Historians Rate Lincoln, FDR as Best Presidents
Posted by Socrates in "Civil War", history, History for newbies, Japan, jewed culture, jewed finance, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewish warmongering, Lincoln, New Deal, revisionism, Roosevelt, Socrates, war, war as a racket, World War II at 12:51 am | 
A man who waged war on his own people when he didn’t have to (Lincoln) and a man who dragged America into World War II (F. D. Roosevelt) were our best presidents? If so, then it’s hard to imagine our worst presidents. Of course, Lincoln and FDR had lots of special help with their war-waging. In both the “Civil War” and WWII, Jews played critical roles. For example, Jews financed both sides of the Civil War, e.g., the bankers August Belmont and Joseph Seligman aided the North, while Emile Erlanger aided the South, with extra help from Judah Benjamin, who was not a banker but was Jefferson Davis’ Jewish secretary of war/secretary of state. Another example: the Jewish government official Henry Morgenthau, Jr. was the head cheerleader in the Roosevelt cabal for the “strangling” or embargoing of Japan, which of course caused Japan to attack Pearl Harbor in 1941, which officially pushed America into war [1]. Morgenthau was also in charge of financing the war. Furthermore, two other powerful Jews, Benjamin V. Cohen and Felix Frankfurter, also played critical roles in getting the U.S. into WWII by ending America’s “isolationism,” i.e., by creating the destroyers-for-bases deal in 1940 and its offspring, Lend-Lease, in 1941. Then, there was the Jewish tycoon Bernard Baruch and his “cash and carry” idea for Lend-Lease. Without the vital efforts of a handful of Jews, history would have turned out much differently and those two presidents wouldn’t be so “great” in the eyes of the court historians.
[1] re: Morgenthau/Japan: see the book “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace,” edited by Harry Elmer Barnes, 1953/1993
17 February, 2009 at 2:37 am
They had George Bush towards the very bottom of the list on moral authority. I’d like to think it had something to do with wiretapping or domestic spying or torture. But when Bush was leaving the White House they had one of the ABC commentators say “he discriminated against millions”. Vernon Jordan had to defend Bush. Vernon Jordan… So they showed the wide shot and what do you know? The late twenty something man who spoke was one of these tall sullen hostile Gay whites. What was he even doing there with everyone else thirty years older.
I just have a feeling that Bush’s Moral Authority fault according to 65 Historians a lot with Jewish names is partly because he stood up to the Gays in the military and elsewhere. Look at this 23 year old British Jewish whore singer Lily Allen. With her song F. U. to Bush. I have a feeling THAT is 100% about Bush’s stand in not mainstreaming the birth gender doesn’t exist ideology.
It is the Jewish cultures hand grenade they want to use against the majority protestant culture of the United States. 2.5 percent of the country that is Jewish with 4% of the country as gays want to team up, and there is a hell of a lot of overlap, to change the entire expected relationship between men with other men and women with other women in daily life. Not to mention that gays don’t have a problem at all with sexualizing their relationships with much older or younger people. Everyone and everything will be sexualized – a Jewish paradise.
17 February, 2009 at 5:29 am
Isn’t it curious that they equate the war presidents with greatness? If this were a more rational world, wouldn’t seem more sensible that they would give greatest credit to presidents who maintained the peace, not those who got us into wars?
17 February, 2009 at 7:20 am
So much of this would go down the memory whole if it weren’t for the efforts of dedicated white scholars. Truly our inquisitive side has blessed us.
In any case, I believe time will rank george washington, andrew jackson, and thomas jefferson as the true heavyweights of american politik.
17 February, 2009 at 10:48 am
One man said one day on c-span that Wilson was the smartest. Whites today are walking around with so much rub it in proverbial egg, pie & crap on their face, the constant slap to the side of the face every day must shake it off. Wave the stars & stripes keep it handy. But as long as they have the halo above their heads its alright. & any “time will tell factor” throw it in some disposal unit. Oh we are going to a wonderful place one day, lets leave a less Aryan hell behind.
17 February, 2009 at 2:23 pm
If Shylock demanded a pound of flesh from Jim Bowie and Colonel Bowie put his frontier knife in Shylock’s chest, Shylock would get his principal and interest that way.
Jews aren’t to blame for everything. White men have their own abilities to respond, to create and destroy as well. There were various protestants and Catholic priests and Irish among the damned Yankees and then there were some of the same among the Confederates as well, like Fr. Abram Joseph Ryan etc. Judah P. Benjamin, the “Egyptian Jew” was more civilized regarding international law and the constitution than Benjamin Wade or Thaddeus Stevens etc. There was a Jew closely associated with Goering in the Luftwaffe. Goering told someone, “i’ll decide who’s a jew and who’s not” or something like that.
What’s the point? That English and others can kill their cousins i guess. Cain slew Abel and Seth knew not why.
If something is not absolute and monolithic, then it’s at least a little fragmentary. The human condition is somewhat fragmentary. And corrupt. But not completely so. “So it goes” like Bill Pilgrim said in Dresden’s Schlachthaus Funf.
Me no like Lincoln or FDR. Secession is constitutional and F.D.R. was full of Zionist tricks, including the dastardly assassination of Senator Huey Long. Learn the facts about Huey Long’s career and assassination and you’ll learn something about F.D.R.’s Ziobot crew.
When Troy was destroyed by the Greeks, there weren’t any Jews involved on either side as far as I know. But there was some mysterious ancient law. The law is the only thing that is absolute and some people break it much worse than others.
Lincoln and FDR were narcissists and criminals. So are the liars who keep lying in their favor today.
17 February, 2009 at 3:47 pm
Futurist Joe Says:
17 February, 2009 at 2:37 am
They had George Bush towards the very bottom of the list on moral authority. I’d like to think it had something to do with wiretapping or domestic spying or torture. But when Bush was leaving the White House they had one of the ABC commentators say “he discriminated against millions”. Vernon Jordan had to defend Bush. Vernon Jordan… So they showed the wide shot and what do you know? The late twenty something man who spoke was one of these tall sullen hostile Gay whites. What was he even doing there with everyone else thirty years older.
I just have a feeling that Bush’s Moral Authority fault according to 65 Historians a lot with Jewish names is partly because he stood up to the Gays in the military and elsewhere. Look at this 23 year old British Jewish whore singer Lily Allen. With her song F. U. to Bush. I have a feeling THAT is 100% about Bush’s stand in not mainstreaming the birth gender doesn’t exist ideology.
It is the Jewish cultures hand grenade they want to use against the majority protestant culture of the United States. 2.5 percent of the country that is Jewish with 4% of the country as gays want to team up, and there is a hell of a lot of overlap, to change the entire expected relationship between men with other men and women with other women in daily life. Not to mention that gays don’t have a problem at all with sexualizing their relationships with much older or younger people. Everyone and everything will be sexualized – a Jewish paradise.
With the Cyrptic’s, collaborators, and married too them the enemy alien, treason Nation destroyers Their real numbers perhaps at least 10%
17 February, 2009 at 3:53 pm
Me no like Lincoln or FDR. Secession is constitutional and F.D.R. was full of Zionist tricks, including the dastardly assassination of Senator Huey Long. Learn the facts about Huey Long’s career and assassination and you’ll learn something about F.D.R.’s Ziobot crew.
Gordon, you hit the Nail On The Head!
Huey P. Long by T Harry Williams 1971 Incrediable book!!!!
17 February, 2009 at 3:54 pm
There were so many Issacs, Ruths, and Jacobs, in FDR’s family tree we can safely assume he was 100% jew, both genetically and in behaviour.
When it came to killing Aryans FDR was in the same league as Lenin and Stalin.
So these mass murderers of the White race don’t feel alone we should also put pictures of Churchill and Woodrow Wilson in the rogues gallery.
17 February, 2009 at 4:23 pm
FDR was our last “White” President.
Some of you just don’t get the fact that it is the judeo-plutocracy. If you don’t get the jew you get the plutocrat. LOL.
17 February, 2009 at 6:59 pm
I remember seeing a documentary about “FDR” years ago. His “socialist leanings” began to emerge while he was at college and his peers considered him to be a “traitor to his class”. They obviously didn’t know he was a jew. Maybe it didn’t matter if they were more concerned about their “class”.
18 February, 2009 at 2:10 am
White Americans have a very bad habit of idolizing their political and genetic gravediggers. Willful ignorance, along with moral duplicity and venal hypocrisy have been hallmarks of white America for way too long. This profound ignorance has a blissful following in the U.$., with its most baneful historical past. This fractured fairy tale of political tomfoolery and dysgenic alchemy is quickly approaching its self-destructive, terminal stage.
Now, incredibly enough, the Jew-dazed white morons are literally worshiping their new Jew promoted mulatto Moses, and his inter-racial slobberfest. This racially mixed witchdoctor is the undertaker of white America, yet the delusional white fools think that they have achieved an ‘equality’ nirvana, with more free lunches to boot! Many smug, pugnacious fools are fated to learn the really hard way, and brother, is the rapidly shrinking English speaking white world ever facing its comeuppance. And, most tragically, it’s not that they were not forewarned by wise sages, including the now vilified German visionaries of 70 years ago!
18 February, 2009 at 2:23 am
18 February, 2009 at 3:18 pm
old_dutch Says:
FDR was our last “White” President.
Some of you just don’t get the fact….
Sorry, I just don’t get what you mean by that either. There seems to be more meaning in there than I’m able to fathom. Care to explain to us denser folk?
– – – – – – – – – – – –
Junghans Says:
“Americans have a habit of idolizing their political and genetic gravediggers. The Jew-dazed white morons are literally worshiping their new Jew-promoted mulatto Moses, and his inter-racial slobberfest. This racially mixed witchdoctor is the undertaker of white America, yet the delusional white fools think that they have achieved an ‘equality’ nirvana,”
Wow, have you said it well! I’ll have to save that. Sehr gut, Junghans!
18 February, 2009 at 3:52 pm
FDR was America’s last “White” president?
FDR was a Communist/Marxist part-Jew whose administration was literally DROWNING in Jews.
18 February, 2009 at 3:59 pm
For people who don’t already know:
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Jewish Cabal
18 February, 2009 at 8:25 pm
lincoln and roosevelt wanted war so bad they could taste it. worst presidents ever ! Lincoln and stalin have much in common. waging on the citizenry — suspending habeas corpus — dictating patriotism to the people — locking up all dissidents, etc.
18 February, 2009 at 9:35 pm
Well,the fact that most of the “Jew-Dazed White Morons” picked these two Tyrants of New World Order,just shows how BRAINWASHED most Whites are.Personally,I would like to spit on Lincolns statue,and piss on FDR’s Grave,but thats just me.Lincoln was the catalyst for creation of the Jew-run Yankee Empire,now in it’s death ride downhill,on the prostrate body of The South.FDR did more than anyone to bring us BIG Gov’t,and lessen American’s tradition of self-support and independance from same.However,even Old Abe had one or two redeeming qualities,compared to FDR,where I can find none.Funny how all of the Harvard Hacks social programs still couldn’t drag us out of the Jew-created Depression,until he managed to drag us into WWJew.
Where as Hitler pulled Germany completely out of the Depression in only 3 short years,the only Western leader to pull a similar miracle off as Hitler is my man Vladimir Putin.Just imagine if we had a leader who geniunely CARED about his country and people like him(Putin),where we would be.The last hope,in my humble opinion,of truly changing the structure peacably in this country,was Dr.Paul.The establishment knew he would kick the bucket out from them,and did everything they could to derail/negate/poo-poo his campaign,and did everything they could to see their puppet nigger got the call.The Jew-Promoted Mulatto Moses(great one Junghans!),is now in the Oval office,throwing more good money after bad,and appointing all the commie white-hating folks he can.The highest law enforcement officer is also a nigger.What does that tell you?We are in the grips of a Multi-cultural communist infiltrated Gov’t,that will do whatever is necessary to see we all enjoy the benefits of “Divershitty”.Fritz Kuhn,leader of the German-American Bund,liked to call FDR “herr Rosenfeld”,guess they had a clue who the real string-pullers were even then,but somehow,that peice of crap comes off smelling like a Rose,like old “Uncle Joe”.If it wasn’t for aid from the US,to the tune of Millions of tons(most of which we were never paid back for)then it would have been curtains for the Jew-S-S-R.
A complete re-teaching of History from a White-Nationalist perspective is called for.The old Jewish myth’s and lies about these “great men” must be exposed for the falsehoods they are.Our people are so damned far gone that only a severe case of Racial-Realty Whiplash can wake them up.Thanks to “Mighty Internet”,we can get our message out much easier,until the jews “hate laws” start to bite.Marxism/Communism adapted after the fall of the Soviet Union,and went covert,turning into PC over here,not far from Orwell’s “groupthink”.As I have said before,it’s gotten to be where the worst thing someone can be is “racist”.My God,look at the PC Shit going on in Britain!Those poor bastards can’t even wave a St.George flag without being bashed as “racist”.
My response to anyone who tries to intimitate me with that “R” word,is A.-your god-damned right,and B.to turn the table on them and say they are “erase-ists”.This has resulted in some huhs?,whereby I explain that an “Erase-ist” is someone who wants to see THEIR OWN RACE and Culture wiped out for the benefit of some mud race.If you aren’t a little “racist”,then guess what,your people and culture will be wiped out by a hungrier,healthier Race.
This society has chosen to worship niggers,therefore,it is ill beyond recovery,and will collapse of it’s own accord in short order.No multi-cultural society can ever last long because man at his core is a selfish/tribal animal.Somehow, the Jews have convinced our people that this is “wrong” and we must “share” what we have built,with millions of undeserving Muds.Sounds like the title of a possible book-“From Lincoln to Obama-How White America Died in Between”-with some help from the International Jew.14/88.
19 February, 2009 at 1:00 pm
lincoln was the manifestation of the soulless machinery of northern industralism. he has much in common with stalin in the way he treated the northern citizenry which was like scum
20 February, 2009 at 2:07 am
I hate to remind everyone, but Der Fuhrer’s disastarous invasion of the USSR cost millions and millions of German, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Baltic and White Russian lives. What Stalin and Beria started, Hitler helped finish. Imagine how many more White Russians would be alive right now if Barbarossa never happened, or at least if Hitler listened to his generals and field marshalls (whom he didn’t trust because they were part of the old Prussian military aristocracy) on how to execute the invasion properly.
20 February, 2009 at 2:10 am
Actually, I should have made a better distinction between Belorussians, aka White Russians, and the Great Russians of the Russian motherland.
24 February, 2009 at 11:37 pm
If Hitler had WON, it would have worked out: instead of the WW2 deaths of millions of Whites going for nought, he would have had Greater Germany and then – growing out of that – an organization of the world on racial, not ideological (hot air) lines, with jews eliminated and non-Whites kept in their place.
Despite Hitler’s personal belief that Slavs were less than Germans, they aren’t – and cooperation would have been the natural order of the day in the building of German towns and spreading of the German people into Russia. The reason the Russians resisted the German advance in the first place is that Stalin ordered them to do so, under pain of death. So they did. But we have read so many times that many Russians welcomed German troops with flowers and gratitude – for saving them out of Bolshevik slavery.
Of course, Hitler LOST. Like a daring tightrope walked who falls, he is seen only as somebody who caused a lot of damage. Had he not “fallen” but made it across the rope, he would have gone down in history as the savior of our race (that includes Slavs).
24 February, 2009 at 11:41 pm
“walked” = “walker”
And let’s add: if Hitler had won, certainly all of us – Russian etc. included – would be MUCH better off; the jew would have been kicked out of the Western World. But now Hitler is a “dirty son of a bitch” because he gambled all and lost. That’s not a just assessment.
11 September, 2009 at 11:14 pm
If it wasn’t for the millions of drunken Irish coming here and swelling the Union ranks by way of the draft imposed by traitor Lincoln, the Confederacy would have won the War of Northern Aggression and that traitor Lincoln would have been forced to surrender after the Unions defeat at Gettysburg. If that had happened just think how much better America would be today. No black on white crime, niggers wouldn’t be dating your white daughters and making mud babies, and best of all, Obama would never have been elected president!!!