12 December, 2006

Deniers Get All the Hot Chicks!

Posted by alex in historical factualism, holo-factualists, Holo-queens, holocaust racket at 4:00 am | Permanent Link

Faurisson et Renouf.

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  • 32 Responses to “Deniers Get All the Hot Chicks!”

    1. pseudo-doc Says:

      And Hymie gets the last laugh.

      I can’t be impressed by this thing. It’s a good gesture, but no more than that. These people will be “discussing” the matter for the next fifty years. That is what old French guys and washed-up American racialists do, after all.

    2. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      I’m not sure that it is pointless. Even the sheep have become aware that there are some people out there who question the greatest hoax in history. The hysterical reaction of the kikes and their puppets might get some more of the world to take notice. Anything that undermines even slightly this pseudo-religion is good, and if it fell apart it would be a tremendous blow to kike power and influence. For this reason alone the conference is to be welcomed. Besides, it shows up the hypocracy of the so-called freedom-loving west which jails people for expressing an opinion.

    3. pseudo-doc Says:

      As I said: it’s a gesture. Don’t read so much into it. Welcomed, fine; exaggerated, no. It’s like anything that happens makes ZOG one pinky-push away from utter collapse; the sheep awaken, the wind changes directions, a Golden Age sweeps around and envelopes us in rapture – because some ragheads invited a bunch of crusty Europeans and a few kikes to the table to “discuss” what we KNOW. And how is it being discussed? Zionism this, Palestine that. So far I’ve seen not one European, neither Duke, mention practical applications of the “Holocaust” in the West. All I see is yet another pity-party for Palestine.

      The world lags behind VNN. Getting enthused about this sort of thing is taking more than a step back. Instead we should be saying: What else you got?

    4. Jackumup Says:

      A gesture yes, but remember were going to war with this country and this get together will come up again. Americans are tired of this middle east bullshit and there is one thing that it all has in common (THE jew)

    5. alex Says:

      I think Ahmad did a great job of taking all the West’s bullshit about free speech etc and shoving it up its ass. Tremendous!

      No one said this conference was everything, but it is certainly something. It should be annual.

    6. Judith Says:

      Maybe they should have just stuck with a theme about how all the so called white people in the world are slowly disappearing. It would have made as much sense and given David Duke something to get all teary-eyed over.

      Up your’s Linder…although I believe you would like that way too much!

    7. Carpenter Says:

      Judit, troll sweetie, I bet you are grinding your teeth right now. We laugh at little girls who can’t stand reality. Across the world a healthy hatred of Jews is rising, and little girls like you get all teary-eyed knowing you can’t stop it. Too bad for you. I look forward to every Jew killed by the Arabs and Persians, as the wet dream of Eretz Israel goes up in flames. Jews are best crispy, as the world well knows.

      Jews – the race noone likes. How the world will cheer when they lose their power in the west, and are then slowly miscegenated out of existence with the victorious Arabs in Israel. I think the Knesset will look real good with a large moon crescent above the speaker’s seat.

    8. Lokuum Says:

      One angle I would like others to see in this era of Hollow Hoax is the role academia has played. In a very real sense what academia has done is to protect itself as an institution, not unlike the Catholic Church during the Galileo trial. They promoted this lie and sent it out through out all of its networks, until every kindergartener learned what happens when white people think they’re a race. Oxford, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, name them, name them all. They are deceivers and liars and whores.

    9. Judith Says:

      Carpenter, you have sniffed one too many piles of sawdust and fallen off one too many ladders. I’d bet a pay check you haven’t worked a whole hell of a lot in your life though. It’s a white supremacist trait to be lazy and stupid.
      I’m not teary-eyed and Jews will still be around when losers like you are dead.

    10. America First Says:

      Betting? Gambling,vice, drugs, perversion, this the realm of the filthy kings of soft hands, you are such hate filled paranoid control freaks, that is the core of your tribe. Las Vegas, Atlantic city and from S.F.CA. to NYC. You have invaded with stealth all the White beautiful SAFE area’s of the West you have now invaded there softening up any resistence areas left. So clever, your so smart, and of course such a light on to the World.

      You haters won’t and can’t even tell U.S. what your true precentage is in the Population. Who is excempt from reporting who they are on the U.S. census? Who gets a right off for sending money to another country, who puts a relegious food tax on U.S. yet yells the loudest about Christians?


      You had it all after you got U.S. to murder the Heart and sould of Europe, then debotched U.S. with the media, along with the smashing of a weak kneed Richard M. Nixon who knew the truths of your evil, but failed to stop you.

      You have no shame or sense of fair play, and it has rubbed on too many debased White’s today, but that is good, especially if these White’s awaken. Megaphone along with the Alphabet trolls private and government have a lousy night.

    11. Trey Parker Says:

      This should get them to start asking questions, like why does this thing have to be held all the way over in Iran because it is it such a highly punishable offense to question the HOAX in every White majority nation but the Kwa.

      But dont underestimate the stupidity and intellectual laziness of your average lemming, most have been heavily euthanased by these diabolical kikes.

    12. Trey Parker Says:

      I am thinking about anesthesia. What they have in mind for us is not a hoax or a painless death.

    13. America First Says:

      Mr. Parker if history and M.O. is any guide to how mf evil they are, then you are on the target for sure.

    14. Kramer Gibson Says:

      Hate to tell you but that covered up sand nigger bitch aint hot. We need to get the clothes off these muslim babes and see what those tits and ass look like. Damn those sand nigger men hogging all that shit and after those sombeeches fucked millions of white babes over here back in the 70s and early 80s creating a glut of half breeds and then they hauled ass back to sand nigger land after the Iran hostage crisis.
      Sand niggers loved that white pussy but it was rare for any to fuck with a nigger whore yet those bastards dont want any white males to look at a piece of skin of their females.
      Or maybe they just dont want any nigger males fucking any of their arab females especially since nigger males are free to fuck any white bitch they want these days as jews did them a big big favor for their cocks.
      One thing that has so far never been mentioned is the misegenation of arab females and nigger males. This is very odd but obviously muslim males are PC in this shape although we know no muslim females have fucked any niggers or white males for that matter as the sand nigger males are extremely protectionist about their pussy and dont even want other sand niggers to look at any part of their bitches.
      Could white America hold the key to getting these muslims to kill off niggers and jews with this?
      We know jews would want nothing better than to get these arab females to begin fucking nigger males and having half breed mutts.
      Arab males would also much better tolerate white males fucking their arab females as they would nigger males who they would kill along with the jews.
      So now we know the true reason arab males demand their arab females be covered up and this is because they know the jew snake better than anybody and know the jew would love fucking them and that the next step would be to have niggers fuck their muslim women.
      This is 100% the reason why arabs dont allow their females to uncover themselves. Arabs are not stupid and know the jews would mortally love to be fucking their pussy and also that jews would be promoting the fucking of niggers and muslim females as their next big hobby in Hollywood and the jew media.
      Arabs dont want a million half nigger half arab mutts running around the fucking planet and who can blame them but this is exactly what would happen.
      Once the jew snake gets his foot in the door its all over and they know it. We can already see the Hollywood skin flicks showing arab pussy sucking the jew and nigger dicks and arab females eating each other pussy or child sex between arab kids and adults. Arabs know the Pandoras Box would be opened and they would instantly lose the purity of their race to the nigger and jew in the same way the white race did that actually began with the shipping of African slaves here innocently and then the long term plan with the Lincunt war using his northern white race triator tools and of course i t was all over after that.
      Today we see nothing but white females being fucked and raped and murdered by niggers everywhere as no white females are safe even though they are brainwashed to love the nigger dick due to their promotion in sports and movies etc.
      Arabs are not dumb. They know these jew snakes. They look at what has happened in Amerikunt and Eurump to these niggers like Seal fucking a beautiful white female model number one world class model and having his niglets just like the Tiger Wood nig in golf and all the others.
      Arabs know that once they are defeated by the Jewnited States that its all over and their arab pussy will be the first thing to go and before its over arab men will be buying or watching jew porn showing their muslim pus eating out each others asshole or fucking a camel or goat while the niggers gang up on their arab men sucking one while getting fucked in the ass by the other as the current jews degrade white females who never partook in that hell until the big jew takeover.
      Arabs also know the jews main goal is to make them extinct in the same way they have made half the white race extinct thats still declining.
      Arabs also know the jew will make faggots and atheists out of them so as not to have any morals or values and be free thinkers where anything goes. Arabs know the jews will inject their venom poison into their minds to be both fags and nigger fuckers as they did the white race in order to exterminate it without firing a shot.
      Arabs also know the jew snakes will turn arab against arab to kill each other off and split them up as they did the white race. Arabs will be turned into marxists and soon will be serving the jew bosses as all the media in Arabia will be stole and converted by the jews along with their tv and most certainly there will be a new Hollywood built in the middle of the desert to make porn and nig lib neocon movies.
      Its all coming but arabs are willing to die before it happens in the same way the south was willing to die 145 yrs to not allow the niggers and jews to take over but we know overwhelming numbers manpower and money eventually stopped it but only after the entire nation was destroyed and burned with 50% of its people killed and maimed and the mockery and degrdation it withstood for the next 100 yrs or more or until they finally succumbed to the brainwash and acceoted it or just moved the fuck into the sticks furthur to escae it like so many millions of other whites.

      No no. Arab sand niggers are not stupid. They know the jew snake since they are mythically blood brothers from 4000 yrs ago having the same father pappy Abraham or at least thats what their fantazy book says and neither deny it.

    15. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Spoken like a true kike Jewdit. Never actually debate; just sneer and insult. Carpenter and the rest of us might well not be around to see the demise of your race of vampires. However, your time is coming to an end, and not all the nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, nor all the yankee and Brit mercenaries on earth will save you. The world is a smaller place now. In times past when your host population became outraged at your vampire ways you could scuttle off to some haven where the natives didn’t know what you were like and bide your time. Then, when your scouts declared the way clear, you could slither back in again. Your stolen wealth allowed you to buy amoral leaders and corrupt the laws in your favour. Those methods worked for centuries. Now, it is different. Over the last century you have managed to gain complete control of most of the western world. In the process you have brought about the death of hundreds of millions of people, destroyed whole cultures and caused vast environmental destruction. The world would be an almost inconceivably different and better place if you monstrous parasites had never existed. There will be consequences for your race because of what you have done. The laws of the universe state that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Millions have become aware of what you are and the threat you pose to all life. More are becoming aware all the time. For you it has become a case of all or nothing. Either total world control or a real ‘Holocaust’. Kikes are parasites. They cannot survive unless they are feeding on a host. Israel would have collapsed long ago if it wasn’t for the wealth it has sucked from the American and German taxpayers and the stolen loot brought in by the thousands of kike criminals that hide out in occupied Palestine. Your hubris will ensure your downfall Jewdit. I would just like to see your expressions when you vampires realise that you are not going to make it back to the coffin before sunrise; indeed there won’t be any coffin to go back to. Pass the message on to Abe Foxman the next time you are servicing him.

    16. Judith Says:

      America First, you need to trot your porky little ass on over to the discussion on the StromFront website about gambling and prostitution.
      Some of your white brothers/sisters agree with allowing it to part of a white society.
      If there were no Jews white women would still sell themselves on the streets and white people would still blow their paychecks on Keno and One-armed-bandits. You are such a stupid group though you can’t figure that shit out! Get a life, get a grip and grow the F’up!
      I’ve never seen so much cry baby bull shit as I have seen coming from you sad sacks and the woes of your everyday life.
      Do anyone of you know the meaning of being responsible for one’s self? Obviously not!
      It’s the Jews! It’s the Jews! It’s not me, it’s the Jews! I’m just a victim of the Jews! STFU!

    17. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “It’s the Jews! It’s the Jews!”

      Most of the time, we quote from Jews’ own writings. . .

    18. Hoosier Says:

      I hope Judith keeps doing what she’s doing. She’s a Jewess, and part of the social construct that “Jews are human,” and the social construct that Jews are “God’s Chosen People.”

      She’s also a so-called mother of a mentally ill lesbian – redundant, I know. Behold, reader A Jewess activist and “mother” in action. Is she the type of person you want making decisions concerning your life, white man? How about you, white woman? How does reading Judith’s posts make you feel, as she tries to project her personal shortcomings onto others?

      I can’t imagine a much better sales person for white nationalism than her. Hate mongers like Judith practically drive people into the arms of white nationalism – she’s money in the bank. I’m thankful for people like her. When an example of a typical Jew is needed, she fits the bill almost perfectly.

    19. America First Says:

      Kramer Gibson Says:

      14 December, 2006 at 10:56 am


      If he and Judith could reflect on what their hate filled group has done to us in the last hundred years, they would not have done those murderous and extremely hateful and perverted things to us in the first place.

      August 1914 thru 1918 9.5 White males and most were our very best, thaat were murdered under the age of 32 in that so called WW1. Just so your hate tribe could get that dirty little gangster haven nation, get rich and then proceed to pound U.S. out of existance with WAR after WAR and an open border invasion.

      White’s are persuecuted by your tribe and we are told by they hate U.S. for our freedom.

      No amount of polite conversation will make the genocide against White’s stop. Having a sense of proportion is perhaps impossible when your so full of hatred, paranoia, plus an arrogant control freak.

    20. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “. . .she’s money in the bank. . .”

      Soon to be completely worthless. . .

    21. Celtic Warrior Says:

      We don’t need to debate with the kike. Do you negotiate with a vampire? No! Give them the ‘silver bullet’ that they so richly deserve.

    22. Judith Says:

      Kramer Gibson,

      the only paranoid, hate filled, arrogant control freaks are so called white poeple like you. Being sociopaths though you can’t see it.

      And Celtic Warrior, I wonder, since you believe in vampires do you also believe in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny? You are no more Celtic than the guy next door to you. It’s a fad and not really a tribe. Do you speak the language? Do you worship the old gods? Do you even know who the old gods of the Celts were? See it’s all some sort of goofy little game y’all play. Like small children playing dress-up. I highly doubt you would know a “Celt” if they hit you in the head with a broad sword.

      Shabbos Shabbaz, you are already there……

    23. America First Says:

      Haa, haaaaa!

    24. America First Says:

      {p. 16} attack against all the notions and ideals of humanism and the rule of law (not to say democracy) as something ‘un-Jewish’ or ‘anti-lewish’ – as indeed they are, in a historical settse – and as principles which may be used in the ‘Jewish interest’, but which have no validity against the ‘Jewish interest’, for example when Arabs invoke these same principles. This has also led – again just as in Germany and other nations of Mitteleuropa – to a deceitful sentimental and ultra-romantic Jewish historiography, from which all inconvenient facts have been expunged.

      So one will not find in Hannah Arendt’s voluminous writings whether on totalitarianism or on Jews, or on both, the smallest hint as to what Jewish society in Germany was really like in the 18th century: burning of books, persecution of writers, disputes about the magic powers of amulets, bans on the most elementary ‘non-Jewish’ education such as the teaching of correct German or indeed German written in the Latin alphabet. Nor can one find in the numerous English-language ‘Jewish histories’ the elementary facts about the attitude of Jewish mysticism (so fashionable at present in certain quarters) to non-Jews: that they are considered to be, literally, limbs of Satan, and that the few non-satanic individuals among them (that is, those who convert to Judaism) are in reality ‘Jewish souls’ who got lost when Satan violated the Holy Lady (Shehhtnah or Matronit, one of the female components of the Godhead, sister and wife of the younger male God according to the cabbala) in her heavenly abode. The great authorities, such as Gershom Scholem, have lent their authority to a system of deceptions in all the ‘sensitive’ areas, the more popular ones being the most dishonest and misleading.

      But the social consequence of this process of liberalisation was that, for the first time since about AD 200, a Jew could be free to do what he liked, within the bounds of his country’s civil law, without having to pay for this freedom by converting to another religion. The freedom to learn and read books in modern languages, the freedom to read and write books in Hebrew not approved by the rabbis (as any Hebrew or Yiddish book previously had to be), the freedom to eat non-kosher food, the freedom to ignore the numerous absurd taboos regulating sexual life, even the freedom to think – for ‘forbidden thoughts’ are among the most serious sins – all these were granted to the Jews of Europe (and subsequently of other countries) by modern or even absolutist European regimes, although the latter were at the same time antisemttlc and oppressive. Nicholas I of Russia was a notorlous antisemite and issued many laws against the Jews of his state. But he also strengthened the forces of ‘law and order’

      {p. 17} Russia – not only the secret police but also the regular police and the gendarmerie – with the consequence that it became difficult to murder Jews on the order of their rabbis, whereas in pre-1795 Poland it had been quite easy. ‘Official’ Jewish history condemns him on both counts. For example, in the late 1830s a ‘Holy Rabbi’ (Tzadik) in a small Jewish town in the Ukraine ordered the murder of a heretic by throwing him into the boiling water of the town baths, and contemporary Jewish sources note with astonishment and horror that bribery was ‘no longer effective’ and that not only the actual perpetrators but also the Holy Man were severely punished. The Metternich regime of pre-1848 Austria was notoriously reactionary and quite unfriendly to Jews, but it did not allow people, even liberal Jewish rabbis, to be poisoned. During 1848, when the regime’s power was temporarily weakened, the first thing the leaders of the Jewish community in the Galician city of Lemberg (now Lvov) did with their newly regained freedom was to poison the liberal rabbi of the city, whom the tiny non-Orthodox Jewish group in the city had imported from Germany. One of his greatest heresies, by the way, was the advocacy and actual performance of the Bar Mitzvah ceremony, which had recently been invented.

      Liberation from Outside

      In the last 150 years, the term ‘Jew’ has therefore acquired a dual meaning, to the great confusion of some well-meaning people, particularly in the English-speaking countries, who irnagine that the Jews they meet socially are ‘representative’ of Jews ‘in general’. In the countries of east Europe as well as in the Arab world, the Jews were liberated from the tyranny of their own religion and of their own comrnunities by outside forces, too late and in circumstances too unfavourable for genuine internalised social change. In most cases, and particularly in Israel, the old concept of society, the same ideology – especially as directed towards non-Jews – and the same utterly false conception of history have been preserved. This applies even to some of those Jews who joined ‘progressive’ or leftist movements. An examination of radical, socialist and communist parties can provide many examples of disguised Jewish chauvinists and racists, who joined these parties merely for reasons of ‘Jewish interest’ and are, in Israel, in favour of ‘anti-Gentile’ discrimination. One need only check how many Jewish ‘socialists’ have managed to write about the kibbutz without taking the trouble to mention that it is a racist institution from which non-Jewish citizens of Israel are rigorously excluded, to see that

      {p. 18} the phenomenon we are alluding to is by no means uncommon.

      Avoiding labels based on ignorance or hypocrisy, we thus see that the word ‘Jewry’ and its cognates describe two different and even contrasting social groups, and because of current Israeh politics the continuum between the two is disappearing fast. On the one hand there is the traditional totalitarian meaning dlscussed above; on the other hand there are Jews by descent who have internalised the complex of ideas which Karl Popper has called ‘the open society’. (There are also some, particularly in the USA, who have not internalised these ideas, but try to make a show of acceptance.)

      It is important to note that all the supposedly ‘Jewish characteristics’ – by which I mean the traits which vulgar so-called intellectuals in the West attribute to ‘the Jews’ – are modern characteristics, quite unknown during most of Jewish history, and appeared only when the totalitarian Jewish community began to lose its power. Take, for example, the famous Jewish sense of humour. Not only is humour very rare in Hebrew literature before the 19th century (and is only found during few periods, in countries where the Jewish upper class was relatively free from the rabbinical yoke, such as Italy between the 14th and 17th centuries or Muslim Spain) but humour and jokes are strictly forbidden by the Jewish religion – except, significantly, jokes against other religions. Satire against rabbis and leaders of the community was never internalised by Judaism, not even to a small extent, as it was in Latin Christianity. There were no Jewish comedies, just as there were no comedies in Sparta, and for a similar reason. Or take the love of learning. Except for a purely religious learning, which was itself in a debased and degenerate state, the Jews of Europe (and to a somewhat lesser extent also of the Arab countries) were dominated, before about 1780, by a supreme contempt and hate for all learning (excluding the Talmud and Jewish mysticism). Large parts of the Old Testament, all non-liturgical Hebrew poetry, most books on Jewlsh philosophy were not read and their very names were ohen anathematised. Study of all languages was strictly forbidden, as was the study of mathematics and science. Geography, history – even Jewish history – were completely unknown. The critical sense, which is supposedly so characteristic of Jews, was totally absent, and nothing was so forbidden, feared and therefore persecuted as the most modest innovation or the most innocent criticism.

      It was a world sunk in the most abject superstition, fanaticism and ignorance, a world in which the preface to the first

      {p. 19} work on geography in Hebrew (published in 1803 in Russia) could complain that very many great rabbis were denying the existence of the American continent and saying that it is ‘impossible’. Between that world and what is often taken in the West to ‘characterise’ Jews there is nothing in common except the mistaken name.

      However, a great many present-day Jews are nostalgic for that world, their lost paradise, the cornfortable closed society from which they were not so much liberated as eYpelled. A large part of the zionist movement always wanted to restore it – and this part has gained the upper hand. Many of the motives behind Israeli politics, which so bewilder the poor confused western ‘friends of Israel’, are perfectly explicable once they are seen simply as reaction, reaction in the political sense which this word has had for the last two hundred years. a forced and in many respects innovative, and therefore illusory return to the closed society of the Jewish past.

      Obstacles to Understanding

      Historically it can be shown that a closed society is not interested in a description of itself, no doubt because any description is in part a form of critical analysis and so may encourage critical ‘forbidden thoughts’. The more a society becomes open, the more it is interested in reflecting, at first descriptively and then critically, upon itself, its present working as well as its past. But what happens when a faction of intellectuals desires to drag a society, which has already opened up to a considerable extent, back to its previous totalitarian closed condition? Then the very means of the former progress philosophy, the sciences, history and especially sociology become the most effective instruments of the ‘treason of the intellectuals’. They are perverted in order to serve as devices of deception, and in the process they degenerate.

      Classical Judaism had little interest in describing or explaining itself to the members of its own community, whether educated (in talmudic studies) or not.ll It is significant that the writing of lewish history, even in the driest annalistic style ceased completely from the time of Josephus Flavius (end of first centuly) until the Renaissance, when it was revived for a short time in Italy and in other countries where the Jews were under strong Italian influence.l2 Characteristically, the rabbis feared Jewish even more than general history, and the first modern book on history published in Hebrew (in the 16th century) was entitled Histo~y of the Kings of France and of the Ottoman Kings. It was followed by some histories dealing only with the persecutions that

      {p. 46} occupations in eastern Europe. But even such a simple human ‘problem’ as the wish to have a hot cup of tea on a Saturday afternoon becomes much greater with the tempting samovar, used regularly on weekdays, standing in the room. These are just two examples out of a very large number of so-called ‘problems of sabbath observance’. And one can state with certainty that for a community composed exclusively of Orthodox Jews they were quite insoluble, at least during the last eight or ten centuries, without the ‘help’ of non-Jews. This is even more true today in the ‘Jewish state’, because many public services, such as water, gas and electricity, fall in this category. Classical Judaism could not exist even for a whole week without using some non-Jews.

      But without special dispensations there is a great obstacle in employing non-Jews to do these Saturday jobs; for talmudic regulations forbid Jews to ask a Gentile to do on the sabbath any work which they themselves are banned from doing. I shall describe two of the many types of dispensation used for such purposes.

      First, there is the method of ‘hinting’, which depends on the casuistic logic according to which a sinful demand becomes blameless if it is phrased slyly. As rule, the hint must be ‘obscure’, but in cases of extreme need a ‘clear’ hint is allowed. For example, in a recent booklet on religious observance for the use of Israeli soldiers, the latter are taught how to talk to Arab workers employed by the army as sabbath-Goyim. In urgent cases, such as when it is very cold and a fure must be lit, or when light is needed for a religious service, a pious Jewish soldier may use a ‘clear’ hint and tell the Arab: ‘It is cold (or dark) here’. But normally an ‘obscure’ hint must suffice, for example: “It would be more pleasant if it were warmer here.”) This method of ‘hinting’ is particularly repulsive and degrading inasmuch as it is normally used on non-Jews who, due to their poverty or subordinate social position, are wholly in the power of their Jewish employer. A Gentile servant (or employee of the Israeli army) who does not train himself to interpret ‘obscure hints’ as orders will be pitilessly dismissed.

      The second method is used in cases where what the Gentile is required to do on Saturday is not an occasional task or personal service, which can be ‘hinted’ at as the need arises, but a routine or regular job without constant Jewish supelvision. According to this method – called ‘implicit inclusion’ (havla’ah) of the sabbath among weekdays – the Gentile is hired ‘for the whole week (or year)’, without the sabbath being so much as mentioned in the contract. But in reality work is only performed on the sabbath. This method was used in the past in hirung a Gentile to put out the candles

      {p. 47} in the synagogue after the sabbath-eve prayer (rather than wastefully allowing them to burn out). Modern Israeli examples are: regulating the water supply or watching over water reservoirs on Saturdays.

      A similar idea is used also in the case of Jews, but for a different end. Jews are forbidden to receive any payment for work done on the sabbath, even if the work itself is permitted. The chief example here concerns the sacred professions: the rabbi or talmudic scholar who preaches or teaches on the sabbath, the cantor who sings only on Saturdays and other holy days (on which similar bans apply), the sexton and similar officials. In talmudic times, and in some countries even several centuries after, such jobs were unpaid. But later, when these became salaried professions, the dispensation of ‘implicit inclusion’ was used, and they were hired on a ‘monthly’ or ‘yearly’ basis. In the case of rabbis and talmudic scholars the problem is particularly complicated, because the Talmud forbids them to receive any payment for preaching, teaching or studying talmudic matters even on weekdays. For them an additional dispensation stipulates that their salary is not really a salary at all but ‘compensation for idleness’ (dmey batalah). As a combined result of these two fictions, what is in reality payment for work done mainly, or even solely, on the sabbath is transmogrified into payment for being idle on weekdays

      Save this piece of history so when it is taken off line, you can pass it around.

    25. Hoosier Says:

      Note, reader, how Judith, a Jewish hatemonger, never addresses a point. You can see her avoidance and distortion. Notice how she changes this:

      “We don’t need to debate with the kike. Do you negotiate with a vampire? No! Give them the ’silver bullet’ that they so richly deserve.”

      into this:

      “I wonder, since you believe in vampires do you also believe in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny?”

      See how she distorts what Celtic Warrior said metaphorically?
      Note how childish she is as she accuses others of being childish, “Like small children playing dress-up.” It’s the Jewish trait of projecting personal shortcomings onto others.

      She’s an example of a typical Jew. A so-called mother of a mentally ill lesbian – criticising others. She’s part of the group of the fantasy construct known as “God’s Chosen People.”

      Do you want people like this as part of your world, white man?

    26. Celtic Warrior Says:

      It’s great when the kikes get all hot and bothered. It is so easy to press them into rant mode.

    27. America First Says:

      Hoosier Says:

      16 December, 2006 at 12:33 am

      Excellent cap to this subject on the Nation destroyers. All their rantings are here for the World to read, no debate, but allot of hatred and name callling. Madalaine Alldumb told the press she didn’t know she was jewish, till she was outed. Cryptic hater’s, and when they are in open the hatred/lies are used to make us war on their enemie’s.

    28. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      Let’s see if we can make it clear for you Jewdit? When we allude to vampires we are certainly not claiming that we believe in the creatures described in myth and elaborated on in fiction and cinema. We are, of course, ascribing the horrible characteristics of these frightening fictional beings to jews because the analogy is apt. Vampires thrive by sucking the life energy of their victims. They are predatory parasites. Likewise, jews thrive by thwarting the life affirming activities of the host nations they live amongst and siphoning the productivity of their victims for the benefit of the jew tribe. They suck the wealth and confidence of the people rather than their blood. Like the once healthy victims of vampires once healthy white societies become lethargic and sick from the activities of this omni parasitic jew life-form and eventually die in misery and poverty. It’s unfortunate that you kikes don’t shrivel up when touched by sunlight as is supposed to happen to the mythological vampires. Personally, I think that the Rotschilds and their tribe are much more dangerous than Dracula and his minions could ever be. The sooner we go into the kikes’ lair with a metaphorical stake and deal with them the better.

    29. van helsing Says:

      Well they brought pressure to bear on Chirac. He is having Faurisson investigated?

      Such hypocrisy. Investigating those who want answers, in lieu of validating the truth (or, really, the lack thereof) in the establishment’s claims…

    30. Hoosier Says:

      # van helsing Says:
      16 December, 2006 at 11:00 pm

      Well they brought pressure to bear on Chirac. He is having Faurisson investigated?

      Such hypocrisy. Investigating those who want answers, in lieu of validating the truth (or, really, the lack thereof) in the establishment’s claims…

      To Jews, the truth, or the search for truth, must be like throwing holy water on vampires, van helsing. It Hurts! It Burns!

      I think the point Celtic Warrior made, comparing Jews to vampires is so dead on and elegant. Just like vampires, Jews can only move in darkness. We can move in light and darkness. It’s a strategic advantage. How appropriate that van helsing posts at this point. Synchronicity, Itz.

      Based on the evidence of this thread so far, I’ll assume that Judith won’t be able to grasp the metaphor. I’ll assume everyone else involved so far, will. I’m sure just about anyone else with be fine.

    31. Anglo Saxon Is True Israel Says:

      Judith Says:

      14 December, 2006 at 3:35 pm
      It’s the Jews! It’s the Jews! It’s not me, it’s the Jews! I’m just a victim of the Jews! STFU!

      That Jewess is feeling the heat being turned up on all the lies and deceptions they have perpetrated against the whiteman. They have robbed the heritage of the whiteman, corrupted everything pure and righteous.
      The whiteman is now awakening, and the heat is getting hotter, and soon they will have to flee the wrath of the awakened Saxon.

      by Rudyard Kipling

      It was not part of their blood,
      It came to them very late,
      With long arrears to make good,
      When the Saxon began to hate.

      They were not easily moved,
      They were icy — willing to wait
      Till every count should be proved,
      Ere the Saxon began to hate.

      Their voices were even and low.
      Their eyes were level and straight.
      There was neither sign nor show
      When the Saxon began to hate.

      It was not preached to the crowd.
      It was not taught by the state.
      No man spoke it aloud
      When the Saxon began to hate.

      It was not suddently bred.
      It will not swiftly abate.
      Through the chilled years ahead,
      When Time shall count from the date
      That the Saxon began to hate.

      “This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of
      strength descends upon those in its service.” – Francis Parker Yockey,

    32. Haderach Says:

      The worst aspect of today’s world is that “zog” (I see the Zionist machine more as multi-headed hydra, than a single organised structure) has successfully caused the white world to view the muslim as his enemy (and vice-versa), when in truth we should both be aiming for the common goal of the destruction, ONCE AND FOR ALL, of Israel. Keep in mind the bonds forged between Das Dritte Reich and the Islamic Umma, and the fact that the only book that outsells Mein Kampf in the Middle East is the Quran. When the Aryan Knight and the Mujahidin stand side by side again (as they did against the Mongols), then and ONLY THEN will Zion collapse in flame and ruin…

      “The True Chosen People Are Those That Choose Themselves.”