UN Investigates Possible Hoomun Rites Violations in US Housing
Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', AmeriKwa, global government, globalization, international Jewry, jewed culture, jewed finance, Socrates, subprime loans, UN, UN founders at 10:46 am | 
The subprime home-loan crisis hit muds especially hard, since they’re financially irresponsible, so the JewN is going to investigate, even though it has no legal authority in the U.S. It’s comedy, without a laugh track:
27 October, 2009 at 12:11 pm
Why not? We’re rapidly approaching Third world status. The UN team should show up in what’s left of Detroit, MI on Halloween eve. It wouldn’t be too much different than watching the folks in downtown Harare, on any given Friday night.
31 October, 2009 at 9:56 am
Be aware of the local hodge-podge real estate brokers who will send you notices in the mail about receiving quick cash if you sell your home. If you sell your home, they will resell it to non-Whites with low interest. Low interest home loans are now quite pervasive while credit card interest rates are skyrocketing.
31 October, 2009 at 10:13 am
It’s no secret as the economy tumbles and layoffs are popular, Whites who have a house and can’t find work will be the first to sell their homes while the job market and the financial market are favoring non-Whites. It wouldn’t surprise me if the majority of Whites are credit card holders and are going to be paying out of their butts to support this new program for non-Whites by giving them low interest home loans.
The media is lying when they tell you that minorities (non-Whites) are hardest hit by the lack of jobs. I have seen many times and many times over the years how easily non-Whites get hired for jobs, and I later find out why, first hand, why I wasn’t employed by certain companies. I personally see this over and over, over the years and it has not changed. Some of these companies are run by jews/crypto jews.
This country is no doubt run by a bunch of idiots who have no business being in this country. They are bunch of degrading, hateful, communists who are traitors to the U.S. who are in business to ruin the lives of Whites and bring this country down to the level of Mexico.