Another White Country Wrecked by International, Jewish Money-Magic But Borrowing More From Global Outfit
Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, Big Finance, globalization, Iceland, interest payments, international Jewry, jewed culture, jewed finance, Jewish money-magic, money, Socrates at 4:47 pm | 
Saaaay, what a Jewy idea! Maybe they can borrow their way to solvency, like they do in America. Borrow, spend, borrow, spend – it’s almost as satisfying as masturbation! (Trivia: the Jew, Harry Dexter White, deserves most of the credit for the creation of the IMF):
9 April, 2010 at 5:28 pm
This kind of bitching & whining from WNs disgusts me. Quit complaining that we don’t have control. Take matters into your own hands and start working on projects (or help me with mine) that will help us set our people free.
9 April, 2010 at 6:58 pm
That Pollack Tomacz may be on to something, but would a decentralized, usury-free barter/local currency system be practical for some of the more complex financial transactions that people and businesses have to make? I mean, we’re not back in the Middle Ages yet.
When you think about it, what is money? It’s nothing, really, just an abstract concept. It has no substance. You can’t see it. Dollar bills aren’t money, they just “represent” it. You can’t eat it, you can’t make love to it. Yet wars and revolutions are launched for its sake, women marry for it, men will risk their lives for it, people kill themselves if they lose it, reputations rise and fall because of it………..Nice work, Jews, nice work.
9 April, 2010 at 7:04 pm
You Are Fucking Disgusting,
No Miller, Just Right.
Go To Hell You Racist Asshole
10 April, 2010 at 4:11 am
I keep explaining to confused non-WN that banks don’t LEND anything, how can they ‘lend’ something they don’t have, they merely DISPENSE credit.
Credit means the White man has the privilege of working his balls off for 25 years to pay a mortgage the jew bankster hopes he can foreclose.
10 April, 2010 at 8:07 am
“Meggan Says:
9 April, 2010 at 7:04 pm
You Are Fucking Disgusting,
No Miller, Just Right.
Go To Hell You Racist Asshole”
At the risk of being narcissistic, I do hope Meggan’s comments, however nonsensical, were directed at me!!!!!!!!
10 April, 2010 at 11:46 am
Dearest Merkgun,
You can always tell the Teen Mom Set by the cute-sy spellings their prescription drug-addled Boomer parents butcher traditional names with. Perhaps this “enlightened” Raceless Blackhole can get busy gifting the world with it’s first poly-racial spawn, which it will name “Megggan” or “Treauxl”.
As some wag once said to Joan Jett..”Go squat on a snowcone”.
10 April, 2010 at 5:41 pm
You can always tell the Teen Mom Set by the cute-sy spellings their prescription drug-addled Boomer parents butcher traditional names with. Perhaps this “enlightened” Raceless Blackhole can get busy gifting the world with it’s first poly-racial spawn, which it will name “Megggan” or “Treauxl”.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
I hear ya. Absolutely! You’re so right.
But the no-brains Evangelical set are just as bad.
How about naming your sons “Trek” and “Track” , for instance?
What more remains to be said?
10 April, 2010 at 6:25 pm
Socrates, thanks for this link from the IMF website proving that the Jew Harry Dexter White was the primary architect of the IMF. I wasn’t aware of this fact.
10 April, 2010 at 10:02 pm
In the seventies I called it International Mother Fucker. I’ve outgrown the expression, and seldom use it.
11 April, 2010 at 3:07 am
11 April, 2010 at 12:25 pm
“That Pollack Tomacz may be on to something, but would a decentralized, usury-free barter/local currency system be practical for some of the more complex financial transactions that people and businesses have to make?” – Tim McGreen
I think he’s referring to the “micro-communities” idea of GT over at MR. Creating small scale economies in rural areas, that sort of thing. James Bowery of MR and GT and Maguire of FAEM have been discussing the white micro-communities thing for years. It’s never gotten off the ground, though, probably because the time for it is not yet right.
“But the no-brains Evangelical set are just as bad.” – Henry
The level of culture-distortion is so extreme that many protestants these days see themselves as descendants of Hebrews, as if the Bible were their own history. They have pretty much lost their identity as Germanics.
I fear the US is very fucked from a racial standpoint.
11 April, 2010 at 3:19 pm
Notice how Germanics are always portrayed negatively in English-speaking countries? And I don’t just mean the usual anti-Nazi stuff, either. The German tribes who lived on the northern edges of the Roman Empire were “barbarians”. The Germans in WWI were “Huns”. The Hessians who fought with the British in the Revolutionary War were “mercenaries”. 18th and 19th Century Prussia was “militaristic”. Modern Germany is “xenophobic” and “unwilling” to face its “dark past”. The only time Germany gets a break from villification is during the decadent, Jew-controlled Weimar Republic era of the 1920s.
11 April, 2010 at 7:12 pm
In my experience Germans are the most intelligent, honest and hard working people on the planet.
11 April, 2010 at 10:55 pm
Gotta love jew sophistry/logomachy.
All civilizations begin with “barbarians”, yes the Germanics of the 5th century were unsophisticated warrior tribes – but look at the glories they went on to create, unsurpassed on this world.
By contrast, the jew is not and never was civilized but rather is the parasite upon civilizations, as much now as he was in the days of Egypt or Rome.
12 April, 2010 at 8:16 am
A little off topic, but the neo-communits seems to be increasing in Utah. “Oh, let us not forget the Holocaust.” In addition, the governor likes diversity even if the Holocaust is one sided. Here’s a link if anyone likes to join in on the fun and commment on what really did happen and the senseless massacre of 40 million Germans even after WWII ended. And, maybe throw in the fact about the Bolsheviks and their murder of at least 20 million Whites and why they never receive any recognition for their deaths. It’s time to educate the public. :)
16 April, 2010 at 9:35 pm
Utah is the whitest state I’ve ever travelled through. Everyone I encountered there was charming, almost disarmingly so. I even got a kick out of having to leave a restauraunt to go next door and buy a bottle of Cal’ Red wine and have it decanted-the restauraunts were all “dry” back when I was last there..not so sure about now. Don’t be too hard on these folks, they simply don’t know, unlike those of us in seaboard states or Texas.. what it is they’re up against. Sure, their leader-class of professional liars does, but then they are not the “good government” the vast majority needs in order for them not to make a wreck of things. To give the Mormons SOME credit, they have been the slowest to turn their flock over to the mind-molding of the “dirtshitty” artistes..when you talk to individual Mormons about their sliding they a grudging fashion..about how they’re “getting with the times”.
Since the majority of Americans can’t seem to throw off the Semitic Cult yoke…one hopes that there will splits from within these groups along racial lines. like the renegade Catholic groups that reject the Vatican and the reformations and have taken a pro-European (if not necessarily racial) stance. It’s about all you can hope for with things as they are now.
As Grandpa used to say “We live in the times we live in..the conditions were in place for it to be that way”. Dire old German, he wasn’t much for making folks comfortable. Bless him.