Taiwan: Big Jew’s Official Excuse for an America/China War?
Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton, China, Germany, jewed China, jewed culture, Maoism, Marxism-Leninism, war, war as a racket, World War II at 2:09 pm | 
by Arch Stanton.
I first wrote Alex about the coming war with China around ten years ago. Through the ensuing years, I have written about this subject repeatedly. Now others are beginning to see the handwriting on the wall. If you know and understand the jews, it is no stretch to realize that war is their most profitable means of extracting wealth from host cultures while, at the same time, providing a focus on something that evokes the strong emotions of fear and terror. When the people are consumed by such emotions, then the jews’ theft and corruption can slither by unnoticed. This was the case with the so-called “great depression.” (It was only great for the jews). But remember, as the depression dragged on, Germany began driving the jew bankers, financiers and speculators from its midst. As a result, the jews brought various economic forces to bear that would result in the second great war. This war would serve not only to distract the western world from its economic plight, but would allow jew bankers huge profits as well. The sheenies then took a portion of the profits generated by their bloated war machine and dribbled it down to the goyim suckers fighting and dying in what they perceived to be a patriotic cause. Henry Ford said, and I paraphrase, “Round up the top two hundred jew money men and all your wars will cease.” More poignant were the last words of Eva Braun:
“I must write you these words so that you will not feel sad over our end here in the shelter. It is rather we who are filled with sorrow because it is your fate to live on into the chaos that will follow.”
Eva, you were so right…
10 February, 2010 at 10:17 am
Thanks for the alibi, no I’m Wink Martindale from Bocephus Illinois
10 February, 2010 at 2:31 pm
THE Wink Martindale? Oh shit, let me get my autograph book!
10 February, 2010 at 3:07 pm
Deuteronomy 28-You stupid, blind white folk.
10 February, 2010 at 4:47 pm
Someday we’ll be rid of the Jews and of Christianity…Someday.
10 February, 2010 at 11:05 pm
Someday you will face Christ and His judgement I pray (if you are really white) that you will be saved. You claim to be for your race but you are only for your self interest and inflating your ego. If you were honest with yourself you would realize that historically it is undeniable that the white race are the Israelites of the bible.
Repent , you are the reason why the white race suffers(if you are truly white?) you have denied the true living God and His redemption through Christ. You will never be rid of true Christianity because it has no beginning or no end. You Mr. Green are destroying your race!
10 February, 2010 at 11:13 pm
If your Christ has something he wants to say to me, I’m in the phone book.
12 February, 2010 at 10:39 pm
Just HOW is he destroying his race, Blackwatch? Can you explain, without resorting to vague, blanket statements?
And why can’t he have his opinions and you have yours? He is not preventing you from having your religion, if that’s what you need to keep functioning. So let him have his. Can’t you tolerate diversity of opinion?
13 February, 2010 at 12:05 am
{And why can’t he have his opinions and you have yours? He is not preventing you from having your religion, if that’s what you need to keep functioning. So let him have his. Can’t you tolerate diversity of opinion?}
Ein, that is one of the biggest problems I have with Xianity, ie, its Asiatic intolerance of other points of view. Our pagan ancestors always respected the gods of those they conquered. But the Christians will not even grant that much to those whom they have defeated.
And the various Xian sects are always at each other’s throats, with each accusing the other of “heresy” and so forth. That kind of fractiousness doesn’t appeal to me at all. Their religion has no respect/interest in Nature, Reason, Life or Race. As a Christian, you are expected to just give up your identity as a human being and submit like a farm animal to the Xian god(s). Well, I am not a sheep and I do not submit like one.
But yes, by all means, believe whatever you want. Just don’t push it on me.
But why do I even bother going through all this? I’m sure that Blackwatch character is long gone by now. But I expect he’ll be replaced by some other fanatic soon enough.
13 February, 2010 at 7:55 am
It’s all bull. if China wants something they will take it. I mean who is going to stop them?? They are a machine.
15 February, 2010 at 3:57 am
“I’m sure that Blackwatch character is long gone by now. But I expect he’ll be replaced by some other fanatic soon enough.”
15 March, 2010 at 1:32 pm
I, as well, possess a pit-bull who may be the most trusting animal I have ever owned. Soon, a brand new dog breed will arrive together to the media to blast, as they have accomplished rotties and dobies in prior many years. Unfortunate that media sensationalism breeds much inaccurate facts.