What do Feminists, Fags, and Kikes Have in Common?
Posted by alex in feminism, Finland, free-speech martyrs at 4:01 pm | 
None of them allows a single syllable of political dissent it has the power to quash.
The brilliant Finnish-Canadian computer science professor / blogger Ilkka Kokkarinen has taken down his popular blog, presumably to keep his job after his campus newspaper noticed his heterodox views. His skepticism about the intellectual consistency of lesbian-feminist theory and practice would appear to have been his biggest crime.
24 September, 2006 at 12:28 am
This is another example how rotten universities have become, evidently worldwide. The freedom of teaching. learning, education and research are today nothing but empty phrases for these unjustly respected institutions.
An investigation would certainly reveal who activates the feminists, communists, opportunists, zionists, who combine at each and every occasion to stifle any (feeble) attempt to make use of rights all civilized states and nations established 200 years ago.
Prof. Kokkarinen indicated with his remarks, that in reality 95% of university courses, teachers, students are worthless, superfluous, useless, nothing but a waste of public money.
The university provides lazy scum with titles, jobs and careers, thereupon rests its business.
What really can be achieved in the field of high learning could better be done outside them.
I am adamant, universities are an anachronism (thanks to jewish influence), do more harm than good and should be abolished
25 September, 2006 at 5:06 am
“Prof. Kokkarinen indicated with his remarks, that in reality 95% of university courses, teachers, students are worthless, superfluous, useless, nothing but a waste of public money.”
I agree. Universities are the center of corruption in the West. Specifically, the social sciences and humanities. This is so because of the professorial shysters who are deeply committed to Judeo-Marxist ideology and a host of other mind/soul destroying Jewish “intellectual” movements.
I was rather fortunate in that I attended college back in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, when there were still a hand full of “old school” professors available to learn from. Several of these were outstanding scholars in the true sense of the word. One of my favorites was a Literary and Biblical scholar, in his late 60’s, who spoke 12 languages and could even read Egyptian hieroglyphics. Sadly, all of these men are gone, replaced by education hucksters who have been brain-washed in kosher ideologies and, in turn, transmit this foulness to their students. If you want to begin with abolition, start with the so called Departments of Education — these would constitute a good place to begin.
25 September, 2006 at 11:54 am
The problem is government involvement with education. 95% of “research” is taxpayer financed. For example, Burrhus F. Skinner’s book (1969) BEYOND FREEDOM AND DIGNITY was financed by an N.I.H. grant of $250K (around $1.8M today).
There are essentially no private schools, as a school receiving one buck in Federal aid becomes subject to Federal control.
Drop out, form our own monetary system and schools. This is secession, and this time must succeed. Walk away from Fedgov.
28 September, 2006 at 12:37 am
What do feminist, Fags and kikes have in common?
10) ugly partners
9) tickets to a Melisa etheridge Concert
8) some type of unnatural sex act up their sleeve
7) they hate white heterosexuals
6) outrages fashion sense
5) they wanna be white heterosexual
4) Penis envy
3) a lust for white Aryans
2) my disdain
And the # 1 thing that feminist fags and kikes have in common?
” The 2006 Barbra Streisand beauty secrets and home cooking almanac”
“Thank You And Goodnight everybody”
3 October, 2006 at 6:18 am
The problem is government involvement with education. 95% of “research†is taxpayer financed.
Yes, this is definitely a problem. Those who should be analyzed, paying for the analysis.
Consider then the situation in Europe, where most universities are owned by the government. Old party loyals, with no other qualifications than being able to parrot the party line, get cushy jobs in the university boards of directors.
Let us remember: universities are useful. The natural sciences have their place, as do the fields of law and economics. It is classes like sociology, history, and endless variations on sociology like “holocaust studies” and “media studies” and “gender studies” etc, that are the problem.