton Heston and Robert Duvall on their Southern accents.

"Time is of the essence in business," he said. "If they can't understand you on the telephone, you're in trouble." Business needs are allowed to set the agenda where Whites are concerned. But not where coloreds are concerned.Imagine the prof saying, Intelligence and manners are of the essence in business, and since Blacks rank low in these, they are less likely to find employment. Minorities are never responsible, Whites are always culpable.

Hadley's classes frequently include students from Duracell's South Carolina plant and Charlotte's banks.
"Most of the time, it's the Southern accent" that people are trying to tame, he said. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, but we can't deny that it is perceived as coming from someone with less education." Of course, the media has nothing to do with fostering this impression.

Heidi Schultz, a professor of business communication at UNC Chapel Hill's Kenan-Flagler School of Business, said some of her Southern students worry about their accents.

"I'll get questions now and then like, 'Do you think that my accent is going to hold me back?' " she said. "For younger folks who have strong accents going out into the business world, it needs to be toned down." Where else in the world do you find any other group but White people encouraged to do away with their ethnic and regional distinctiveness? Everyone else is to celebrate his diversity, but Whites, especially White southerners, are to downplay it. Isn't it odd that the word diversity appears nowhere in this report?

In their study, Markley and Cukor-Avila had 56 people in hiring positions listen to recordings of 10 white men reading the same 45-second passage.

The men hailed from Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, North Carolina, Minnesota, California, New Jersey and the cities of Boston and Chicago. Each had an accent common to that area.The respondents were asked whether the speaker sounded educated. Intelligent? Assertive? Was he from an urban or rural background? Was he charming or irritating? Friendly or unfriendly?

Respondents also were asked about the sort of job in which they would place various speakers. The speakers from California and Minnesota, both with relatively flat accents, were rated most positively, followed by the speakers from Boston, Texas and North Carolina.

The Louisiana, Georgia and New Jersey speakers were rated most negatively. Markley and Cukor-Avila said respondents judged the North Carolinian friendly and intelligent, but not particularly educated, energetic or cultured.

They said the survey's respondents generally placed the man in jobs that involved high public contact but low technical expertise.

Markley and Cukor-Avila were disturbed by the apparent discrimination against strongly accented speech. They pointed out that several of the speakers judged uneducated by their respondents, in fact, hold doctoral degrees (although respondents were not given resumes, only the recordings of the speakers).

"People who happen to have fairly marked regional characteristics in their speech often comment that 'people aren't listening to what I'm saying, they're listening to how I'm saying it,' " Cukor-Avila said.

"I think what would be the better thing would be for people to become more aware and realize that they're often making judgments about people with very little information."

Here's a subject the media won't touch because it can't: The Jewish-controlled media has for decades spread the stereotype of Southerners as vicious, hateful, stupid and violent. Naturally, since people watch TV seven hours a day, these anti-reality prejudices have taken hold. The fact is that anti-Jewish films produced by the Nazis such as Eternal Jew are a lot closer to reality than anti-White hate films such as Deliverance that the Jews in Hollywood produce.

Although While Schultz does not encourage her students to eradicate their accents, she offers classroom exercises that emphasize speech articulation and teach why it might be inappropriate to begin a presentation, "I'm gunna talk to y'all about mergers and acquisitions."

Hadley, who speaks with the lilt of a North Carolina native, has nothing against regional accents. But he feels strongly about standard pronunciation, and that's what his class emphasizes."I don't try to get rid of a Southern accent but to make it more communicative," he said. "That means sharper diction, perhaps a more standard use of vowel sounds -- distinguishing between a 'pen' you write with and a 'pin' you stick with."

The bottom line: Southern accents are great. Very sexy in women. And only Whites are supposed to be embarrassed about their roots, to destroy their history, to go along with the destruction in their culture. Every other minority is encouraged by the Jews to celebrate its difference. We must eliminate the Jews as cultural globocops.

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