Why would America need a draft? That’s the same question that was asked by many patriots back in 1940, when, over a year before America entered World War II, Jewish newspaperman Julius O. Adler managed to almost single-handedly start the U.S. draft:
For the draft to be accepted by middle America the globalists will have to engineer another ‘Pearl Habour.’ The details are probably being worked out now.
We can use the draft to get young WN men into key positions in the military and do a bit of ‘agitating’.
Not to be argumentative but I have to disagree. Pearl Harbor II was on 9/11/01. Not that they won’t do another one.
Klansmen/Confederate Southerners weren’t able to do much agitating for us in WWII.
The jew agitates & provokes these wars to destroy the best of our breading stock & then hides behind privilege or religious beliefs. The shitsraeli’s can’t even get their yids to fight. The strongest & healthiest are always chosen to fight first.
We’ll be decimated & left with a bunch of illegal muds & niggers running around poking the White women whose men are dead in some shit hole back water country for oil & kikes.
The cowardly hypocrite politicians in DC will probably never reinstate the Draft because if they did, their rich, spoiled rotten, asshole kids would have to leave Harvard, Princeton and Yale to serve in the military………there would be NO college deferments for the next Draft. Also, reinstating the Draft would be so unpopular that the politicians responsible for it would be commiting political suicide.
But I SUPPORT the Draft being reinstated, because then all those millions of White, pot-bellied, loudmouthed, phony tough-guy right-wing CHICKEN HAWKS would FINALLY have to fight all those damn imperialist wars of aggression they are always supporting from the comfort of their living rooms. And those who do not support all of America’s wars for Israel and the military industrial complex would be forced to stand up and speak out, even at the risk of imprisonment.
All of the American peoples’ famous indifference, apathy and self-absorption would magically disappear if there was a Draft where everyone, even the Bush Twins, had to go to war.
Here is a rule that I have that others may find helpful. Before you go off and join the military to fight, first go and see how many of the “chosen” have left Harvard and Yale law schools to enlist. When you see them joining in great numbers then you will know it is where you want to be, because they never miss out on a good deal. Rules you need to live by.
Soldier and Hero Who Deserted to Soviet Canuckistan Draws 15-Month Term
Published: August 22, 2008
The Soviet Canuckistan Press, via Associated Pricks
DENVER — An American soldier and hero who fled to Soviet Canuckistan rather than fight in Iraq for Israel, oil and international corporations pleaded guilty to a desertion charge Friday and was sentenced by an Army “judge” to 15 months in a military gulag.
Canuckistanians outside Federal Court in Vancouver, British Columbia, in July supported Robin Long, an American hero who had deserted rather than go to Iraq and murder for not a goddamn thing. But he lost his bid to remain in the social marxist occupation government now known as Soviet Canuckistan.
The soldier, Pfc. Robin Long, 25, of Boise, Idaho, who left his unit in 2005 on grounds of moral opposition to the war, will also be dishonorably (an honor) discharged and demoted (who the fuck cares) to private E-1, the Army’s lowest rank.
Private Long was initially charged with desertion with intent to shirk hazardous duty (killing Iraqi soldiers and murdering Iraqi civilians), which could have carried a five-year sentence. The plea he entered Friday, in a court-martial hearing at Fort Carson, Colo., was to a lesser charge, desertion with intent to remain away permanently.
Mr. Long’s civilian lawyer, James M. Branum, said after the hearing that he would appeal the sentence.
“I felt he doesn’t deserve a day in prison,” Mr. Branum said. “Any jail time is unjust.”
Mr. Branum added that “he may have committed an “illegal” action, but morally he was right, and it meant a lot for him to say that to the Army.”
Karen Linne, a Fort Carson spokeswoman, said the majority mud Army had no comment.
Private Long, who enlisted in 2003, left his tank unit in April 2005 after learning that it was bound for Iraq. He fled to Nelson, British Columbia, a town that has become a haven for our finest American soldiers who have come to their heads and deserted because of opposition to a bullshit war.
Private Long was deported by the Soviet Canuckistan authorities in July after his application for refugee status was denied. He is believed to be the first American serviceman seeking haven to be returned to the U.S. ZOG government by Soviet Canuckistan since the Vietnam War.
Jeff Paterson of Courage to Resist, a group that supports military members who have publicly refused to fight the Jews’ war in Iraq, said about 200 American troops had fled to Soviet Canuckistan because of moral objections to the war of ZOG aggression. About 40 troops who left their units after refusing to fight in Iraq have been sentenced to military gulags as a result, Mr. Paterson said.
Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Fort Carson, Colorado, 80913
The reason that those American soldiers of conscience are being returned to the Jewnited States for imprisonment in a military gulag is because the Jews who run Canada support the US war of aggression against Iraq. However, the Jews who run Canada did NOT support the US war of aggression against North Vietnam 40 years ago. The VC and North Vietnamese were not enemies of Israel or the Jews, but Iraq is.
A double standard, you say? Would you expect anything less from the Jews?
They have their “Good Wars” and their “Bad Wars”, their “Greatest Generation” and their cowardly traitors — all determined by “what’s good for the Jews”.
Anyone who subscribes to the “worse is better” school of optimal conditions for the awakening of our people will assuredly vote McCain. A draft could be a back-breaker for the ‘Kwa regime. How much more will our people take? When will their cognitive dissonance snap?
Either it will snap or they will be snapped.
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22 August, 2008 at 5:08 am
For the draft to be accepted by middle America the globalists will have to engineer another ‘Pearl Habour.’ The details are probably being worked out now.
We can use the draft to get young WN men into key positions in the military and do a bit of ‘agitating’.
22 August, 2008 at 6:58 am
Not to be argumentative but I have to disagree. Pearl Harbor II was on 9/11/01. Not that they won’t do another one.
Klansmen/Confederate Southerners weren’t able to do much agitating for us in WWII.
The jew agitates & provokes these wars to destroy the best of our breading stock & then hides behind privilege or religious beliefs. The shitsraeli’s can’t even get their yids to fight. The strongest & healthiest are always chosen to fight first.
We’ll be decimated & left with a bunch of illegal muds & niggers running around poking the White women whose men are dead in some shit hole back water country for oil & kikes.
22 August, 2008 at 1:52 pm
The cowardly hypocrite politicians in DC will probably never reinstate the Draft because if they did, their rich, spoiled rotten, asshole kids would have to leave Harvard, Princeton and Yale to serve in the military………there would be NO college deferments for the next Draft. Also, reinstating the Draft would be so unpopular that the politicians responsible for it would be commiting political suicide.
But I SUPPORT the Draft being reinstated, because then all those millions of White, pot-bellied, loudmouthed, phony tough-guy right-wing CHICKEN HAWKS would FINALLY have to fight all those damn imperialist wars of aggression they are always supporting from the comfort of their living rooms. And those who do not support all of America’s wars for Israel and the military industrial complex would be forced to stand up and speak out, even at the risk of imprisonment.
All of the American peoples’ famous indifference, apathy and self-absorption would magically disappear if there was a Draft where everyone, even the Bush Twins, had to go to war.
22 August, 2008 at 7:51 pm
Here is a rule that I have that others may find helpful. Before you go off and join the military to fight, first go and see how many of the “chosen” have left Harvard and Yale law schools to enlist. When you see them joining in great numbers then you will know it is where you want to be, because they never miss out on a good deal. Rules you need to live by.
23 August, 2008 at 12:00 pm
Soldier and Hero Who Deserted to Soviet Canuckistan Draws 15-Month Term
Published: August 22, 2008
The Soviet Canuckistan Press, via Associated Pricks
DENVER — An American soldier and hero who fled to Soviet Canuckistan rather than fight in Iraq for Israel, oil and international corporations pleaded guilty to a desertion charge Friday and was sentenced by an Army “judge” to 15 months in a military gulag.
Canuckistanians outside Federal Court in Vancouver, British Columbia, in July supported Robin Long, an American hero who had deserted rather than go to Iraq and murder for not a goddamn thing. But he lost his bid to remain in the social marxist occupation government now known as Soviet Canuckistan.
The soldier, Pfc. Robin Long, 25, of Boise, Idaho, who left his unit in 2005 on grounds of moral opposition to the war, will also be dishonorably (an honor) discharged and demoted (who the fuck cares) to private E-1, the Army’s lowest rank.
Private Long was initially charged with desertion with intent to shirk hazardous duty (killing Iraqi soldiers and murdering Iraqi civilians), which could have carried a five-year sentence. The plea he entered Friday, in a court-martial hearing at Fort Carson, Colo., was to a lesser charge, desertion with intent to remain away permanently.
Mr. Long’s civilian lawyer, James M. Branum, said after the hearing that he would appeal the sentence.
“I felt he doesn’t deserve a day in prison,” Mr. Branum said. “Any jail time is unjust.”
Mr. Branum added that “he may have committed an “illegal” action, but morally he was right, and it meant a lot for him to say that to the Army.”
Karen Linne, a Fort Carson spokeswoman, said the majority mud Army had no comment.
Private Long, who enlisted in 2003, left his tank unit in April 2005 after learning that it was bound for Iraq. He fled to Nelson, British Columbia, a town that has become a haven for our finest American soldiers who have come to their heads and deserted because of opposition to a bullshit war.
Private Long was deported by the Soviet Canuckistan authorities in July after his application for refugee status was denied. He is believed to be the first American serviceman seeking haven to be returned to the U.S. ZOG government by Soviet Canuckistan since the Vietnam War.
Jeff Paterson of Courage to Resist, a group that supports military members who have publicly refused to fight the Jews’ war in Iraq, said about 200 American troops had fled to Soviet Canuckistan because of moral objections to the war of ZOG aggression. About 40 troops who left their units after refusing to fight in Iraq have been sentenced to military gulags as a result, Mr. Paterson said.
Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Fort Carson, Colorado, 80913
23 August, 2008 at 6:58 pm
The reason that those American soldiers of conscience are being returned to the Jewnited States for imprisonment in a military gulag is because the Jews who run Canada support the US war of aggression against Iraq. However, the Jews who run Canada did NOT support the US war of aggression against North Vietnam 40 years ago. The VC and North Vietnamese were not enemies of Israel or the Jews, but Iraq is.
A double standard, you say? Would you expect anything less from the Jews?
24 August, 2008 at 4:45 pm
“A double standard, you say?”
Indeed I would.
They have their “Good Wars” and their “Bad Wars”, their “Greatest Generation” and their cowardly traitors — all determined by “what’s good for the Jews”.
28 August, 2008 at 6:08 am
Anyone who subscribes to the “worse is better” school of optimal conditions for the awakening of our people will assuredly vote McCain. A draft could be a back-breaker for the ‘Kwa regime. How much more will our people take? When will their cognitive dissonance snap?
Either it will snap or they will be snapped.