The Pulsating Kidney, a Jewish Fairy Tale
Posted by alex in jewish atrocity fantasies, Jewish greed, Jewish lies, jewish scam artists, jews, jews jewing jewily at 12:55 am | 
It never ends with these people. Each lie bigger than the last. And the vershtoopide goyim eat it up, particularly the women, see the comments. Anything that comes from authority and makes an emotional appeal is accepted as true by 95% of women with absolutely no thought involved, and, as the comments show, great horror at any man who dares invoke a little reason and logic. [Article]
20 December, 2009 at 2:58 am
When cross-examination of the witness is illegal, any story can be invented. Someone should start a contest thread “make up the wildest holocaust survivor story you can”. Here’s mine:
“I was 5 years old in Auschwitz, pregnant and with twins, and had already been to 7 other camps. Gassed at each one twice, I somehow miraculously survived. There, at Auschwitz, I won my age group’s 100m breaststroke at the pool. It was hard though, swimming in a pool full of blood from Mengele’s experiments, still warm. On the day before our camp was taken over by the allies, I had had liposuction (there was a communication mixup and the guards thought I was fat, instead of pregnant). They made soap from the fat, and skinned me and made lamp shades with it. Luckily as the allies invaded, the guards ran and I attached the skin back to my body, it didn’t even leave any scars.”
20 December, 2009 at 3:02 am
You poor, poor lady. Will you come speak at my elementary school?
20 December, 2009 at 3:46 am
Yes, I vill kum to shpeek at your shkool, Herr Linder. My ushual shpeeking fee iss 5 touzant dollarz, payable in kash und in advance, if you pleez. Und if you haff any little schvatzes at your shkool, I vill tell dem about de nice schvatze Amerikan zoldier who saved me from de Nazi zoap faktory. Dat vill be an additional one touzant dollarz. I kan alzo change de shtory so dat de Amerikan zoldier who saved me vas a shpik or a Chinamen.
20 December, 2009 at 4:44 am
Anything that comes from authority and makes an emotional appeal is accepted as true by 95% of women with absolutely no thought involved, and, as the comments show, great horror at any man who dares invoke a little reason and logic.
I have seen that myself, up close and personal. Sometimes, I hate my sex.
20 December, 2009 at 5:06 am
Something that’s always puzzled me about the soap story: If the Nazis thought jews were such filthy vermin, why would they want to rub bars made of jewish fat against their naked bodies? Does that make any sense?
20 December, 2009 at 5:11 am
One might also ask where all this jewish fat was coming from, since the holohoaxers also tell us that jews in the camps were deliberately starved to look like human skeletons. Can’t have it both ways.
20 December, 2009 at 5:17 am
Something that’s always puzzled me about the soap story: If the Nazis thought jews were such filthy vermin, why would they want to rub bars made of jewish fat against their naked bodies? Does that make any sense?
Ah, the soap was for the other Jews in the camp. Um, wait, if the Jews were there to be gassed, why did they need soap? Well, we’ll think of something. We always do.
20 December, 2009 at 6:47 am
“Human skeletons”? I meant to say “walking skeletons.”
20 December, 2009 at 6:56 am
“Um, wait, if the Jews were there to be gassed, why did they need soap?”
Maybe they needed soap to wash themselves in the showers. But wait… I thought those showers were fake and were really gas chambers.
I know — some of the showers were real and some of them were fake. The jews that couldn’t work were gassed so they could be turned into soap so that the ones who did work could wash themselves. Yeah, it all makes perfect sense now. Sorry I ever doubted you, jews.
20 December, 2009 at 7:08 am
One thing you have to admire about the Nazis is how good their entire Holocaust plan was for the environment. Rather than cut down trees to make lampshades, they made the lampshades with skin that would’ve just gone to waste otherwise. Rather than kill innocent farm animals or waste precious vegetable oils to make soap, they just recycled the fat of the gassed. The Nazis were one lean, mean, green machine.
If Hitler had won the war, the polar bears wouldn’t be drowning as I write this.
20 December, 2009 at 7:17 am
When you think about it, lampshades made of jewish hide give a new meaning to Israel being a “light unto the nations,” don’t they?
20 December, 2009 at 12:11 pm
You’re right. The comments are more unbelievable than the actual story!
20 December, 2009 at 1:19 pm
I wonder for how many more years these survivors are going to keep turning up. Eventually, say by 2045 any survivor will have to be at least 100 years and would have been an infant at the time. Wonder what horrors they will remember from their infancy in the camps ?
This spin can continue for decades more, with grandma, or greatgrandpa’s ‘secret diary’ of memories from their internment,’ found’ and the amazing stories published and marketed on Good Morning America and the rest of the mainstream sheep herders.
20 December, 2009 at 1:47 pm
The story of soap made from Jewish fat has been firmly debunked as a hoax. Even Jew-loyal historians agree with that. Just like it is a clear fact and always have been that the Dutch Jew Lubbe burned the German parliament; he was arrested on the scene, he had used his own clothes to start the fire (he was deranged), and he confessed.
But both stories are falsified and told over and over.
Have you heard the one about the Jewess who saw an SS officer stand on the roof to a gas chamber, open a lid and drop a large pill in a liquid, before quickly closing it again? This is how an amateur in the 1940s might imagine that poisonous gas works. It was completely false, of course. But even so, I have seen that scene used in a Jew-produced movie.
Lying is to Jew like breathing is to White.
21 December, 2009 at 1:03 am
“Why is it that when holocaust stories are published, it raises a whole bunch of cynics and sceptics who dissect every possible angle of the story?
The issue here is – the reality of people from many differing places who all attest to a shared experience, not planted, false or collaborated memories – but the genuine recollections of those who suffered under the nazis, however hazy that memory may have become after 65 years. ”
I think it’s high time for the holocaust deniers to read the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials and also the testimony of Adolf Eichmann.
– ex pat Brit, Tel Aviv, Israel, 13/12/2009
Read more:
Why are there cynics? Because jews like you are full of shit, which is exactly what happened in jew camps. You jews came down with Typhus and shit all over yourselves. Instead of telling the truth about how you shit all over yourselves, you rather make up bull-shit lies about pulsating kidneys, which doesn’t exist. There is NO such thing as a pulsating kidney.
Mr. Ganon is only a victim of shitting all over himself. However, I am sure he was praying like hell for someone to kill him or to be gassed to rid of lice.
21 December, 2009 at 5:45 am
Don’t see much quality control in holohoax tales these days: Zisblatt’s shit diamonds, the angel at the fence, now pulsating kidneys. The stories are becoming less realistic, the jews seem unable to moderate their own bullshit.
21 December, 2009 at 8:29 am
The stories were never believable in the first place. I mean, jews electrocuted en masse on giant electric plates? Jews being steamed to death? Jews being ripped apart by bears? The only thing that’s kept the hoax going is that they get to frame the debate through control of the media and academia, along with criminal prosecution for those who question.
21 December, 2009 at 8:38 am
What’s curious is that if the hoaxers had toned it down, they could have told a story that no one in six million years would have figured out was false. They just couldn’t help themselves from going over the top, from thumbing their noses at us, from injecting the whole thing with inside jokes and black humor.
21 December, 2009 at 8:43 am
“The story of soap made from Jewish fat has been firmly debunked as a hoax. Even Jew-loyal historians agree with that.”
And yet, the MSM continues touting it as true, and people continue to believe it.
21 December, 2009 at 8:46 am
“I think it’s high time for the holocaust deniers to read the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials and also the testimony of Adolf Eichmann.”
Holocaust denier Arthur Butz did read those transcripts. The outcome? He wrote a book called Hoax of the 20th Century.
Now go fuck yourself you lying piece of shit.
21 December, 2009 at 9:35 am
Stay Classy Igor.
21 December, 2009 at 12:11 pm
“What’s curious is that if the hoaxers had toned it down, they could have told a story that no one in six million years would have figured out was false. They just couldn’t help themselves from going over the top, from thumbing their noses at us, from injecting the whole thing with inside jokes and black humor.”
That’s what I meant to say, there’s more scrutiny now than ever but instead of toning it down the recent tales have been absolutely ridiculous.
21 December, 2009 at 7:46 pm
I wonder how much more fantastic the Jews’ Holohoax fairy tales will become in ten years’ time? Will they include stories of mass-cannibalism and bizarre human sacrifice rituals? Giant laboratory facilities with Jew fetusus being grown in aquarium tanks for research and harvesting? How much further can the goyim’s credulity…. and patience….. be stretched?
22 December, 2009 at 5:08 am
“Stay Classy Igor.”
Sorry, anger gets the best of me sometimes.
22 December, 2009 at 3:29 pm
Oy veh!! My kidney’s pulsating for crying out loud! Take it out already! Look at it!! It’s pulsating! You can close up those last stitches later, Doc, I need to clean up this mess.
Why don’t you go to the doctor grandpa?
You think I’m going to take out the doctor’s trash again?
Really blows my mind to think anyone would believe this.
22 December, 2009 at 3:31 pm
I think stories like this one about the pulsating kidney should be read with a Gabe Kaplan type accent. Maybe even once in a while do a Groucho Marx eyebrow raising thing.
22 December, 2009 at 4:07 pm
Hilarious commentary, Herr 2050…..
“The Pulsating Kidney”….It sounds like an old Vaudeville routine. Didn’t George Burns used to make jokes about his pulsating kidney, too?
22 December, 2009 at 4:08 pm
While tapping on his cigar, of course….
22 December, 2009 at 11:19 pm
“Rather than kill innocent farm animals or waste precious vegetable oils to make soap, they just recycled the fat of the gassed. The Nazis were one lean, mean, green machine.”
So the Third Reich left a small carbon footprint? Mazel Tov!
That story is just another example of the Big Lie principle in action. Boobus Americanus has competition apparently, in the form of Angleterrus Prattum, if the comments section is to be believed. Pullets begging for the hatchet.
New slogan.. “109th in 2012”
28 December, 2009 at 7:53 pm
Dear Doug,
One does not require any more outlandish methods of death for Jewish ‘Holocaust Victims’ than those testified to at Nuremberg. Every ridiculous claim made by ‘witnesses’ was lapped up by tribunal officials without a single investigation being conducted to verify any testimony. That was worse than a Kangaroo Court. Even the gassings, which are sort of the last resort for Jewish Orthodox Holocaust Historians, are now disproven. The sole means by which these liars sustain their fairytale of persecution is by convincing our political leaders to enact laws which designate “Hate Crimes” if some Jew is ‘offended’ by such heretical discussions. They (Jews) have adopted the liberal SMR (“Scalded Monkey Routine”) to display at the first sign that someone is questioning the data on their precious canard. Without this polished display of indignance, Jews are left helpless against the onslaught of Revisionist discoveries. I am actually trying to PROVE the so-called “Holocaust”, with unimpeachable exhibits. So far, I have only experienced the Jewish campaign to silence any Doubting Thomases.
28 December, 2009 at 10:46 pm
The founding fathers really didn’t want Women voting. They didn’t want imbeciles or mental defectivies voting either. The way to insure that was to allow only land-owners to be citizens with voting rights. In some cases, widow’s became land owners, and were allowed to vote.
The stout realistic thinking founders knew that women were emotional creatures, and could not be trusted to be rational, or vote rationally. We see this principle in action today: If a woman is married, with children, and is dependent on her husband for her welfare, and she lives in a low tax area, then virtually 100% of the time she is a conservative republican voter. If this same woman divorces her husband and becomes dependent on the state, she becomes a liberal democrat. If a woman is living in a highly taxed state like Massachusets, where she perceives that goodies come from the government, then she will almost always vote liberal. It is interesting how quickly a woman can flip her operating philosophy based entirely on her security needs.
The break up of the family then means that more “females” can be driven into the government camp. Once there they will vote for all kinds of “ties that bind” and put the rest of us into virtual slavery. Guess who invented Communism? Guess who are always cultural communists e.g. liberals? Guess who are always inserting cultural viruses designed to weaken families and to weaken democratic instititutions? Guess who is behind the current push for health care reform? Yes, our Jewish friends can always be counted on to push for every culturaly destructive idea on the planet. Fortunately for them, they have a lot of soft headed women as allies.
Replacement immigration, where brown people replace whites in America is yet another Jewish idea. The Southern Povertly Law Center is a Jewish Front Organization constantly defending illegal aliens rights. However, some Jews are seeing that the policy is suicidal:
29 December, 2009 at 4:37 pm
What’s this “Women Voting” protest about? Just as blacks vote for candidates who portend to favor their group, and latins/asians/caucasians select candidates based upon their perception that the government will be their personal protection agency, the political process has managed to Balkanize our nation into rival factions. I worked for the government, and I can confidently inform all of you that the less you count on that fouled up outfit, the better off you are. Our government has expanded into regions unheralded, with powers the Founding Fathers toiled diligently to prevent them from attaining. We now FEAR our elected officials, as they tighten down the screws of control to thwart ‘terrorism’, but in reality, our government has become as tyrannical as any Russian Jewish Commissar. The state populations vote to disallow gay marriage, and the government forces us to sanction it. We want to set up businesses, and the government heaps regulations upon struggling upstarts, who cannot afford the soaring costs of compliance. We are taxed, feed, fined, foibled (Casinos, porn, alcohol, etc) and funded into penury. Whether you vote for a “Pro-Women” candidate, or some inbred cracker, the results are the same. Remember this paraphrased monicker: “Tweedle ‘D’ and Tweedle ‘R'”. It matters not who you vote for, because the political process will always turn out similar results.
2 January, 2010 at 10:46 pm
Well, it didn’t take long before the Jews here suffered yet another “Hate Attack” at one their synagogues. Just a few months ago, a different local synagogue was defaced with Nazi Symbols!! OY VEY!. (That event coincided with the Jewish ‘celebration’ of Krystallknacht. How fortuitous..) Not to be outdone, this latest episode has their hallowed property spray painted with 666s, Stars of David, swastikas, and other manifestions of a budding neo-Nazi uprising. Of course, if it is found out by police that the Rabbis themselves had done these things, we in the goyim world would not hear about that. (If we did, the Jews would instantly portray the Rabbi as a closet gentile, or someone who’s “confused…” about their religious…uhhh, we’ll get back to you. I’m really tired of this B.S. being broadcast without a single reference to past self-inflicted property damage which was committed by the Jews themselves. It really does go to the heart of the matter: If someone doesn’t “Hate” Jews enough, Jews will create the image that they do.
22 March, 2010 at 1:10 am
Here’s an op-ed I wrote for reporters notebook a while back.
It was entitled “Interview with a Jew”.
B.S. (Benjamin Steinstein)
R.A. (Radio Announcer)
N.R.A. (NEW Radio Announcer)
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have with us tonight on Station WINE Mister Benjamin Steinstein: Billionaire real estate mogul, eminent author, philosopher, and survivor of the Holocaust.
Good evening Mr. Steinstein, and welcome to the….Sir, may I ask what you are doing with that cellphone?”
B.S. “Yes, I am conducting a communications check vwith the ADL. You know ADL, don’t you? They can rruin yourr carreerr in vwone hourr…..”
R.A. “I see. Uhh, Mr. Steinstein, you’ve had quite a life sir. Can you tell us about your struggles?”
B.S. “Oooooyyy! Soch hiterred. Soch prrejudice! No vwone vwould leesin to me because I’m Jewish. Somehow, I managed to rrise above the hiterred, and make some mawney in rreal estate.”
R.A. “I see, sir. And you were a witness to the Holocaust, is that correct?”
B.S. “Yes, I vwas therre. I sowah bodies boining, I vwashed myself with soap made frrom my fatherr’s fat. I sowah leetle babies pourred into firre. Lampshades….OOyyyyy.”
R.A. “Mr. Steinstein, you’re only 56 years old sir. How could you remember so much detail about the Holocaust if you weren’t born until after the event?”
B.S. “I vwas conceived during last parrt of Vworrld Vwarr Two. So I am offeecially veectum”
R.A. “I was wondering, if you weren’t born yet….Uhh, Mr. Steinstein, what are you doing with your phone, sir”?
B.S. “Let’s see: ADL, Speed Dial, poosh button, vwait forr operratorr, ask forr Foxman….”
R.A. “Oh, uhh, we’ll dispense with that question sir. How is your mother doing?”
B.S. “Shee is sofferring, oyy. She can’t forrget terrible camp called “Vwolzek”
R.A. “Uhh, Mr. Steinstein, Wolzek didn’t exist, sir. That name was invented by Mr. Hoss to include in his confession, and to covertly inform people that he was tortured into signing the confession. It didn’t exist, sir”
B.S. “Let’s see: Poosh ‘Speed Dial’, vwait forr tone….”
R.A. “Okay, okay, Mr. Steinstein, we’ll push on. Did you actually witness a gassin of Jews, sir?”
B.S. “Yes, I vwas therre in Dachau! Ooyyyyyy. It vwas terrible!! 10 meelion Jews vwerre gassed vwith Zyklon B in 10 seconds!”
R.A. “Forgive me, Mr. Steinstein, but I find that difficult to believe. I mean, even one of you vaunted “Nazi Hunters” stated there were no gassings in Germany, and 10 million Jews gassed at once? I…..What are doing now, sir?”
B.S. “VWHAT?! You imperrtinent goy! I’m going to end yourr carreErr tonight, VWITH PRREJUDICE!!!”
R.A. “With ‘prejudice? What does that mean. sir?”
B.S. “You’ll find out in yourr next menial job, you putz!”
N.R.A. “We will return to our interview with Mr. Benjamin Steinstein, who will now publish a new book: ‘With Prejudice: How I ended the Career of a Revisionist Radio Host”
11 April, 2010 at 3:03 pm
Here’s a song parody about the Holocaust. Sung to “Ghost Riders in the Sky”
“In 1942 there was a camp on Polish ground
Where several million Jews were gassed and cremated by Krauts
But when the liberators came, they found a few thin Jews
Who fabricated tales, that their offspring now abuse
OY VEYYY, Six Million we say!
Gross liars in our eyes
In 1985 a trial was held north of our land
To prosecute a brave man who dared question such a scam
His research was a heretical, Neo Nazi ploy
To prove it never happened, and notify the goy
Gross liars in our eyes
When two key Jewish witnesses were questioned under oath
Their Kol Nidre kicked in, and they were licensed to invoke
Hearsay, rumors and camp exaggerations as their ‘proof’
Now even though their lie’s exposed, they still appear aloof
Gross liars in our eyes
The brave man was convicted in a kangaroo affair
That was similar to Nuremberg, and all the cast was there
To warn us pliant gentiles of the dangers if we choose
To question Jewish ‘Victims’, and kill their Golden Goose
Big liars in our eyes”
19 April, 2010 at 1:08 am
Here’s another parody. Sung to “These are a few of My Favorite Things”
“Gentiles arre upset by Mel Gibson’s movie
Vwhile we Jews hide after scams so uncouthy
But vwe can toin this around vwith a fling
Dese arre a few of ourr favorrite things:
Svwastikas painted by Rrabbi hate junkies
Fake phone thrreats called-in by JDL flunkies
Flat tirres and brroken glass shine in the sprring
Dese arre a few of ourr favorrite things
Vwhen those Bushies, kiss ourr tushies
Vwe just pat them vwith ourr paws
Then vwe starrt vwhining no vwone likes us Jews
And congrress enacts Hate Laws
Now vwe have PNAC to piss off the Arrabs
Take all theirr oil vwithout paying tarriffs
If someone grripes you know vwhat vwill we sing
Dese arre a few of ourr favorite things”