How I Spent My Weekend...

by Yankee Jim

June 6, 2002

It was a rare opportunity indeed. So rare in fact...I had to change my plans for the day at the last minute in order to see how the enemy lives and breathes up close.

They were calling it the "We Support Israel" rally. It was to take place on Wall Street in Kingston, N.Y., on Sunday, June 2, 2002, from 12:30 to 3:30 PM.

Upon arrival I drove by one end of the block-long, barricaded area just to get an idea as to how badly I'd be outnumbered. At about 12:20 PM, at the far end of the site, there was hardly any activity at all, other than workers putting the finishing touches on the stage. Hardly any spectators at all, I thought to myself...could it be that even the Jews from this area don't want to show support for Israel?

WRONG!!! In less than half an hour, the place was swarming with Jews...all kinds of Jews, most being the greasy-looking, frizzy-haired type. I was right in there with them...BOY, if they ONLY KNEW...a member of "the most dangerous pro white organization in America," right there with them!

I'd say I was surrounded by at least 300 Jews and Gentile "Supporters Of Israel," the latter being the worse of the two. Not bad odds I thought to myself!

I picked out almost immediately who the security guys were, the main one looking like (or trying to look like) an aging Mossad know the type I mean, like the ones you see around Ariel Sharon...that type. I had on the same type of cheap sunglasses that they did, so I was wondering if I was confusing them, or if they were on to me immediately!

One of the plainclothes security guys looked almost like me, except about 50 pounds heavier, definitely NOT a Jew! He was trying so hard to look like one of the Mossad types that it was almost comical, his beer belly prevented it. The hardest thing I had to force myself to do was to cheer and applaud when the M/C started bragging about the Jews over here and in Israel...about an hour and fifteen minutes was all I could take!

About fifteen minutes into the rally...there was a commotion about seventy-five feet away from me on the other side of the street. The guys whom I had pegged as security walked rather briskly toward the commotion. I never did see it up close. What I did see afterwards was a guy with what appeared to be a "pro Palestine" placard...something along the lines of "PEACE NOW...A PALESTINIAN STATE NOW." That's all it took to almost cause a riot among these "peaceful" people. This guy was made to stay down at the other end of the block with his sign, on the other side of the police barricades by himself, with this sign that seemed even more out of place than I felt!

I mentioned earlier that this event took place on Wall Street in Kingston, N.Y....a street that the British burned a few years back. An area very rich in history...OUR history that is! Imagine the look on George Washington's face if he could see what was taking place on Wall Street on this day! Wasn't it ol' George who warned us to stay out of other people's wars as he was leaving office? Oh well...on to the rally.

After a brief speech...the M/C handed the microphone to a fat Jew with an accordion who played and sang the national anthems of both the U.S. and Israel. The M/C introduced Jeff Slotnick ( from Philadelphia, Penn., the director of the Northeast Region of the United Jewish Community. Not a minute had passed and I was glad I remembered to stick an airlines "barf bag" in my jacket pocket! (kidding) I could've easily vomited though, but I had to be tough...after all, I had to make it out of there! My cheap digital camera came in handy at this point in time. I wanted the world to see what real proud Zionists and Zionist supporters looked like, so I began snapping away. Mr. Slotnick rambled on as did most of the other guests...all of the typical crap about Jews "giving" so much, and about Jews being such a peaceful people, and what a great man Ariel Sharon is, etc., conveniently leaving out the parts about how he got his nickname (Butcher Of Beirut) years ago and the blood of 2,000 innocent Palestinian women and children on his hands.

After Mr. Slotnick was finished speaking, he ended up hanging out right next to me near the stage for the next thirty minutes or so. I was tempted to introduce myself and ask him if he'd mind posing with me in a picture, but decided against it after realizing that I would not've been able to keep a straight face. The fat Jew with the accordion came back on stage and said he was going to do a song by "Bobby Zimmerman"...that's Bob Dylan's real name for those who don't know. He sounded as though they were old drinking buddies. They probably were. To my knowledge...the greasy Jew (Bobby Zimmerman) still maintains a residence in the village of Woodstock. (8 miles away) He struck up the accordion and went into a very Jewish sounding version of "Blowing In The Wind" with members of the audience joining in on the chorus. I saw tears welling up in a few of the older Jew's eyes...we all know how misty they can get.

A very Semitic-looking movie producer (forget his name) who made a special trip in from Hollywood took the podium next. He rambled on and on with the same rhetoric as Mr. Slotnick, then the goyim traitors started taking their turns. A representative of Governor George Pataki, State Assemblyman Kevin Cahill (D-Kingston), spoke. I couldn't stick around to listen to U.S. Rep. Maurice Hinchey and their REAL hero...a dual citizen of the U.S. and Israel, who was a soldier for the Israeli Defense Forces from 1998-2000...Ori Ornstein, there was more serious work to be done.

I felt the need to make people aware of some facts about our gallant little "ally" in the Mideast that they just weren't going to get there! I started walking around the whole area surrounding Wall Street leaving some very informative fliers (USS Liberty, By Way Of Deception, etc.) on the windshields of cars on the side streets, a huge parking lot, and the parking garage that most of the "supporters" seemed to be using.

Again I feel the need to stress...not all of the "supporters" were Jews, most...but not all. An elderly gentleman and his wife were walking down the middle of the street that I was on, he picked one of the fliers from his windshield and was clearly upset and seemed rather "huffy." I heard him ask his wife..."did you see what this says?" with somewhat of a "how DARE anyone distribute these facts?" attitude. I could see then that this guy was going to be possible trouble, and boy was I right!!! I hit a few remaining side streets, decided NOT to place a flyer on the windshield of the lone marked Kingston Police cruiser that was parked near the rally all afternoon, and decided to be on my merry way.

I kept asking myself as I was walking back to my truck..."could those police sirens I hear possibly be coming this way?" Guess what?!!! YOU GOT IT!!!! As I was driving on one of the main streets heading out of Kingston, I noticed a marked police cruiser tailing me. A minute goes by and I meet another marked cruiser coming toward me, flashing lights on, with both officers in the car making eye contact with me as we passed each other. I saw them immediately do a Bat-turn style U-turn and I knew then that the excitement was just beginning! Out of Ulster County Sheriff's car jumps in behind them! THREE cop cars behind me while sitting at a light waiting to make a left turn to enter a short stretch of freeway, a NOISY freeway. As soon as the light changed and I made the left turn...BINGO! On came all three cars' flashing lights and I hear "PULL OVER SIR."

I pulled over on the shoulder expecting the worst with my hands in clear view at all times. I looked in my rear view mirrors and it seemed as if I was at some kind of carnival with all the flashing lights. SIX officers approaching me...three on each side of the vehicle, hands on their weapons. I'm thinking to myself..."man, my life really wasn't too bad...47 years is a bit short, but not too bad." Thank God what appeared to be a sane white man saw my hands hanging out the window, came to my side and very politely asked me for my license and registration.

After calling in and checking on me, he walked back up (the others still surrounding my truck) and said, "You can't put fliers on people's's not the content, any fliers." Then he said..."You know who was at that rally!" He seemed to be almost "winking" at me as he was telling me this, but a very young, very misled rookie was at my passenger window with his 9mm unholstered. I looked at the officer, explained to him that I'm NOT trying to be a smart ass, looked behind me and said..."THREE CARS...SIX OFFICERS FOR FLIERS?!!!"

I did NOT admit to doing anything. He seemed to look as though he knew it was a bit ridiculous and again he said to me..."you KNOW who's at that rally!" He said, "I'm not going to give you a ticket, you can leave now." I thanked him, said "Have a good day," and glanced over at the young rookie who still seemed a bit "wet behind the ears." The rookie had a look of utter disgust on his face (I could see his face through my tinted glass) while he motioned a swift kick to my door panel...he didn't really kick it, just motioning as if he was wishing he could kick in the door of an evil "racist/Neo-nazi." I decided to git while the gittin' was good! So how was your weekend?


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