Hollywood Does Politically Correct
by H. Becker

Have you seen this movie? It came out in 1994. It's about a bunch of ragtag college students at Port Chester University trying to save their house from being taken away by the politically correct administration. In passing it makes fun of womynists and vegetarians, but when you get down to it, the true "politically correct" enemy is the Reaganite conservative. The David Spade-led creeps of the underground society "Balls & Shaft" are a bunch of obnoxious pre-yuppies working hand-in-glove with the ridiculous female college president Garcia-Thompson to destroy the fun-loving party types the viewer is supposed to identify with. All these normal students want to do is party and get laid, but the fun-hating conservative white males (along with a few feminists) won't let them.

The climax of the movie is a rant by Spade before an assembled throng where he foams loathing on all the liberal groups he can name; feminists, hippies, peace creeps, vegetarians, dope smokers, etc. In other words, political correctness really means oppression by the right, not of the right.

It is interesting to watch a term evolve. Let's see, the left has "racist," "anti-Semite," "Nazi," "sexist," "homophobe," and the all-applicable "hater" or "hate group" -- plus the media power to make them stick. None of these words was heard of before last century. Now you can hardly write an article without them. Against the left the right has damned little in terms of terms. "Politically correct" is about the only one. As best I recall, this term can be traced to cartoonist Jeff Shesol in his days at Brown University, where he created Politically Correct Man, or some such. Now, for all I know Shesol himself may be Jewish. With a name like Shesol, I wouldn't be surprised.

I don't think Politically Correct quite captures the venom or the wannabe totalitarianism behind the mentality it targets, but that's beside the point. It is the term that has succeeded in the marketplace (albeit the Jews largely control what's offered for sale in that marketplace). What is more interesting, perhaps, is the way the term has evolved.

Liberals are at once horrified by the term, and at the same time desperately try to apply it to their own opponents. This is the scene at many colleges. The leftist students have heard about the glories of the sixties, and are eager to ply their own rebellions against the powers that be. But the powers that be are themselves if not the true rebels of the sixties (most of whom, as Camille Paglia has pointed out, went down in Dionysian flames) are at least in concert with the political views of the Jew-led rioters of that decade. So that we have two frustrated parties, students and administrators, who keep wanting to fight the same old battle but who can't locate any opponents. They end up either puffing up some remonstrating conservative advocating colorblindness and low taxes into the next Hitler, or they simply manufacture bogus incidents of racism and sexism and homophobia to justify the next candlelight vigil.

The modern use of Politically Correct originally referred to the social and legal orthodoxies set by the political left, principally within academia, but increasingly in the wider world as its radicals spread through government. Soon the term was being misused by "liberals" simply incapable of perceiving themselves as oppressors, and incapable of admitting that their side formed the new establishment. Since TV trains us all to be rebels -- not by reading and thinking and developing character, but by tatoos, nose rings, wacky hairstyles and barnyard sex -- P.C. by the nineties had evolved into a term used against whatever authority one perceived oneself in opposition to. Often as not it came to mean simple unmannerliness or tactlessness or bad taste, such as wearing a Hawaiian shirt and pink Converses to a black-tie dinner. The political content was shorn from it.

In PCU, blue-blazer-and-khaki types are gibed at as Nazis in the casual way that makes libs grow long faced when you accuse them of being pinkos. Spade "skippered Hitler's catamaran during the war," laughs Dros, the leader of the good guys. Trying to gain admission to his own house, Spade is held up by the idiot sentry who keeps asking questions including, Who killed Jesus?, to which Spade responds, "The Jews." So we see that the Jews are not the political commissars they were under Stalin and are on many campuses today, but are actually the victims of political correctness. That's Hollywood's idea of spoofing political correctness. The truth is that what we know as politically correct would be better described as Semitically correct. There is no tenet of PC that isn't subscribed to by the majority of Jews. Indeed when polled, today's Jews define their Judaism as belief in the Holocaust and other liberal causes; most of them have jettisoned the Talmud and Torah as guides to everyday life. There is no tenet of PC that isn't supported by the majority of Jews, and there is no politically correct cause of which they aren't the most destructive champions.

The classic line in this movie comes when the ragtags are trying to figure out what to do about the $7,000 bill the administration has presented them for throwing meat at the vegans. They eventually solve the problem by throwing a big party, but while they are brainstorming, one pipes up, "We could go Waco on 'em, man: Blow up our own house!" What could be more politically correct than that?

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