The Stockholm Syndrome and White America

by Raina Wilhelm

June 3, 2002

The Stockholm Syndrome gets its name from a 1973 bank robbery in Sweden in which four hostages were taken. Six days of captivity had a strange effect on the hostages' mental health. They resisted their own release, raised money for their captors' legal defense and refused to testify against them. Rumor has it that one woman hostage, or perhaps two, became romantically involved with the robbers after their ordeal.

The common explanation for this behavior is that it is a survival technique gone too far. The captive becomes so desperate to appease his captors, and therefore preserve his life, that he begins to identify and sympathize with them. He also feels gratitude towards his captors; they have the power of life and death over him and have been kind enough to allow him to live. The following four conditions contribute to the syndrome:

  1. The captive has no hope of escape

  2. The captors have control over whether the captive will live or die

  3. The captive is isolated in such a way that the only perspective available to him is that of his captors

  4. The captive believes his captors have shown compassion

Battered women, passengers on hijacked airplanes, and kidnapping victims sometimes display such behavior towards their tormentors. The whole concept is fascinating. Even more fascinating is how White America shows the same behavior toward its captors, the Jews:

1. White America has no hope of escape

White America has been taught that secession from the Union is un-American and anti-American. Furthermore, any attempt at secession will be violently squashed. The rebels will be killed, their land occupied, their homes and cities destroyed. Their flag will be burned, their memorials desecrated, their heroes vilified. Their children will be brainwashed into believing that their forefathers were evil.

2. The Jews have control over whether White America will live or die

"Life" to the typical White American depends upon one of two things: money or religion. The Jew has control, either physically or psychologically, over both aspects. Whether White America will prosper (live), or struggle financially (die) depends upon whether its captors are kept happy. For the Judeo-Christian, achieving eternal salvation (life) or being cast into Hell (death) depends upon the Jew; just try telling one of these that Jesus is your Saviour and that you also believe Hitler was doing the Lord's work. You will find that most Judean-Christians actually believe that salvation depends upon the acceptance and support of the Jews.

3. White America is isolated so that the only perspective available to it is that of the Jew

Jewish domination of the U.S. government, television, media, public schools, churches, etc. ensures that White America is given only the Jew's perspective. The Internet is the only medium they haven't conquered yet, although they are trying. This is an extreme, large-scale example of the isolation described above.

4. White America believes the Jews have shown compassion

The typical White American believes that the Jews are good, decent, religious people much like themselves. If they are aware (and it seems inconceivable that they could NOT be aware) of how morally and racially degenerate America has become, they would never think of blaming the ones who propagate such filth. Instead, they believe what their captors have told them: that the downslide is a result of the value-less liberals or those greedy conservatives. The authorities trying to rescue the Stockholm hostages became the enemy in the hostages' twisted, tortured minds. Likewise, those who try to rescue White America from the clutches of the Jew are seen as the enemy. Normal perception is turned upside down; what was good becomes bad and what was bad becomes good.

White America also sympathizes with its captors. The "Holocaust" (it must be true...Eli Wiesel said it was) was so terrible for the poor, mistreated, innocent Jews, after all. Identification with the oppressor is also rampant throughout our land. Judean-Christians see the Jew as their spiritual brothers. Young White Americans flock to theatres to watch Jew-written, Jew-produced movies starring Jews and set their VCRs to record their favorite Jewish TV shows every week. White adolescents read Judy Blume and pre-schoolers watch countless hours of "educational" television courtesy of the nice Jewish men in Hollywood. They'll even tell you with a straight face that the Jews are just like us except that they're universally misunderstood and discriminated against for no reason.

Understanding the mindset of captive White America is instrumental to White Nationalists in our efforts to wake them up to the reality of their captivity.


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