Ezra Pound’s Radio Broadcasts
Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', Axis powers, Ezra Pound, Italy, jewed Congress, Jewish politicians, literature, Socrates, World War II at 1:42 am | 
The late poet Pound gave pro-Axis, anti-Jewish radio speeches from Italy during WWII. Not long afterward, he was awarded the Bollingen Prize by the U.S. Library of Congress, a decision that resulted in the L.O.C. no longer awarding any prizes, thanks to Jewish senator Jacob Javits:
2 November, 2008 at 7:46 am
Well, Pound certainly wasn’t a Christian Identity guy (Read the transcript of #120).
One can enjoy a fascinating perspective on money and banking when visiting Italy, particularly Tuscany. Packaged one-day tours of tourist traps like Sienna and Florence are particularly good, if one has a good guide, because they include the party line– the conventional wisdome, which has the same value as critically watching television: It tells you what the usual suspects want the lemmings to believe. I recommend avoiding the endless church crawls but taking a grand tour of Europe and especially Italy. Notice the current state of demise of the current “civilization,” not just the technology that is but one aspect of a culture, given where they’ve been in the past.
The Medici– literally medicine men– doctors, as they were originally named, who spun-off lawyers, merchants, etc., and who ended-up running the place because they were bankers, one is told were not Jews. They did get their own popes into office eventually. My guess is that the general population was simply not Jew-aware and that is why history reads as it does.
When I visited a family castle in the countryside, I was told of a plot to wrest power from the Medici via an assassination plot of two Medici brothers as they attended Mass, which approved by the current pope, that only resulted in one being killed. The castle had belonged to the family of one of the conspirators, which was seized by the Medici and given to one of their lords. The Medici ended-up taking a lot of homes and killing a lot of men, women, and children to send a message to anyone thinking to try to take them down.
You decide who that sounds like.
Italian experts puzzled out a bloody crime committed 526 years ago.
The intrigue of a plot conspired against the Medici brothers, Juliano and Lorenzo has been solved. As a result of the plot, Juliano was killed and Lorenzo was saved by a miracle and became the ruler of Florence known by the title Lorenzo the Magnificent.
An assassination upon the Medici brothers was committed on April 26, 1478. It was supposed earlier that Pope Sixtus IV (known as Francesco della Rovere in the world) who stayed on the Saint Peter’s throne from 1471 to 1484 was behind the assassination. The pontific wanted to glorify his nephew Girolamo Riario and was considered connected with the assassination as he could benefit from it.
Expert for medieval Italy Marcello Simonetta discovered a coded letter in the municipal library in Urbino, the native place of Raphael, that helped him solve the ancient drama. The researcher decoded the letter and identified the author.
The secret letter contained a well-considered plan of assassination of the Medici brothers; it was addressed to two envoys of Urbino principality at court of Sixtus IV in Rome. The instruction was made up by Duke of Urbino Federico di Montefeltro whom the world knows from the portrait painted by Pierro della Francesca, ITAR-TASS reports.
Marcello Simonetta published the text of the letter in The Italian Historical Archives and caused a sensation in the scientific world. In the above mentioned letter the duke warned that in case of delay “the Pope will face hostility of Florence, Milan and Venice.”
Expert for medieval Italy Marcello Simonetta discovered a coded letter in the municipal library in Urbino, the native place of Raphael, that helped him solve the ancient drama. The researcher decoded the letter and identified the author.
The secret letter contained a well-considered plan of assassination of the Medici brothers; it was addressed to two envoys of Urbino principality at court of Sixtus IV in Rome. The instruction was made up by Duke of Urbino Federico di Montefeltro whom the world knows from the portrait painted by Pierro della Francesca, ITAR-TASS reports.
Marcello Simonetta published the text of the letter in The Italian Historical Archives and caused a sensation in the scientific world. In the above mentioned letter the duke warned that in case of delay “the Pope will face hostility of Florence, Milan and Venice.”
2 November, 2008 at 1:24 pm
Ezra Pound has never really been given his due for his part in the formation of the 20th Century White Nationalist movement. He was responsible for commisioning Eustace Mullins to write the first comprehensive book exposing the Federal Reserve scam. Even during his incarseration he openly met with racists like John Kaspar to discuss tactics.
Along with Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford there has perhaps never been another American as prominient who risked as much to hammer the jews.
2 November, 2008 at 4:05 pm
Thanks to Alex and Socrates for posting this series by Ezra Pound. The Jew’s destructive impact on his life can be readily seen in the photograph. Important works such as these need to be readily accessible to interested parties. Providing ready access to this information is a very important function that VNN fulfills. The whole problem with this type of information is that until the advent of the internet, it was fairly easy to suppress such sources. I still marvel at the fact one can still access such sources on the web. One can only ponder how much longer such access will exist. In the meantime these sources can be downloaded and maintained by large numbers of individuals. This preservation has allowed these rapidly diminishing resources to spread far beyond the rather limited, original audience. Everyone should take advantage of preserving this important information for future generations. Another great source I found was the Come and Hear series that can be conveniently loaded onto a single CD. This CD has excellent commentary on the Noahide laws along with a copy of the complete Talmud. There is excellent information about the Talmud and its influence on US government laws and policies. It makes a great information source for those who have no idea what the Talmud is or how it’s laws covertly affects their lives. http://comeandhear.com/
2 November, 2008 at 4:45 pm
I would urge anyone curious about Pound to read his famous poem “With Usura” Canto XLV.
It’s basically an illustration of the great Aryan cultural achievements and how they have been snuffed out due to the pervaisive system of Jewish usury, which has corrupted our spirit.
2 November, 2008 at 7:29 pm
In the late 60s my uncle and his wife went to Italy, bought a used car (it was as I recall a Mercedes) and drove it all over Europe, then had it shipped home. You can’t do that anymore (unless you buy a 25 year old car) but that’s the way to see Europe. You can go where you want.
Next best is to buy a Eurailpass.
2 November, 2008 at 8:56 pm
Vespa dealers almost all have solid used scooters in the back and told me they could be crated and shipped back to the U.S., since they are sold here.
Want to take your life in your hands? Drive in Italy. My impression was that it was not safe to WALK in Italy, at least in the cities. One of my friends there said he has too many family members, former motorcyclists who, like me, preferred BMWs before they gave up riding, who “don’t walk right.”
The last day trip I took in Italy was by a 200 km/hour train. A milk run that hardly got up to speed before it started slowing down. Very economical, efficient, and clean.
It is important to see from whence we came.
4 November, 2008 at 2:09 am
re “Usura”. The voice & words made my blood run cold.
4 November, 2008 at 2:37 am
Too bad Pound let himself get locked up in St. Elizabeth’s madhouse for all those years. He should have stood up to the Roosevelt/Truman regime after his capture at the end of WWII. Most likely he would have been released from prison after a few years and that would have been the end of it. But then again, he might have wound up like Lord Haw-Haw, ie, dead.
4 November, 2008 at 7:09 pm
“But then again, he might have wound up like Lord Haw-Haw, ie, dead.”
Most likely. Who knows? If he got too yappy, one of those psychiatrists could have made a mistake and gave him the wrong injection. Behind the walls of an asylum, many things could “happen”. And who’s going to fill out the death certificate? Another doctor.
9 February, 2009 at 5:24 pm
Yo, I’m not anti-Semitic but I hate Modernity pretty much the same way y’all do. You guys have it MOST CORRECT but your hatred blinds you. It’s just too convenient that there’s a literal conspiracy.
The Jews are a FALSE COGNATE.
Usura’s my favorite poems. Probably because I hate money, I’m the enemy of money, and usury, and capital, and everything else this modern life throws at us, to scar and crush and destroy the imagination and the human spirit.
I highly recommend reading ’bout Marx’s “estrangement of labor” (from Critique of the Gotha Program) (just Google it, you’ll find it…) it itself is pretty poetic. It is EXACTLY the same as Pound’s critique of ‘Usura’. I’m no Marxist, but as Pound said (on the Rome Radio Broadcasts), “Charlie Marx got it half right.”
But I PROMISE you it has nothing to do with Jewry. The sooner y’all get that, the sooner we’ll be able to make some real progress.
(honestly, if there WAS a talmudic conspiracy, I’m sure they’d stoke just this kind of site, as open racism is impossible to take seriously, is impotent in this century, in promoting any kind of meaningful social change).
Good Luck.