What’s Wrong with White Men? In Search of an Explanation
Posted by Socrates in individualism, jewed culture, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 1:33 pm | 
by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.
“In my previous column, I attempted to analyze two important sex differences in political behavior: Women’s tendency to be attracted to wealthy, powerful men, and women’s relatively greater attraction to close relationships, empathy, and nurturance. These differences make women less likely to be attracted to white racialist movements given the current political context.
But these differences are not the main cause of our malaise. A correspondent writing to me about my last column said that I should ask why white men are such wimps that they are basically lying down and allowing themselves to be displaced.”
27 February, 2009 at 6:57 pm
Who are the real racists: Whites or Obama?
27 February, 2009 at 9:57 pm
I think the White man’s problem lies with the nature of Empire-building. After a while, Empires will enervate the nations that rule them. It happened to the Persians, the British, the Romans and the Greeks, to name but a few. Empires require endless wars of conquest that kill off the best of the Race, deplete the treasuries and allow Shylock to sneak in and insert his feeding-tube into the host’s neck. Empires always become overstretched, cosmopolitan, dissolute and decadent before finally collapsing. The inferior conquered peoples will move in to the Imperial Capitals, turning them into crime-infested slums. And armies of venal, non-productive politicians and bureaucrats are hired to administer the Empire, something that helps to drive up taxes, tyranny and corruption.
Under such conditions, the inferior and worthless elements of society will breed like mice while the healthy or productive elements die off in war or from childless old age because they were unwilling to bring decent children into such a deteriorating situation. The Univerities that were founded to advance knowledge get taken over by alien subversives who use their influence to villify the majority population. The freedoms that people once enjoyed get perverted by activists and troublemakers who demand more and more “rights” for their groups at the expense of everyone else. So, the Empire rots away from within and the majority population, especially the adult males, feel too weak, confused and powerless to do anything about it.
How’s that for a theory?
28 February, 2009 at 6:47 am
If you downloaded the article, you might want to reload, as another line was added, yesterday, that contains a hyperlink on male aggression, infanticide, etc., among primates: “(Here is a graphic film of a male baboon replacing the resident male of another troop in order to obtain access to the females.)” It’s http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/murder-in-the-troop/video-new-leader-brings-upheaval/4426/
28 February, 2009 at 2:22 pm
Zara says: “Empires always become overstretched, cosmopolitan, dissolute and decadent before finally collapsing. The inferior conquered peoples will move in to the Imperial Capitals, turning them into crime-infested slums. …Armies of venal, non-productive politicians and bureaucrats are hired to administer the Empire, something that drives up taxes, tyranny and corruption… The inferior and worthless breed like mice while the healthy, productive elements die off in war or from childless old age ….The Univerities …get taken over by alien subversives who use their influence to villify the majority population…So, the Empire rots from within and the majority population, especially the adult males, feel too weak, confused and powerless to do anything about it.
How’s that for a theory?”
Wow! You’ve said it VERY well. I think it’s terrific.
28 February, 2009 at 3:08 pm
Many western whites have enjoyed a long period of relative peace and rising prosperity since the end of the second world war. This combined with the electronics revolution has improved the quality of life for millions. Most whites of either sex don’t want to rise up against the status quo in case they lose that comfort. This is starting to change now as nationalist political parties are becoming popular, but they still have a long way to go to be able to attain power and start to slowly reverse the changes.
1 March, 2009 at 6:03 pm
Sadly, there will not be a slow reversal of the changes we have undergone in the past fifty years.
Something is brewing; it is getting stronger.
Prepare yourselves.
3 March, 2009 at 1:40 pm
I found MacDonald’s article VERY interesting. I printed it out to save it and re-read it. There’s a lot of material to study and ponder there.
I would l very much ike to say something more, to contribute some insights, but it’s so well written that there’s nothing I can add! Thank heaven for a brilliant compatriot like Dr. MacDonald. He compensates for all the morons and lunatics who infest the movement. He gives us hope that right and reason will prevail.
4 April, 2009 at 7:34 pm
i found Edward Norton in American History X quite sexy. I’d be happy to find a man like that.