12 September, 2008

The Jewish God Einstein: Not So God-Like

Posted by Socrates in Einstein, jewed culture, Jewed science, Jewish myths, Jewish symbols, media control, Socrates at 4:43 pm | Permanent Link

Einstein wasn’t an infallible super-genius? Then why does everybody think that he was?


  • 30 Responses to “The Jewish God Einstein: Not So God-Like”

    1. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      Seeing this in a book reviewed by the WSJ Online made me laugh.

      I laughed because what I have been reading on this website about Einstein finally seems to be going mainstream.

      The Jews have a history of taking other people’s ideas, and then claiming them as their own.

      The concepts of angels, demons, last judgment, resurrection of the righteous, separate fates for good people and evil people, last days–all came from Persians. Most of the earlier stuff came from the Babylonians.

      Einstein apparently did the same thing. He read papers by other scientists, cleverly assimilated and redacted the ideas presented therein, then presented them as his own, to the fanfare of trumpets by the press, everlastingly proclaiming Jewish genius.

    2. Osama bin Laden Says:

      I personally do not dispute Einstein’s contribution to science, unlike some WN do.

      I do agree that Einstein is given far too much credit as a scientist, however. Relativity, for example, was actually pioneered by Henri Poincaré, a non-Jewish Frenchman. Einstein expanded and expounded on his initial work.

      Einstein is deified in modern discourse, yet there are plenty of scientists who have obviously contributed more than he has, arguably. Carl Friedrich Gauss, the non-Jewish German mathematician and physicist. contributed way more than Einstein did, yet who is the one deified?

    3. ED! Says:

      Well now, that should tell you how much power Jewry has over the minds of the American People. Albert Einstein was a total fraud in every respect. The credit for E=mc^2 belongs to Olinto De Pretto.


      Jew friendly Wikipedia tries to down play or dismiss De Pretto in favor of Jew Einstein.

      Edwin Howard Armstrong got screwed in my opinion by Jew David Sarnoff. Armstrong invented the regeneration circuit, the superheterodyne circuit, and frequency modulation.

      White Men conceive and invent the wonders of science and the Jews take honorary and monetary credit for those inventions and intellectual property.

      So what is new?



    4. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      “Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga”……..

      The concepts of angels, demons, last judgment, re-surrection of the righteous, separate fates for good people and evil people, last days–all came from Persians. Most of the earlier stuff came from the Babylonians

      Almost ALL of the ‘Old Testament’ is of such origins…..basically: Aryan…..from either the ancient Persian or Hindu scriptures like the Rig-Vedas & the Bhagavad-Gita with a good deal of Zorastianism “chucked in”; AFA the ‘New Testament’ is concerned, Jesus’ teachings more closely resemble a Buddhist/neo-Platonic ‘hybrid’ (again: distinctively ‘Aryan’…..Buddha, him-self, was most likely of Aryan stock) than any-thing “jooish”;

      Einstein apparently did the same thing. He read papers by other scientists, cleverly assimilated and redacted the ideas presented there-in, then presented them as his own, to the fanfare of trumpets by the press, everlastingly proclaiming Jewish genius

      “cleverly assimilated and redacted the ideas” is giving credit where credit is NOT ‘due’; the Einstein “work” was pretty much out-right plagiarism; especially of English mathematician David Hilbert and, to a lesser extent, the work of Italian industrialist Olinto Peretto; a good deal of these ideas may have been accesible through the Geneva Patent Office where he worked!

    5. ED! Says:



    6. Fr. John Says:

      ‘Diamond Jim’ – Please, unless you have a superior cosmology, do not seek to denigrate authentic Biblical Christianity. It’s tiresome to those of us with intellects and advanced degrees, who because of them, came to faith in the “White Man’s Religion.’

      If you wish to distance the ‘joos’ from the Bible, merely read “The Thirteenth Tribe’ by the Joo, Arthur Koestler. It will answer all your questions….

      As to this article, another GREAT resource for showing the culpability of Einstein, is Christopher Bjerkes, ‘The Manufacture and sale of St. Einstein.’ Excellent.

    7. Jesus Christus Rex Judaeorum Says:

      If you wish to distance the ‘joos’ from the Bible, merely read “The Thirteenth Tribe’ by the Joo, Arthur Koestler.

      Here we go with the Khazar/Edomite nonsense again……

    8. Veritas Says:

      To the genius above: There is no “J” in Latin. That would be “Iesus…”

    9. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      “fthr john” …….. ‘Diamond Jim’ – Please, unless you have a superior cosmology, do not seek to denigrate authentic Biblical Christianity. It’s tiresome to those of us with intellects and advanced degrees, who because of them, came to faith in the “White Man’s Religion’

      how is attributing a distinct Aryan origin to xtianity “denigrating” it?

      i would have thought that the reverse would have been the case?!?

      AFA “those with intellects” are concerned, such ideas were ascribed to by no lesser a personage than the l8 Revilo P Oliver…….probably one of the fore-most “white intellects” of the twentieth century!

      “the White Man’s ‘religion’ ” is quite definitely NOT the worship of a bunch of psychopathic desert pirates!

    10. Zarathustra Says:

      “Einstein, Marx, Freud”. That’s the mantra the Jews are always chanting, the great Jewish Trinity they are so proud of. Einstein is more of a marketing logo than anything else. He’s also known for all those pithy quotes about mankind, war, peace, blah, blah…….If it wasn’t for Whites, the Jews would still be desert nomads, peddling goats, camels and slaves alongside the Silk Road to passing caravans.

    11. Olde_Dutch Says:

      I own a couple of Ohanian’s textbooks. They are very clear, and you can follow his math to arrive at logical conclusions.

    12. Jesus Christus Rex Judaeorum Says:

      To the genius above: There is no “J” in Latin.

      To the wannabe genius and Trivial Pursuit buff who wrote this: There was no J in Classical Latin (the Latin used in ancient Rome), but there *was* a J in Medieval Latin (the Latin used by the Church during the Middle Ages).

      I prefer to use the medieval spelling of Latin words since they’re easier to read and understand.

      That would be “Iesus…”

      No, in Classical Latin it would be “IESVS…”.

      Unlike Medieval Latin, Classical Latin didn’t have a J or a U or any lower-case letters.

    13. Celtic Warrior Says:

      When asked what he thought of Einstein, the German physicist and Nobel laureate Johannes Stark is reputed to have said, “I am not interested in jewish science”.

    14. Arminius Says:

      Refer to “Obama b.L.”:
      Henri Poincare a “non jewish Frenchman who invented relativity”?
      My information is, he was another of the same tribe as Einstein:
      His ancestors came from Polish Galicia, their original name Viereggl.

    15. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      can’t comment on “Poincarre” but the “lion’s share” of the higher relativistic mathematics, the “guts” of ‘Relativity Theory’, was quite definitely “down” to David Hilbert!

    16. Osama bin Laden Says:

      Arminius: I am not familiar with his genealogy, but my general rule of thumb with Jewish ancestry is to rely on the Jews themselves. They can’t help but to point out the Jewishness of accomplished people and love to shove it in the face of the rest of the world.

      The Wikipedia article on Poincare and a quick Google search on “Poincare Jewish” does not reveal any of this stereotypical Jewish ethnic self-promotion.

    17. Christ_sucked_Cock Says:

      I would like to know why this Fr. John cocksucker is allowed to post here.

    18. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      Nikola Tesla’s statement on the reletivity Jew Albert Onestone….

      Dynamic theory of gravity
      Tesla published a prepared statement on his 81st birthday ( July 10, 1937) critiquing Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. The following is a portion of that statement:

      “… Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curving of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies, and producing the opposite effects, straightening out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible – But even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena.”
      “My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languageAs with any complex, emergent concept, language is somewhat resistant to definition; however, most would agree that language is a system of communication or reasoning using representation along with metaphor and some manner of logical grammar. Many languas for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energyThis article is about the scientific concept. Energy use by humans is discussed in other articles”. Energy generally and qualitatively speaking, is the property (or the quantity of the property) of doing things or supplying power. The expressions energy in matterMatter is anything that has mass and occupies space. One [contemporary] view on matter takes it as all scientifically observable entities whatsoever. Matter can more accurately be defined as the energy that has a low vibratory rate, a compressed energy st other than that received from the environmentAn environment is a complex of external factors that acts on a system and determines its course and form of existence. An environment may be thought of as a superset, of which the given system is a subset. An environment may have one or more parameters, p.” — Nikola Tesla

    19. a simple Christian monk-woodworker Says:

      To Christ_Sucked_Cock:

      I can find no reference in the Scriptures to what you state so boldly.

      Can you have gotten this from the Talmud?

      If so, does that mean that the enemy of your enemy (Christians) is your friend?

      I am not sure that this sentiment is logically sound.

      Could you be confusing Christ with the Greek Cynic philosopher, Diogenes, who was notorious for masturbating in public? I realize that masturbating in public is not the same as “sucking cock” but it is along the same moral continuum, is it not?

      Please excuse my intruding into your quarrel with Father John, but when you accused Christ of sucking cock, I had no choice.

      Blessings upon you.

    20. Zarathustra Says:

      In the original Gospel of Luke, Jesus and his followers engaged in a circle-jerk or homo orgy. That passage was deleted in later versions of the mythical Jesus story.

    21. a simple Christian monk-woodworker Says:

      But surely there is a surviving fragment of this manuscript?

      If so, by what authority was it deleted?

    22. Veritas Says:

      “The letters J, U and W were added to the alphabet at a later stage to write languages other than Latin.”



    23. Zarathustra Says:

      Christian monk woodworker:

      I have learned from two separate sources that the Jesus sex-romp was deleted from the Gospels. I can only remember one of those sources offhand, a Dr. Elliot Lesser who had a shortwave radio program on WBCQ as well as some kind of institute called Bibles Review SS out of Arizona. I think the other source is a fairly well-known book called called Jesus and the Pagan Goddess or Jesus and the lost Mysteries………………………..

      If it’s true that the original Gospels described Jesus as having a sex life with both his male and female followers, I don’t think it would be so scandalous. That’s how the ancient world percieved its gods and its heroes, ie, as lusty and “human, all too human”(an allusion to Neitszche).

    24. Zarathustra Says:

      I know I spelled Dr. Nietszche’s name wrong, but even the great Zarathustra gets sleepy once in a while.

    25. a simple Christian monk-woodworker Says:

      Friend, if these profligates and bisexuals (Timothy Freke wrote the books you allude to) want to pursue their reprobate life-style, fine, but they should not bring Jesus into the equation.

    26. Celtic Warrior Says:

      If the above allegation has any substance, and there doesn’t appear to be any, it would mean the end of Christianity.

    27. Jesus Christus Rex Judaeorum Says:

      The letters J, U and W were added to the alphabet at a later stage to write languages other than Latin.

      In Medieval Latin, the letters J and U were used to write foreign names (like “Jesus”) as well as Latin words (like “jacere”, “junctus”, etc), okay?

    28. paul maleski Says:

      Kings and Isaiah,

      The jew is a loathsome, cannibalistic bacteria. Doomed to eat their own shit and wash it down with their own (or more palatable goyim) piss for eternity. A destructive bacillus genetically incapable of constructive creation. They steal and destroy all that is around them. God made humanity to be happy. Would a jew free world be happier? What a silly question!

    29. paul maleski Says:

      Kings and Isaiah,

      The jew is a loathsome, cannibalistic bacteria. Doomed to eat their own shit and wash it down with their own (or more palatable goyim) piss for eternity. A destructive bacillus, genetically incapable of constructive creation. They steal and destroy, all that is around them. God made humanity to be happy. Would a jew free world be happier? What a silly question!

    30. Bobby Says:

      I believe Dr. Einstein was essentially a scholar and a modest man. He was a genius and rather humble, and yes, he is treated like the God of science to the neglect of all of those other geniuses from so many nations. However, that isn’t his fault. Apparently those who worship him need to think of the words of another one of the greats of science, Sir Isaac Newton, possible the greatest of all. He said,”if I have seen further than others, it’s because I have stood on the shoulders of giants. Wow!!, wow!!