The Accomplishments of Western Culture
Posted by Socrates in inventions, Socrates, Western culture, White inventions, White solutions, White-culture-as-superior at 5:40 pm | 
From 2001, but really worth revisiting. When you read it, consider the endless criticism of White culture today by the Jews and other minorities. They criticize Western culture because they know it’s superior. They feel insignificant when they realize what White people have accomplished:
29 September, 2007 at 10:43 pm
Marx, Freud, Friedman, Einstein, von Neumann, Friedan, Trotsky, Schoenberg…this is much of what he’s talking about when he says “Western culture.”
30 September, 2007 at 6:31 am
When you read it, consider the endless criticism of White culture today by the Jews and other minorities. They criticize Western culture because they know it’s superior. They feel insignificant when they realize what White people have accomplished
This isn’t really a compelling argument when the author of that article obviously includes Jewish accomplishments in the list of Western ones.
30 September, 2007 at 7:52 am
Add the Japanese to the list of people who hate us and feel insecure. This is what keeps them moving. From trying to out do New York by building as many skyscrapers as they can (most struggle to even find occupants) to flooding us with endless souless japanese anamie and manga the list is endless.
Many do not know that in Tokyo all you see are English signs, adverts and Magazine titles (even thought they are japanese and the titles are beyond stupid with butchered grammer) the cultural embarrassemt in having to admit that western models look better is killing them. Since the japs are so superficial and money driven they have to bump in to American culture and STEAL IT everywhere they go.
Every Sunday (if you are in Roppongi Hills–the super exclusive shopping district of Tokyo with another brand spanking new skyscrapper) the right wing nationalist cruise through with exra super loud speakers mounted on black vans blasting propaganda about the evil west and how they should leave Nippon. It is loud and offensive and the police do NOTHING.
I would not half argue with that logic if only the nips would get the fuck out of America and take Toyota Motors with them.
30 September, 2007 at 7:59 am
“Jewish accomplishments”:
Marx = communism, totalitarianism, 200 million murders and counting
Freud = you want to rape your mother, castrate your father, and play with your poo
Einstein = stole his theory from Poincare and pushed the invention of nuclear weapons to fight “evil Nazis”
von Neumann = helped to build the bomb; also developed “game theory” to beguile libertarian autistics ever since
Friedan = development feminism
Trotsky = communist, father of neoconservatism
Schoenberg = noise composer
Communism, nuclear weapons, feminism, and noise…nice accomplishments, eh? They certainly made the 20th Century what it was.
30 September, 2007 at 10:53 am
I’ll give them jews two good accomplishments, but both were thoroughly European jews: Mahler and Kafka. Outside of that very little except in a negative sense (Oppenheim re nuclear bomb et al). Jews were, are and remain the negative and destructive principle of this world.
30 September, 2007 at 12:23 pm
Not all a$$holes are jews, but, all jews are a$$holes. Profound, huh?
30 September, 2007 at 1:04 pm
Any accomplishments of note made by Jews in the modern era can be directly attributed to the White genes that evil race has hijacked. Ditto for Niggers in the States.
30 September, 2007 at 2:11 pm
“Any accomplishments of note made by Jews in the modern era can be directly attributed to the White genes that evil race has hijacked. Ditto for Niggers in the States.”
Niggers have accomplished ZILCH.
30 September, 2007 at 2:13 pm
It also should be noted that Jews did not thrive until they came into contact with pre-existing White civilizations… something to keep in mind
30 September, 2007 at 6:30 pm
Mahler = very good conductor, music terrible imho (always regarded as derivative dreck until Lennie Bernstein started pushing him in a big way in jewy 60s New York)
Kafka = trembling ciphers in a menacing universe; one hero was a cockroach
No jews, just right.
1 October, 2007 at 1:10 am
I agree with Cliff. Many people in WN boards say that east asians are ok, I tell you all come to Sydney and see how inofensively they have bought half the city to hire other asians like them only. Particularly koreans and chinese. All people that think that asians are ok is bc they are scared of blacks.
1 October, 2007 at 6:56 am
You’re all a bunch of illiterates.
“Frenchman” named IMF chief:
1 October, 2007 at 5:27 pm
“Dominique Strauss-Kahn was born on April 25, 1949 to a Jewish family from mixed Askhenazi and Sephardi origins, in the wealthy commune of Neuilly-sur-Seine.”
Well isn’t that special?
2 October, 2007 at 5:35 am
Another jew con-artist in control of the cash register at the IMF. More White sourced money funnelled to breed up legions of nigz & mudz and also to asset strip the maufacturing potential of Europe and America.
When will there be an explosion of righteous rage? Don’t ask.
2 October, 2007 at 7:16 am
Q: What do you call a man with a seagull on his head?
A: Cliff
Buthered grammAr?
2 October, 2007 at 10:51 am
John Smith said:
Q: What do you call a man with a seagull on his head?
A: Cliff
Buthered grammAr?
The intellectual superiority of our opponents knows no bound.
(Dear antis: this is your cue to write – “You are just a bunch of retarded trailer park dwellers without teeth. You are so illiterate. Try educating yourselves,” etc. I can’t wait to respond. Don’t disappoint.)
12 June, 2008 at 11:17 pm
Whoever says that western white culture is superior is spot on, because culture is a racial construct, and that culture accurately reflects their capabilities and innovations.