19 June, 2009

Medicated or Self-Medicated?

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Socrates, women at 1:30 am | Permanent Link

Another anti-male myth bites the dust:


  • 5 Responses to “Medicated or Self-Medicated?”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Is it men’s fault that women can’t hold their liquor? Those broads are adults, too, so they need to take responsibility for their actions just like the guys are expected to do. And you’re right, another Jew-Dyke-Feminist piece of anti-White male propaganda has been exposed as a lie. What really infuriates me is when some woman can falsely accuse a man of sexual assualt and that guy’s face and name gets in all the papers, but the lying woman’s identity is concealed. Death to the so-called “free” press.

    2. lawrence dennis Says:

      From the article:

      The researchers said they did not identify a single case where a sedative drug was likely to have been placed illegally in a drink in a pub or nightclub.

      The study also showed that many people remained in denial, with more than a third still believing they had been victims of drink spiking, irrespective of test results which disproved this….

      Note the substitution of the word “people” for “women.”

      This ridiculous idea that women were being “drugged and raped” by men all over the place gained enormous attention via the absurd tale told by the horrid jewess Andrea Dworkin:


      “The day I was drugged and raped”

      Last year, the feminist author Andrea Dworkin was slipped an amnesiac drug in her drink. She was then raped. She describes her terrifying ordeal exclusively for the New Statesman.

    3. Luek Says:

      When this skank kicked it in 2005 at age 58 she had to have weighed in at over 350+ lbs. It was probably physically impossible for heterosexual intercourse to have taken place due to the enormous layers of fat around her pelvic area. She was a life long queer and liar anyway.

    4. -jc Says:

      Yes, it is a gentleman’s responsibility to protect women, as opposed to victimize them.

      With regard to this article on one piece of research, there is an old saying: One swallow doesn’t make a summer. I wouldn’t be too quick to believe that the usual suspects are not distributing these drugs.


      Date rape drugs explained and de-mystified.

      In recent years a new kind of rape threat has reared it’s ugly head at parties, on campuses and in nightclubs – so called “predator” or “date rape” drugs. What exactly are date rape drugs? Technically speaking, any substance that renders you incapable of saying no or asserting yourself and your needs can be used to commit rape. This can include things like alcohol, marijuana or other street drugs, designer or club drugs like ecstasy, over-the-counter sleeping pills and antihistamines, even cold medications. However, the term “date rape drug” usually applies to the drugs [hyperlinks in the original article] Rohypnol, Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate (GHB) and Ketamine Hydrochloride.

      So how do you know if you have fallen victim to a rape using a date rape drug? It is difficult, but not impossible. First, there are some very clear signs that sexual activity has taken place even if you have no memory of actually “doing it.” (It is important to note here that if you have had sex but can not remember doing it or offering consent you have been raped under the law, whether a date rape drug has been used or not.) Signs that a sexual assault has taken place can include; soreness or bruising in the genital area, soreness or bruising in the anal area, bruising on the inner and/or outer thighs, bruising on the wrists and forearms, defensive bruising or scratching (the kind that would occur during a struggle), used condoms near you or in nearby garbage containers, and traces of semen or vaginal fluids on clothes, body or nearby furniture. Since people who have been slipped a date rape drug appear to others to be very intoxicated, an extremely reliable sign that you have been raped using a date rape drug is gossip from others about your behavior or the behavior of those around you. Aside from indications of sexual activity, other clues that a date rape drug may have been given to you include: feeling “hung-over” despite having ingested little or no alcohol, a sense of having had hallucinations or very “real” dreams, fleeting memories of feeling or acting intoxicated despite having taken no drugs or drinking no alcohol, no clear memory of events during an 8 to 24 hour period with no known reason for the memory lapse, and stories from others about how intoxicated you seemed at a time when you know you had taken no drugs, medications or alcohol. Short of being told that you have been given a date rape drug, there is no way to be sure without medical testing. If you suspect that you have been given a date rape drug you need to get to a hospital quickly and you must request that you be properly tested. The drugs can be found in your system if you act quickly. If you suspect that you have been raped using any one of these drugs go to a hospital and request a preliminary rape exam with testing for date rape drugs. This is the only way to know for sure.

      The Mestizo Menace by Dr. William Pierce
      ADV Broadcast Date: 04-18-1998

      Many American college students visit Mexico during their Easter breaks. How many know about the dangers they may encounter there? Robbery, violent assault, and rape (with or without the “date rape” drug, Rohypnol being used) are common. The Mexican often police ignore these crimes — when they aren’t taking an active part as perpetrators…

    5. Igor Alexander Says:

      Feminists cook up bogus rape statistics, stir up “roofies” hysteria, and expand the definition of rape to include such dubious concepts as “date rape,” but conspicuously avoid dealing with the fact that black males are the most prolific rapists on the planet. You rarely if ever hear a feminist talk about the rape epidemic that engulfed South Africa after Apartheid was repealed. Why is that?

      Many white males, blinded by chivalry, don’t grasp just how profoundly these feminist cunts hate them. Save your chivalry for the women who truly deserve it, guys.