New World Order: NAFTA Superhighway from Mex to Can through US
Posted by alex in Buchanan, economy, NAFTA, New World Order at 8:59 pm | 
The NAFTA Superhighway: Coming Soon
By Patrick J. Buchanan – August 29, 2006
This is a “mind-boggling concept,†exploded Lou Dobbs. It must cause Americans to think our political and academic elites have “gone utterly mad.†What had detonated the mild-mannered CNN anchor?
Robert Pastor, vice chair of the Council on Foreign Relations Task Force on North America, had just appeared before a panel of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to call for erasing all U.S. borders and a merger of the United States, Mexico and Canada in a North American union stretching from Prudhoe Bay to Guatemala.
Under the Pastor-CFR plan, the illegal alien invasion would be solved by eliminating America’s borders and legalizing the invasion. We would no longer defend the Rio Grande.
“What we need to do,†Pastor instructed, “is forge a new North American Community. … Instead of stopping North Americans on the borders, we ought to provide them with a secure, biometric border pass that would ease transit across the border like an E-Z pass permits our cars to speed through tolls.â€
The Pastor-CFR project for “economic integration†of Mexamerica is on the drawing board. North-south highways and railways would be built to weld us together as the American Union was welded together by the Northern Pacific, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific, and Ike’s Interstate Highway System.
Speaking in Madrid in 2002, Mexican President Vicente Fox declared: “Our long-range objective is to establish with the United States … an ensemble of connections and institutions similar to those created by the European Union, with the goal of attending to future themes as important as … the freedom of movement of capital, goods, services and persons. The new framework we wish to construct is inspired in the example of the European Union.â€
Critical element of the Fox post-NAFTA agenda: absolute freedom of movement for persons between Mexico and the United States – a merger of the nations. Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Debrez put it succinctly in April 2005. What Mexico is about is “complete integration†of the two nations.
To appreciate what Fox, Debrez, Pastor and the CFR wish America to merge with, consider a few excerpts from the State Department information sheet on Mexico.
While hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens marched beneath Mexican flags in U.S. cities on May Day to demand amnesty, Mexico’s constitution “prohibits political activities by foreigners, and such actions may result in detentions and deportations.â€
“Crime in Mexico continues at high levels, and it is often violent, especially in Mexico City, Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo (and) Acapulco,†State warns U.S. travelers. “Low apprehension rates and conviction rates of criminals contribute to the high crime rate.â€
“Women traveling alone are especially vulnerable. … Victims … have been raped, robbed of personal property or abducted and then held while their credit cards are used at various businesses and automatic teller machines. … Kidnapping, including the kidnapping of non-Mexicans, continues at alarming rates.â€
When Fox proposed his merger of America and Mexico in a North American Union, Robert Bartley, for 30 years editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal, declared him a “visionary†and pledged solidarity: “He (Fox) can rest assured that there is one voice north of the Rio Grande that supports his vision … this newspaper.â€
The American people never supported NAFTA, and they are angry over Bush’s failure to secure the border – but a shotgun marriage between our two nations appears prearranged. Central feature: a ten-lane, 400-yard-wide NAFTA superhighway from the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas, up to and across the U.S. border, all the way to Canada. Within the median strip dividing the north and south car and truck lanes would be rail lines for both passengers and freight traffic, and oil and gas pipelines.
As author Jerome Corsi describes this Fox-Bush autobahn, container ships from China would unload at Lazaro Cardenas, a port named for the Mexican president who nationalized all U.S. oil companies in 1938. From there, trucks with Mexican drivers would run fast lines into the United States, hauling their cargo to a U.S. customs inspection terminal – in Kansas City, Mo. From there, the trucks would fan out across America or roll on into Canada. Similar superhighways from Mexico through the United States into Canada are planned.
According to Corsi, construction of the Trans-Texas Corridor, the first leg of the NAFTA superhighway, is to begin next year.
The beneficiaries of this NAFTA superhighway project would be the contractors who build it and the importers and outlet stores for the Chinese- manufactured goods that would come flooding in. The losers would be U.S. longshoremen, truckers, manufacturers and taxpayers.
The latter would pay the cost of building the highway in Mexico and the United States, both in dollars and in the lost sovereignty of our once- independent American republic.
29 August, 2006 at 10:03 pm
Instead of building a highway from south Texas to Canada, build a superhighway from El Paso to San Diego, using the same 400 yard, 8 – lane, double high fence concept. That should keep out illegals and provide for even wider traffic between the east and west portions of the US.
Some think this is a stupid idea, but, it would sure make it hard to just walk across.
If Mexico wants to trade with Canada, let them put to sea.
29 August, 2006 at 10:48 pm
I have an idea. Lets chop 100 million mexicans into dog food, and feed them to dogs in shelters. 2 Problems solved.
29 August, 2006 at 11:04 pm
Thanks for posting this article Alex.This should be the tipping point for people to take action .This is why there is no action on the illegal alien problem.They will all get thier EZ-pass to come and go freely and we will see no border protection at all.There will also be the new currency ,the AMERO to replace the dollar .This is the end of Amerikwa as we know it ,we will be citizens of the new world order,without an elected government ,just a pack of stooges appointed by the CFR.Can you imagine the kind of laws we will have under this kind of monster?If ever there was a call to patriotism this is it
30 August, 2006 at 9:48 am
This article is on the long side—but—-towards the end it explains where the recent sale of the Illinois and Indana turnpikes fit into the scheme. You fellows in Indana and Illinois know about the sale of your “public” turnpike to alien corporations???
Spanish firm to build and run new PFI toll road in Texas
International Construction Review : August 25 , 2006
“Construction of the new toll road project, designed to develop an alternative route to Interstate 35 as part of the planned Trans-Texas Corridor is due to start early next year…” Grupo Ferrovial, Spain’s construction, infrastructure and services giant, had a busy summer acquiring airports in the UK and Peru. Now it has a concession to build and operate a Texas superhighway.
Construction of the new toll road project, designed to develop an alternative route to Interstate 35 as part of the planned Trans-Texas Corridor is due to start early next year.
This is has been agreed by the Texas Department of Transport under a comprehensive development deal with the Spanish company Cintra – Concesiones de Infrastructuras de Transporte, a member of the Ferrovial group.
Cintra’s partner for the five-year road building programme is the San Antonio-based contractor Zachry Construction Corp, but Ferrovial’s construction company Agroman is getting a share in the business.
Zachry joined with Cintra in a scheme to provide private investment worth $6 billion. The assignment is to design, build and operate a four-lane toll road covering the 500 km distance between Dallas and San Antonio, bypassing the State capital at Austin.
For this concession Cintra is paying the State of Texas $1.2 billion. It gives them the right to build and operate this initial segment of the intended Trans-Texas Corridor.
This would be part of the ‘super-highway’ spanning the United States from the Mexican border at Laredo, making its way through Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma and connecting with the Canadian highway system north of Duluth, Minnesota.
Because it would provide a connection all the way between Canada and Mexico, the project is also described as the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) super highway.
The project as conceived by Cintra and its partners and endorsed by the Texas transport department is certainly ambitious. They have talked about developing a corridor providing two lanes for high speed trucks and three for passenger vehicles in each direction, plus high speed and freight railway lines, possibly also telecommunication cables and oil, gas and water pipelines in an adjacent utilities corridor.
But a corridor of this overall width — maybe as much as 360 m – has alarmed people who stand forced to surrender property in land and buildings to the project. This concern has been sharpened by the disclosure that, citing a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, the developers intend to exercise the principle of ’eminent domain’ in land acquisition proceedings on the grounds that they are acting as agents of a public authority.
The developers apparently believe that such rights, once established in Texas, could then be applied across the entire 6,500 km length of the NAFTA highway. Whether that proves to be so depends on the outcome of any challenge that might be launched against such a claim.
The Cintra-Zachry partnership is however in a strong position because they have already secured an agreement granting them the right to develop the new highway in Texas. They have also put money down for the privilege.
The first concession within the Trans-Texas Corridor has already been awarded to Cintra. According to a statement by parent company Ferrovial, construction is expected to start early in 2007 once environmental and other permits have been obtained.
These initial contracts, to build two segments of the new toll road 64 km between Austin and Seguin will be performed 50 per cent each by Ferrovial’s construction subsidiary Agroman and Zachry, which has won around $180 million worth of road contracts already this year from the Texas Department of Transport.
Total construction investment in the new contracts is said to be $1.3 billion.
“The new highway”, the statement explained, “will offer an alternative to I-35 between San Antonio and north Austin, making it possible to avoid the highly congested area of central Austin on medium and long-distance journeys.
“The new high capacity road will absorb growth in long-distance truck traffic expected as a result of trade agreements between the United States, Mexico and Canada.”
Cintra has also recently taken over management of the Indiana Toll Road (ITR) after paying $3.8 billion to the State’s finance authority for the transfer of the asset. In a 50:50 consortium with the Australian bank Macquarie, Cintra now has charge of this 250 km highway which links Chicago with the eastern seaboard of the United States.
The concession will run over 75 years.
The company commented: “The project reinforces Cintra’s presence in the U.S., a strategic market for the company: it has a 99-year concession to operate the Chicago Skyway ($1.83 billion) which links with the Indiana Toll Road, and it is a strategic partner of the State of Texas for 50 years to develop the Trans-Texas Corridor, one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects ever undertaken in the United States.
28 December, 2006 at 6:05 pm
This all makes total sense. I’ve been saying for years all these folks working on the highways were illegal aliens. None of them speak English and there was no advertising for these jobs. Looks like they were probably just mexican nationals working for this company Cintra. It would be ashamed if that particular road got a reputation for having snipers all along it’s length shooting at anything that traveled on it!
22 January, 2007 at 12:08 am
By unknown messenger:
“We are sitting here in our own happy little state of oblivious cyber-nirvana while kosher slaughter knives are being sharpened.
We need to quit being mere observers of our own destruction.”
“The problem isn’t Jews; it’s gutless gentiles.”
In a world where there were no christians… There would be no jews…
It is only on the authority of the christian bible that jews
maintain the myth of being “yahweh’s chosen people”.
If it were not for their christian protectors the non-christian
peoples of the earth would make short work of the jews.
Or maybe just laugh them to death.
Catch 22 You can’t keep christianity and get rid of the jews.
by Dragan G. Glavasic:
While other religions, “cultures”, and races are taught to hate us, take advantage of us and/or kill us any time they get a chance. At the same time, we are persistently brainwashed to be pacifist, tolerant, compassionate, kind and forgiving to everyone: even our worst enemies! And that makes all the difference thus will ultimately result in our destruction: because our political, spiritual and economic leaders are corrupt, immoral, low-life scum that secretly collaborate with our worst foes thus insidiously work against our real interests.
WAKE UP! Christianity was a big mistake and sin and an insidious ploy to perfidiously tie our hands and render us helpless as the ideal victims for other races and religions.
22 January, 2007 at 12:14 am
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15 May, 2007 at 1:36 am
Amerika has been sold out, with the help and financing of filthy jew world banker’ is almost impossible to think we stood by and did nothing…oh i guess we are supposed to buy into the christain jude that it..another dog and pony show ,the jew dog has conned us well….but his day’s are numbered…death to all jew sand nigger’s….fuck em, let them all rot in hell where they belong..
28 June, 2007 at 11:34 am
Doesn’t it piss you off that some shitskin from india or whereever claims christianity is his religion and all the black and other mongral christians head straight to the WHITE side of tpwn asking for donations and eyeing up the white women for further enrichment ob da sole and mah dik !!!
29 June, 2007 at 11:22 pm
“We are sitting here in our own happy little state of oblivious cyber-nirvana while kosher slaughter knives are being sharpened.
We need to quit being mere observers of our own destruction.”
by Dragan G. Glavasic:
While other religions, “cultures”, and races are taught to hate us, take advantage of us and/or kill us any time they get a chance. At the same time, we are persistently brainwashed to be pacifist, tolerant, compassionate, kind and forgiving to everyone: even our worst enemies! And that makes all the difference thus will ultimately result in our destruction: because our political, spiritual and economic leaders are corrupt, immoral, low-life scum that secretly collaborate with our worst foes thus insidiously work against our real interests. WAKE UP! Christianity was a big mistake and sin and an insidious ploy to perfidiously tie our hands and render us helpless as the ideal victims for other races and religions.