White Girl Raped by Nigger at Duke
Posted by alex in Craig "Chain" Cobb, hush crimes at 10:59 am | 
According to police reports released Monday, the 18-year-old woman reported forcible rape that took place at 3 a.m. at 405 Gattis St., where a party was hosted by some members of
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
It’s open season on your son and daughter, White man. Until you destroy the jew that turned our nation into a Third World shithole, nothing will change. The nigger rapist is a symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE.
Discuss on VNNF here:
14 February, 2007 at 11:56 am
14 February, 2007 at 3:45 pm
14 February, 2007 at 4:40 pm
Jawol, Herr Oberrathskellerfuehrer!
I am ready to follow you right now, let’s not waste another moment.
But if I may ask, mein Oberrathskellerfuehrer – how are you going to destroy the Jew?
Seig Heil!
14 February, 2007 at 9:09 pm
But if I may ask, mein Oberrathskellerfuehrer – how are you going to destroy the Jew?
Silly crackhead, it’s going on right now, right in front of your eyes.
15 February, 2007 at 10:20 am
“the 18-year-old woman reported forcible rape” – maybe I am dumb or something but can there be a “non forcible rape” ??? Can anyone explain that to me ??
Guys You have lots of work over there to do – explain all those “jews school” fuck up brains that “if a white girls goes to party with muds she will get raped – and if its hes lucky day it aint be a forcible rape”…
15 February, 2007 at 4:56 pm
Hopefully Alex won’t be a prick and clip this post. Funny video about niggers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwAX0MSsne0 :)
15 February, 2007 at 6:00 pm
Truly, the Jews are crumbling. They are running scared. Rabbi Zakheim is going to refund that 2 trillion dollars he stole – any minute now.
Olmert and Foxman are planning a news conference to announce a 17 trillion dollar reparations package for the victims of communism. All former communist functionaries and collaborators are to be tried by the Hague.
Victims of Black-on-White crime are going to be compensated, and tolerance educators are going to be charged with conspiracy and incitement to murder.
Nothing can withstand the assault of a rathskeller full of gutsy opinions!
RAHOWA! Seig Heil! 88/14!
15 February, 2007 at 7:20 pm
Comprehensive article at VDare on the Jewsmedia-sponsored, Nifong-backed, nigger hooker Duke ‘rape’ hoax:
16 February, 2007 at 5:20 am
I believe this is a load of bs. She was probably wasted, bending over the toilet throwing up, dressed like some whore, like all 18 year old white girls in college are. I never believe a white girl gets raped at ‘frat parties’ let alone believe 90% of the girls who claim rape. They all leave their house in mini skirts and short cropped shirts go out and get completely drunk and act like sluts, then scream rape when they get what they ask for.
Never believe this stuff. I am not sticking up for the nigger, by any means. But there is no way in hell would I ever stick up for some trampy 18 year girl who was completely wasted at a nigger frat party, even if she is white. I do not and will never feel sorry for these ‘girls’ they are the scum of White Women and they all deserve what they get.
Girls like that give White Women like me a bad name. Not only do most White Men look down on White Women because of girls like this but we all get disrespected by them too. This isn’t right. We’re all looked down upon and looked at like nothing but poor, disgusting sex objects and then the ones who have self respect, wear skirts to their knees and do not and will not expose even the slightest hint of the tops of their breasts, get treated the same as these sluts you see everyday. Screw them, they are not white. Their whiteness died long ago.
16 February, 2007 at 7:10 pm
Ded – I don’t believe that you’re “sticking up for niggers”. It is quite possible that the white girl was “asking” for it, so to speak, although it’s more likely she was genuinely ignorant of TNB and is a victim of that ignorance. It’s possible she grew up in a suburban “bubble” where she went to school with only a handful of “tame” niggers, and was never exposed to “wild” niggers.
However, the real issue of this story, which has since been further amplified and localized on several of our WN blogs, is to expose the disparity of coverage between white-on-black crime vs. black-on-white crime. And this incident simply provides more evidence that black-on-white crime does NOT get the same publicity that white-on-black crime gets. And it’s this disparity that we are most interested in exposing in this particular case.
18 February, 2007 at 7:55 pm
Ded is right on target. This Snow Whore got just what she deserved. What was she doing at 3 am in a frat house full of Negroes?
The Duke boys also got what they deserved for bringing a Negress stripper to their frat house. Race mixers are the lowest trash in all races.
11 October, 2007 at 10:19 am
Ded, NOBODY has the right to have intercourse with someone against their will, even if they’re drunk AND naked, much less clothed, albeit scantily. What you’re telling me with this post is that you don’t respect your own personal boundaries enough. You’re also saying that somehow you believe dressing like a prude is armour against rape. Well, what if you happened to walk by that frat house that night dressed the way you dress, and that shitskinned nigger happened to be outside pissing in the yard? What if he raped you? A woman who’s not drunk, not “asking for it” and not dressed “slutty” as you put it? Niggers can’t tell the difference between slutty and prudish, all they see is “white woman”. For you to belittle your own sex by saying a woman’s choice in fashion is justification for being raped is ridiculous and shows that you indeed have 0 respect for yourself, which is probably why you are treated poorly because people can read your own self-loathing on you. If you don’t love you, why the fuck should I? Grow up, educate, and make sure you know what you’re talking about, woman, before you step into a house of intellect pretending to be a champion for something you don’t even understand.
11 October, 2007 at 10:22 am
and by the way, everyone’s forgetting something here…. WE know what niggers are capable of, but these young college girls havebeen trained by the tv that niggers are intelligent, caring, loving superheros that save the day. She had, in her mind, NO REASON to avoid a frat party full of apes. In light of that, WE got what WE deserved for sitting our kids in front of the jewtube for the past 20 years while MTV raised a bunch of brainwashed morons. And even if she DID know what niggers were capable of, she has a RIGHT as an american to go to a party without getting raped.
No wonder the jews are in control.
17 May, 2008 at 4:53 am
silly inexperienced teens shouldn’t really be mixing with strangers and getting drunk, that said, did she get a thrill from cock teasing young high testoserone young groids. If so maybe she was up for some gang banging and it got out of hand. Young white girls get turned on by the thought of some mandingo servicing them as long as their parents don’t find out and don’t produce half breed grand children.
19 July, 2008 at 3:08 am
“Nigger” is to Black, as “Cracker” is to White, so don’t tell me that a nigger can be any skin color, including Black, when it comes to scum. It can ONLY be Black
10 March, 2009 at 10:01 pm
I don’t care what the excuse is. If a White woman contributes to the genocide of the White race she is an enemy, no question.
I’m a college student. I knew an attractive North European girl whose fiancee was a University biology researcher, and she was willing to give that up for a Negro in film school for Christ’s sake. She didn’t, but came damned close. Sheez!
Our women are utterly clueless as to what is OK and what is not. We must re-educate them or perish.
Death to GynoBolshevism!