Buchanan on World War II
Posted by Socrates in Buchanan, Hitler, jewed finance, jewed foreign policy, Jewish Tyranny, Socrates, William Gayley Simpson, World War II at 4:21 pm | Permanent Link
WWII was great for the Jews: it wiped out tens of millions of White people, it crushed Hitler’s brilliant money system [1] and it made anti-Semitism/racism taboo. Newbies, take note: Only The Jew Won World War Two:
[1] “All my inquiry into the matter has left me very certain that the primary issue, over which the war was precipitated and fought, was Germany’s rejection of the Gold Standard and the bankers’ realization that Hitler’s system, if not overthrown by force, would spread all over the world and be the utter ruination of their parasitic system based on the creation of debt.” — from the book “Which Way Western Man?” (Hillsboro, WV; National Vanguard Books, 2003) by William Gayley Simpson, p. 921
4 April, 2008 at 4:27 pm
Hitler’s greatest “vonder veapon”—Keynesian Economics. LOL.
4 April, 2008 at 6:37 pm
Whenever I some ‘conservative’ tells me about how freedom defeated ‘nazism’ in WW2, I ask them if they enjoy the following:
-the freedom of having homosexuality shoved in their faces
-the freedom of divershitty and multiculturalism
-the freedom to promote their Christian values provided they qualify it with “Judeo-” first for fear of the ones who they are not allowed to mention by name.
If I had a time machine, I would travel back in time to 1944 England with a portable DVD player and a copy of Brokeback Mountain along with other video footage of how life is like in 2008. I guarantee you that I could get every single soldier over there to turn against the allies and take the side of the Germans.
I like reading Buchanan from time to time, but he being a paid media personality does not dare name the Jew. Still, for the jew-aware conservative, he is great at dropping hints that he is aware himself without actually saying it.
5 April, 2008 at 11:32 am
Can a war in which 50 million perished and the Christian continent was destroyed, half of it enslaved, a war that has advanced the death of Western civilization, be truly celebrated as a “good war”?
Only to the twisted, ethnocentric, racial supremacist Jews can such catastrophic wreckage be construed as “good.” Buchanan might not yet (if ever) go all the way towards identifying this jewish menace in our midst, but he is clearly becoming more emboldened. Maybe he has that epic tome awaiting publication post-humously.
5 April, 2008 at 1:15 pm
Buchanan, like Jimmy Carter, is getting brave in his old age. The jews are going to have to start threatening younger family members to keep the truth from getting out.
5 April, 2008 at 4:09 pm
If I had a time machine, I would travel back in time to 1944 England with a portable DVD player and a copy of Brokeback Mountain along with other video footage of how life is like in 2008.
I’d take Girls Gone Wild. Also my laptop and some clips from GermanGooGirls.com to make the krauts fight even harder for the Vaterland and the victory of National Socialism.
5 April, 2008 at 8:19 pm
Gee, did anyone ever notice how a good war is always where the kikes get something out of it. Only a kike like Studds Turkel could call World War jew er…I mean World War Two as the “good war”DEATH TO ZOG!!!ROHOWA!!!
6 April, 2008 at 2:19 am
Of course it wasn’t a good war for White people or Western Civilization, and that’s why Hitler shouldn’t have started it.
6 April, 2008 at 5:39 pm
The great French write Louis-Ferdinand Celine stated:
“The West was lost at Stalingrad”
His book Journey to the End of the Night
6 April, 2008 at 6:39 pm
Olde Dutch: “Hitler’s greatest “vonder veapon”—Keynesian Economics. LOL.”
You ought to approve of Hitler’s “vonder veapon.” It lead to an expansion of credit and a easy monetary policy. That’s right up any blightwing pensioner’s alley. Money for nothing and tatted chicks for free. LOL!
7 April, 2008 at 3:56 pm
William Gayley Simpson claims Germany rejected the Gold Standard, and yet wasn’t FDR the one who took the U.S. off the Gold Standard? Something doesn’t ring quite true here.
7 April, 2008 at 5:58 pm
“William Gayley Simpson claims Germany rejected the Gold Standard, and yet wasn’t FDR the one who took the U.S. off the Gold Standard? Something doesn’t ring quite true here.”
See online book WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER by Antony Sutton:
Roosevelt’s New Deal and Hitler’s New Order
“Hjalmar Schacht challenged his post-war Nuremburg interrogators with the observation that Hitler’s New Order program was the same as Roosevelt’s New Deal program in the United States. The interrogators understandably snorted and rejected the observation. However, a little research suggests that not only are the two programs quite similar in content, but that Germans had no trouble in observing the similarities. There is in the Roosevelt Library a small book presented to FDR by Dr. Helmut Magers in December 1933.20 On the flyleaf of this presentation copy is written the inscription,
To the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in profound admiration of his conception of a new economic order and with devotion for his personality. The author, Baden, Germany, November 9, 1933.
FDR’s reply to this admiration for his new economic order was as follows:21
(Washington) December 19, 1933
My dear Dr. Magers: I want to send you my thanks for the copy of your little book about me and the “New Deal.” Though, as you know, I went to school in Germany and could speak German with considerable fluency at one time, I am reading your book not only with great interest but because it will help my German.
Very sincerely yours,
The New Deal or the “new economic order” was not a creature of classical liberalism. It was a creature of corporate socialism. Big business as reflected in Wall Street strived for a state order in which they could control industry and eliminate competition, and this was the heart of FDR’s New Deal. General Electric, for example, is prominent in both Nazi Germany and the New Deal. German General Electric was a prominent financier of Hitler and the Nazi Party, and A.E.G. also financed Hitler both directly and indirectly through Osram. International General Electric in New York was a major participant in the ownership and direction of both A.E.G. and Osram. Gerard Swope, Owen Young, and A. Baldwin of General Electric in the United States were directors of A.E.G. However, the story does not stop at General Electric and financing of Hitler in 1933.
In a previous book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, the author identified the role of General Electric in the Bolshevik Revolution and the geographic location of American participants as at 120 Broadway, New York City; the executive offices of General Electric were also at 120 Broadway. When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was working in Wall Street, his address was also 120 Broadway. In fact, Georgia Warm Springs Foundation, the FDR Foundation, was located at 120 Broadway. The prominent financial backer of an early Roosevelt Wall Street venture from 120 Broadway was Gerard Swope of General Electric. And it was “Swope’s Plan” that became Roosevelt’s New Deal — the fascist plan that Herbert Hoover was unwilling to foist on the United States. In brief, both Hitler’s New Order and Roosevelt’s New Deal were backed by the same industrialists and in content were quite similar — i.e., they were both plans for a corporate state.
There were then both corporate and individual bridges between FDR,s America and Hitler’s Germany. The first bridge was the American I.G. Farben, American affiliate of I.G. Farben, the largest German corporation. On the board of American I.G. sat Paul Warburg, of the Bank of Manhattan and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The second bridge was between International General’ Electric, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric Company and its partly owned affiliate in Germany, A.E.G. Gerard Swope, who formulated FDR’s New Deal, was chairman of I.G.E. and on the board of A.E.G. The third “bridge” was between Standard Oil of New Jersey and Vacuum Oil and its wholly owned German subsidiary, Deutsche-Amerikanisehe Gesellschaft. The chairman of Standard Oil of New Jersey was Walter Teagle, of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He was a trustee of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Georgia Warm Springs Foundation and appointed by FDR to a key administrative post in the National Recovery Administration.
These corporations were deeply involved in both the promotion of Roosevelt’s New Deal and the construction of the military power of Nazi Germany. Putzi Hanfstaengl’s role in the early days, up to the mid-1930s anyway, was an informal link between the Nazi elite and the White House. After the mid-1930s, when the world was set on the course for war, Putzis importance declined — while American Big Business continued to be represented through such intermediaries as Baron Kurt von Schroder attorney Westrick, and membership in Himmler’s Circle of Friends.”
7 April, 2008 at 6:48 pm
And guess who owns 120 Broadway?
8 April, 2008 at 7:25 am
Both Takimag and Chronicles have repeatedly censored the following line by Odgen Nash:
Only the jew
won World War Two